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Wishlist: Injustice Character Roster + DLC Wishlist Thread


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.

Holy crap do I want this. The Ray was in my first ever DC comic and visually I've still never seen anything like him. The Ray one shotted Superboy and keeps popping up in teams and events. Complete mastery of energy, beams, flight, durability, light speed, energy form that heals him, energy absorption...God he's like one of the biggest power houses from DC's golden age of heroes and he still isn't getting any stage time. He's like Captain Atom meets Dr Light meets CRACK.

Ridiculous hype for this guy folks. Not even joking when I say I'm making a zbrush model of him based off of this game and all his old outfits just out of hype. Currently he's still just in placeholder texture stages and has a lot more sculpting to do, but so far the prototype homage of him is looking good enough finally to use as a base to build up from into something detailed enough to be proud of later.

Please put The Ray in Injustice for me Nether Realm or put me out of my misery.
I would like to see Ambush Bug as a 4th wall breaking NPC character, who guides you through certain things.

When it comes to the roster I would really like to see Apollo and Midnighter in the game. I don't think they're that well known, because they used to be Wildstorm in the past, but now they're a part of the regular DC Universe, so ...
Lobo is a great example for a not so well known character as well, who would really fit well into the game in my eyes.

I personally want to have Red Hood, since he is my favorite DC character so ... but if he doesn't make it in, I guess I'll have to get happy with Nightwing who is numbero due for me.

Not sure about Parasite. Is he a little known character? He was quite often in the animated series, so I'm not sure. I think he could be a decent character to play as. He could suck the energy out of his opponents and heal himself, also steal their power set and switch between their powers and his own powers with the usage of the gimmick button or something like that.


Bison of Beat Downs
Generic goon #8. He gets like no love while everyone's all over generic goon's #1-7. He just wants some love too.


Play Monster Hunter!
I don't want to kill your high, but that's just a comic that probably has nothing to do with the actual game.
All the character symbols on it don't really match the ones in the game.
Also Robin is not going to be in the game, there not going to let you beat the shit out of a 10 year old boy until he is bloody and his clothes are all ripped up.

MM is still probably in the game though, I think you can hear his voice in the new trailer, at least it kinda sounds like him.


Lose without excuses
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Premium Supporter
I don't want to kill your high, but that's just a comic that probably has nothing to do with the actual game.
All the character symbols on it don't really match the ones in the game.
Also Robin is not going to be in the game, there not going to let you beat the shit out of a 10 year old boy until he is bloody and his clothes are all ripped up.

MM is still probably in the game though, I think you can hear his voice in the new trailer, at least it kinda sounds like him.
Go play in traffic.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I'm thinking the comic would only have cast from the storyline involved in it. Every other game tie in comic has been that way so why stop now. He's not revealed yet, but I take this as a pretty solid confirm that he is in IMO. Robin on the other hand very well may just be an alt of Tim for Nightwing in the game given the staff and all. If thats the case the comic could have Robin in it even though he's technically a player alt. I know a lot of us were hoping for just this sort of thing when Nightwing was revealed for one of his outfits and a lot of Green Lantern fans are hoping that whoever makes it in offers up other Lanterns as alt costumes.

I think MM is in though. No one could really be his alt. Even Superman given his moveset. Congratulations Manhunter loyalists. I'm betting next reveal involves him and Aquaman.

Maybe I should put a petition out for "The Ray"...
I hope they don't use the "Martian Genocide" backstory for him because that just makes him seem sad and bitter. He's not. He's cold, yet warm when he needs to be. He's strong but can be weak.

Also alts for MM, could be Ma'alefa'ak J'onzz and M'gann M'orzz (Miss Martian)


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Yeah I'm thinking any alts that change gender or body type too much wouldn't be smart to do. The body language would either look too masculine in the case of female ats.
I don't want to kill your high, but that's just a comic that probably has nothing to do with the actual game.
All the character symbols on it don't really match the ones in the game.
Also Robin is not going to be in the game, there not going to let you beat the shit out of a 10 year old boy until he is bloody and his clothes are all ripped up.

MM is still probably in the game though, I think you can hear his voice in the new trailer, at least it kinda sounds like him.

It's more than likely it'll be a tie in or related to the game somehow, probably sheding light on the back-story or a story following the events of Injustice.

"Special Collector's Edition of a brand new DC Comics series"

It's a special Collectors Edition of a brand new DC Comic series, collectors editions for any type of merchendise are usually a one of a kind type of things, I doubt this comic will be mass produced that can be picked up at a Book Store or Comic Shop, it'll be related to the game somehow, as I previously stated. Probably a Comic Series developed just for Injustice to do a fan service to all the hardcore lore people.


