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TYM White Knight
I do not know which tournaments I'll be at. Russel wants to play at WB and I'm not going to that one.

I already made REO an offer.

This last part makes no sense. How do I "not allow a retort"? There's like a million ways people can retort about what's said on KTP.

This is all I will say in the matter. One night within a stream chat, I was calling you out on some things that you said. (I can't even remember what the things were at this point in time, but they are irrelevant.) It was your response which I still think about. "Fine, I will just stop doing KTP." That was your response to criticism. I told you that you would not hold that over me. That was not my intention and that I loved KTP.

That is what I remember.


Get off Bits nuts Fan boy lol
This is my favorite type of argument. If you argue something as clear as: 16 Bit has gotten the best results with Kitana, so until proven otherwise, he is the best Kitana. You get accused of being a fan-boy, despite how logical the statement is. I don't want to condescend but whatever happened to simply making arguments?


TYM White Knight
This is my favorite type of argument. If you argue something as clear as: 16 Bit has gotten the best results with Kitana, so until proven otherwise, he is the best Kitana. You get accused of being a fan-boy, despite how logical the statement is. I don't want to condescend but whatever happened to simply making arguments?
But let me ask you this. What relevance was your argument to the current issue at hand. No one ever said anything about Bit not being the best Kitana until you brought it up, to which I agreed. So.K.?


Mid Tier
This is my favorite type of argument. If you argue something as clear as: 16 Bit has gotten the best results with Kitana, so until proven otherwise, he is the best Kitana. You get accused of being a fan-boy, despite how logical the statement is. I don't want to condescend but whatever happened to simply making arguments?
Get off my nuts

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
This is all I will say in the matter. One night within a stream chat, I was calling you out on some things that you said. (I can't even remember what the things were at this point in time, but they are irrelevant.) It was your response which I still think about. "Fine, I will just stop doing KTP." That was your response to criticism. I told you that you would not hold that over me. That was not my intention and that I loved KTP.

That is what I remember.

Yeah, this was one of the many times were you were blowing me up, screaming about how hollywood I am, and then asking when KTP would be up. So I was like ok then fuck it.

This is what I was talking about in the new KTP thread too, part of the reason it's dead. I have a guy calling me hollywood and blowing me up for being a shit stirrer and instigator and what not...then wanting me on their show and saying they love KTP.


But let me ask you this. What relevance was your arguement to the current issue at hand. No one ever said anything about Bit not being the best Kitana until you brought it up, to which I agreed. So.K.?
You said xSmokex is the best Smoke (which is possible by the way), so I sarcastically said Gr8tone was the best Kitana, since that argument has been made before. You said it was "possible, who knows"? So I replied to your question (however rhetorical it might have been). You're right, it had zero relevance to the topic, but neither did your claim over who the best Smoke was.


TYM White Knight
Yeah, this was one of the many times were you were blowing me up, screaming about how hollywood I am, and then asking when KTP would be up. So I was like ok then fuck it.

This is what I was talking about in the new KTP thread too, part of the reason it's dead. I have a guy calling me hollywood and blowing me up for being a shit stirrer and instigator and what not...then wanting me on their show and saying they love KTP.
Whoa whoa whoa. "And then asking when KTP is up?" are you delusional? I have never EVER asked or pleaded for the next KTP release date. Hell, if you want to go down that road, K7 first approached me to put the KTP ON MY CHANNEL. I am pretty sure I was saying my piece about something that you said ON the kombat tomb. Hell it may have been something you said on a stream, who knows. My point is, disagreeing with you and giving another point of view is not "blowing up" it's giving a different point of view and disagreeing with you. In this case, I find it hella ironic that you would have to fabricate a point and then use that fabricated point to justify an argument.

I wanted KTP on the show. That included you. For the last time, I wanted all three of you on at once. The KTP in it's entirety. You didn't want to do it, that was fine. Don't act like that is the current issue at hand because it is not. There were absolutely no hard feelings about that and I believe I was nothing but respectful. If you have any morsel of evidence otherwise I would love to see it.

What I AM talking about is exactly what you just posted. You are saying that part of the reason that KTP is dead, is because you engaged people enough to illicit a response, and then did not want to listen or deal with the response. That was not the communities fault, that was your fault for not wanting to tolerate any others opinions but your own.


