post your sets. hes letting you get away with murder\\
I have no doubt of that actually XD
However I feel this is a MU that needs more fleshing out because from what was posted I feel we are letting Zod get away with murder as well (To be fair, I see a lot of people/characters let the "good" DLC characters get away with a lot.).
The two Zod players I play against don't really play a "complete" Zod, but they each do well at the aspects of him they have down. Sadly I have no recent recorded sets against either of them.
As a result I am basing my opinion more off of what we have that can shut down his tools and vice versa, and it really felt to me like whoever got the life lead won.
I could be wrong though, which is why I want to play it firsthand with a top Zod offline and see.
Sad part is I have one in my state, but you know, the Cleveland scene neither travels nor hosts tournaments for others to travel to