It's more than likely it'll be a tie in or related to the game somehow, probably a back story or a story following the events of Injustice.

"Special Collector's Edition of a brand new DC Comics series"

It's a special Collectors Edition of a brand new DC Comic series, collectors editions for any type of merchendise are usually a one of a kind type of things, I doubt this comic will be mass produced that can be picked up at a Book Store or Comic Shop, it'll be related to the game somehow, as I previously stated. Probably a Comic Series developed just for Injustice to do a fan service to all the hardcore lore people.
Hopefully it's just a background story or something which would explain the Robin symbol. If not, Ed is really pushing his luck.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
It will be a comic edition for the game's story. They did the EXACT same thing with DC Univese online to cover a lot of the things in the game. Injustice won't be any different in that respect as its just smart money to do a tie in comic like this to grab the comic book readers who don't get into fighting games and make them aware that its around and what it has to offer. They did the same to lure comic readers toward the MMORPG.
It would be an insult towards DC fans to not add the green machine because he is kind of a huge deal in DC. But injustice isn't being made for D.C fans, just average fucks that thought the batman movie was cool


Fear Burns Bright
For the sake of personal vanity, I want to keep track of the characters that I got right :D

White= not confirmed; Green= Confirmed; Blue= Confirmed when I made the list; Red= Addition originally not on the list; Yellow= Semi-Confirmed; Orange= Semi-unconfirmed; Black= Unconfirmed

1. Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El)
2. Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira)
3. Flash (Barry Allen)
4. SHAZAM! (Billy Batson)
5. Aquaman (Arthur Curry)
6. Zatanna (Zatanna Zatara)
7. Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)
8. Swamp Thing (Alec Holland)

Gadget Heores:
1. Batman (Bruce Wayne)
2. Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
3. Black Canary (Dinah Lance)
4. Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
5. Hawkman (Carter Hall)
6. Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
7. Cyborg (Victor Stone)
8. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

Power Villains:
1. Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold)
2. Amazo (Amazo)
3. Felix Faust (Dekan Drache)
4. Cheetah (Barbara Minerva)
5. Gorilla Grodd (Grodd)
6. B.R.A.I.N.I.A.C. (Vril Dox)
7. Lobo (He Who Devours Your Entrails And Thoroughly Enjoys It)
8. Captain Cold (Leonard Snart)

Gadget Villains:
1. Harley Quinn (Harleen Qunizel)
2. Joker (???)
3. Lex Luthor (Alexander Luthor)
4. Sinestro (Thaal Sinestro)
5. Deathstroke (Slade Wilson)
6. Talia al Ghul (Talia al Ghul)
7. Deadshot (Floyd Lawton)
8. Black Manta (David)
9. Catwoman (Selina Kyle) Edit: Joker and GL confirmed
For the sake of personal vanity, I want to keep track of the characters that I got right :D

White= not confirmed; Green= Confirmed; Blue= Confirmed when I made the list; Red= Addition originally not on the list; Yellow= Semi-Confirmed; Orange= Semi-unconfirmed; Black= Unconfirmed

1. Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El)
2. Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira)
3. Flash (Barry Allen)
4. SHAZAM! (Billy Batson)
5. Aquaman (Arthur Curry)
6. Zatanna (Zatanna Zatara)
7. Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)
8. Swamp Thing (Alec Holland)

Gadget Heores:
1. Batman (Bruce Wayne)
2. Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
3. Black Canary (Dinah Lance)
4. Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
5. Hawkman (Carter Hall)
6. Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
7. Cyborg (Victor Stone)
8. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

Power Villains:
1. Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold)
2. Amazo (Amazo)
3. Felix Faust (Dekan Drache)
4. Cheetah (Barbara Minerva)
5. Gorilla Grodd (Grodd)
6. B.R.A.I.N.I.A.C. (Vril Dox)
7. Lobo (He Who Devours Your Entrails And Thoroughly Enjoys It)
8. Captain Cold (Leonard Snart)

Gadget Villains:
1. Harley Quinn (Harleen Qunizel)
2. Joker (???)
3. Lex Luthor (Alexander Luthor)
4. Sinestro (Thaal Sinestro)
5. Deathstroke (Slade Wilson)
6. Talia al Ghul (Talia al Ghul)
7. Deadshot (Floyd Lawton)
8. Black Manta (David)
9. Catwoman (Selina Kyle)
Adding to your list here, Joker and Green Lantern are confirmed 100%.
I like Hawkman and Sinestro on the list, but don't enjoy the new Green Lantern color spectrum. Deathstroke and Catwoman are great on here.
As for my personal wants, I would like to see, assuming they are balanced characters within the game, Doomsday and Parallax (before they made Parallax an entity and changed the DC universe). And maybe even Starfire and Raven, they would be interesting fighters on the roster.