Emperor of the Moon
Are you going to play Russel?

How about Reo?

I really think you should play Reo. Give him a shot at his revenge. Will you do this Bit? Will you have it recorded?
Did you listen to the awards show KTP? 16bit said he would do a $100 MM for charity on the GGA 24hour MK stream Feb 16th.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I am responding to every post you make, trying my best to reply, while at the same time being told I am too hollywood to respond to people. I am being blown up for arguing with people too much while being told I'm too hollywood to allow people to retort. I literally don't know what I'm supposed to do here.


TYM White Knight
I am responding to every post you make, trying my best to reply, while at the same time being told I am too hollywood to respond to people. I am being blown up for arguing with people too much while being told I'm too hollywood to allow people to retort. I literally don't know what I'm supposed to do here.

Actually I do appreciate you actually responding at this point. I really do.

You are being blown up for shitting on the little guys on stream, for dodging people who want to play you, for causing shit where there was no shit, for causing pools to be reworked, etc.

Honestly, what I/other members of this community (obviously not everybody) want to see is a 16 bit who listens to other people, a 16 bit who still interacts with the community without coming off as a douche bag, and a 16 Bit that still puts out that knowledge that he used to. One that proves his merit and fights honourably. Hell, at one point I considered you the online champion. Someone who trained online and did well offline proving that online worked.

I guess what I am saying is that I wish you would drop the ego.
Since you keep bringing my name up I'd like for you to answer some questions. (Anyone else can feel free to answer them as well)

1.) How come Pig of the hut is constantly able to rave on revenge about wanting to beat me?

2.) How come Pig of the hut and countless other players don't get ridiculed for wanting revenge against a certain player?

3.) How come I give players who want revenge against me infinite runbacks at every major I see them?

4.) Why is revenge ONLY looked down upon when it's me wanting it?

Here are some fun facts before anyone answers:

- The last time 16bit has played me in a major tournament was eight months ago. 16bit brags about it every chance he gets to pump himself up and try and keep it relevant. 16bit has avoided every money match I've issued with him since that time eight months ago. 16bit has told others my success at recent tournaments such as Ralaigh was only because I didn't have to go through him. I've also been told by close friends of mine from the community that when there are discussions where my name is mentioned, 16bit will sometimes say "LBSH, little Giuseppe has his problems. I've bodied him and I got his number".

- Perfect Legend has never played me in casuals. Perfect Legend refuses to play any money matches with me anytime I ask him - It first started at the first ever MLG (Colombus 2012) when I went up to him and requested a money match. He declined. Out of disgust, I told CD jr to give PL a taste of his own medicine and to decline the prizefight runback after PL got his ass handed to him at Columbus. After all, why should an ungrateful asshole like that be given and opportunity for revenge so quick after his defeat when he doesn't give players who deserve them one in return? Maxter agreed as well.

Do some of you people want to know why players want runbacks? It's because players get better. That's right, and it's the honest truth. You avoiding someone just shows you're downright afraid. Nothing more. So stop with your "I beat you three months (or X amount of months) ago! #HoldDat" bullshit. Be a true a competitor and defend your wins. Fight for your wins at all costs and rack them up.

As much animosity and competitiveness Pig and I have against each other, we NEVER run or cower from one another. We always are prepared to fight each other at every event. Whether it be tournament, on stream, or money matches. We play every matches every tournament to stay on top against each other. This is why I will always respect Pig of the hut deep down as a true competitor even thought he's annoying as fuck sometimes. AT LEAST HE HAS THE GUTS TO PLAY YOU.

So you guys can ask yourself, who are the true assholes and "cancers" to the MK competitive scene at the end of the day?

With all that said. BillStickers, anything PerfectMindGame says should be taken with a grain of salt. After all the guy has a part of his name modeled after his super star. A majority of these forums posters have NO CLUE what goes on behind the doors and scenes with their beloved top players.
I never said you cant have a runback, but if someone refuses you can't do much about it. the way pig wants revenge is different from how you want revenge on pl. pig has nothing against you while you obviously have something against PL. I told you before I have nothing against you and I thought your Kl was really good. and why are you so hasty about the runback? Pl is going to have to play you eventually whether he wants it or not.

you might think I am biased and all that but I just speak my mind and you should have known Pl didnt want to do any money matches with you, he didnt want to do them at colombus so why would that suddenly change?

