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Who would dominate? If Kabal and Kenshi were gone.

Who would dominate? If Kabal and Kenshi were gone.

  • Kung Lao

    Votes: 22 20.8%
  • Cyrax

    Votes: 36 34.0%
  • Skarlet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jax

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Liu Kang

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • Freddy

    Votes: 5 4.7%
  • Johnny Cage

    Votes: 9 8.5%
  • Kitana

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • Sektor

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Sonya

    Votes: 24 22.6%

  • Total voters

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Cyrax because literally his only bad matchup is Kabal. Once Kabal is removed, Cyrax will have no bad matchups, and his brokenness will take over. Sonya would be a beast too though, she would only have one bad matchup to Freddy.

Idk why people are saying Kung Lao, by removing Kenshi and Kabal your only removing one of Kung Lao's bad matchups. Kung Lao still loses to Cage Kitana and Cyrax. And can have trouble vs a good Sonya Sektor or Skarlet
Cyrax has trouble with Liu Kang and Kitana too..


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
stacked in his favor?

Since when did Jax, Skarlet, Kabal, Kenshi, Reptile become good MUs for Smoke?
I don't think he really meant stacked, like all he was fighting were great MU's. I think he was probably more-so meaning he didn't have to go through a sea of Kabal's Sonya's and Lao's. The only one that is terrible there is Kabal. The others are 5-5's or 4-6 at worst (Jax, maybe Skarlet)


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Now you guys stop downplaying. :rolleyes:

That aside, doesn't he have a few 3-7s outside of these two?
Don't be a dummy I have never changed my tune in 2 the years after MLG Columbus when I came to realize Smoke's bad MU's. If freaking Liu Kang is a choice and Smoke is top ten at least put him in the flipping poll...


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Now you guys stop downplaying. :rolleyes:

That aside, doesn't he have a few 3-7s outside of these two?
IMO, Kabal, Sonya, and Lao are 3-7. Kenshi is 5-5 Just getting rid of Kabal would help a ton as that is his worst MU (again IMO)
Reactions: RYX
The Sektor MU was considered 5-5 and confirmed by the condiment brothers, after J360s corner tech we can say it's a 6-4 or 5.5-4.5.

Liu Kang MU i use to say 4-6 kang but just out of personal experience,his b3 always interrupted everything i tried to do. But let's say it;s a 5-5

Freddy is 5-5 Cyrax has problems with zoners, that's a well know fact, but once up close Cyrax blows him up free.

Jax is 5-5 and could easily be a 6-4 cyrax

Sonya i have to differ from people who see this even, this is 4.5-5.5 or 4-6 Sonya...

Honestly all those MUs can go either way.
i have to disagree on freddy cyrax... cyrax has no way in... he has nothing in this fight and freddy punishes hard... and he has plenty of options to get out of rax up close...

i also feel that jax outzones cyrax easily and can abuse his hitbox and has an advantage in the footsie game and up close game because cyraxs best counter-poke/pressure escape is a full combo punishable down 1... that has too be 6-4... too me those are much worst than liu or sonya... and what about kitana and skarlet vs cyrax... or even smoke... cyrax also has no good gameplan vs sektor... sektor outzones him, can instant air nets on reaction and out footsies him... could be 6-4 sektor... and even then cyrax raiden is most likely a 5-5 but could be in raidens favor.


i think jax freddy sonya liu kang and sektor beat cyrax
Cyrax infinite Sektor in the corner?

But yeah I don't think anyone beats Cyrax because his 90% combos with one bar, and his ability to steal your meter. So if Cyrax has 2 bars and you have 1 bar of meter and he gets you in a combo, it's game over. Use 1 bar for EX net, and 1 bar to take out 90%. Kabal is the only character in my opinion that shuts down Cyrax's rushdown completely.

And you have to think, Cyrax is never out of the game. Even if you are close to flawlessing Cyrax and you have %100 life and he only has %5 life, you can never count Cyrax out of the game. He always has a chance to win.


Yet there's been 86 tourney wins with Lao and 0 for Cyrax.

As far as the character goes, sure Cyrax takes it. When taken out of the theoretical realm, and how it actually plays out, Lao and Sonya.

And what about the Smoke and Raiden MUs? Those are bad MUs for him as well.
Lao hasn't even won that many tournaments dude, what are you talking about? The only big tournaments Kung Lao has EVER won is EVO 2011 and EVO 2012
Cyrax infinite Sektor in the corner?

But yeah I don't think anyone beats Cyrax because his 90% combos with one bar, and his ability to steal your meter. So if Cyrax has 2 bars and you have 1 bar of meter and he gets you in a combo, it's game over. Use 1 bar for EX net, and 1 bar to take out 90%. Kabal is the only character in my opinion that shuts down Cyrax's rushdown completely.

And you have to think, Cyrax is never out of the game. Even if you are close to flawlessing Cyrax and you have %100 life and he only has %5 life, you can never count Cyrax out of the game. He always has a chance to win.
its a fair argument, still i feel out of those atleast freddy has something of an advantage i swear.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
freddy, sonya. smoke, noob, sektor
Freddy, I have no idea.

But Sonya, he beats her the same way Kabal does. He kan rush Smoke and Noob.

Sektor, it's a footsies battle. Trust me I know this match up. So Cal has some of the best Liu Kangs around.
Freddy, I have no idea.

But Sonya, he beats her the same way Kabal does. He kan rush Smoke and Noob.

Sektor, it's a footsies battle. Trust me I know this match up. So Cal has some of the best Liu Kangs around.
your off, sonya has a much easier time getting in on liu and up close he has serious issues because of his lack of a good down-1 and good armor options, any1 whose zoning isnt broken has a rough time with sonya... sektor is a footsies battle i know that matchup by heart but sektors footsie tools are superior to liu, its close to 5-5 but in sektors favor imo.... liu kangs suspect dash speed makes the smoke matchup suspect and the noob matchup is slightly in noobs favor because his rushdown isnt maintainable as someone like johnnys, it could be a 5-5

kung lao and cage are also suspect 5-5's, along with reptile in my opinion.

freddy kreuger is a horrible matchup 3-7 at best... liu has nothing in this matchup