And keep saying I am a Pl fanboy, but I dont even think he is the best KL, foxy is arguably better. all these other people who keep liking your post are kissing your ass now, just wait till youre ''washed up'' again and they will turn against you. I atleast keep it real.
Yall need lives. Good man, James, that was really awesome of you, but ultimately, it is the players choice to compete or not.


This never happened. It's completely made up. I was told @neorussel wanted to play me and contacted him about what possible tournaments I'd be at. I never told him to "play it out in tournament".
Alright, Lets level the playing field then.

If I misinterpreted the thing with NeoRussel...I completely 100% appologize. I mean that, I will swallow my lumps. I should have checked my facts better. That aside...
Let's try to jog some memories since I was actually there.

I don't know word-for-word what was said since I wasn't on commentary but from what k-frog and Shady said you were in the stream chat talking shit about NeoRussell's Jade. I can neither confirm or deny that you called him out directly at the time. Upon reflection, I don't think you did because I remember Russell saying something about challenging you because of what you said on stream. Either way, shots were fired. Now, if what you say is true and you have tried arrange a match, then that's all that needs to be said on the subject.

In an effort to try to get this thread back on track, thanks again for trying to get some actual hype back into the community James. On that note, I want to call out Tim Static. He's been walking around here thinking he has my title of "Worst MK Player". By hook or by crook, I intend to be at Winter Brawl which I hear is in your backyard. So here's the deal: FT5 for a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and the only stipulation is that we both have to train and bring our A game. At this point, that's probably more hype than REO vs PL anyway :p (I am serious about this match BTW...)

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Let's try to jog some memories since I was actually there.

I don't know word-for-word what was said since I wasn't on commentary but from what k-frog and Shady said you were in the stream chat talking shit about NeoRussell's Jade. I can neither confirm or deny that you called him out directly at the time. Upon reflection, I don't think you did because I remember Russell saying something about challenging you because of what you said on stream. Either way, shots were fired. Now, if what you say is true and you have tried arrange a match, then that's all that needs to be said on the subject.

I did not call him out and I don't think I said anything too bad about his Jade. Here is what happened. I was in that stream to root against K-Frog and was saying nothing about NR. They on commentary talked about his match at NEC with Soonk and they said had NR played Kitana he'd have beaten Soonk. I took issue to this. It's not logical to say that just because Kitana is an overall better character than Jade that he would do better against Soonk. Soonk trains against my Kitana and I'm confident he'd have won. Like the harshest thing I said was "Soonk would body his Kitana!" or something. It's fair game for them to pump up their guy but it's fair game for me to hype my boy. This got turned into be CALLING OUT NR. Dumb. Then I talked to NR and he said he didn't even really care about the shit talk and just wanted to get games in, to which I said I couldn't at WB cause I won't be there but we can play sometime in the future. There is no drama between us.

As for REO, I challenged you for the GGA stream because you said you were coming and it's a great marquee match for our stream. I think it's reasonable that if you want the match so bad we should do it when it benefits my team's event. However, if you are not coming then I would do it at another tournament. What I won't do is have you blow me up because I'm not going to Winter Brawl and I'm not sure what tournament I will be going to. You blowing me up on twitter for "ducking majors" or whatever is ridiculous. I've been traveling non stop for almost 2 years. Why would I possibly be stopping now? Use your head. Because my employer is shipping a product in April. The bottom line is if you want the match you can play it at GGA or you can wait for my next tournament, whenever it may be. If it's in like 6 months then I don't want to hear any bitching.


Out of disgust, I told CD jr to give PL a taste of his own medicine and to decline the prizefight runback after PL got his ass handed to him at Columbus. After all, why should an ungrateful asshole like that be given and opportunity for revenge so quick after his defeat when he doesn't give players who deserve them one in return? Maxter agreed as well.
So you got CD Jr to not play in a prize fight to prevent PL from getting his runback, and now you're upset that PL won't participate in a prize fight that would allow you to get a runback?


cr. HP Master
I am shocked that 16 bit is dignifying some of these posts with comments. It's some of the dumbest shit I've seen on here in awhile. Bit, be yourself. Fuck the haters.