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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?


Plus on block.
Pterodactyl You're also assuming Flash just has kryptonite hanging around as well. If Flash makes preparations for this fight, then according to New 52 where he is apparently a lot faster (I read that strip you posted already), he would probably hurt him w/Kryptonite. However, w/out it, how does he attack Superman?
I didn't say he had it on hand.

I mean, he has all the time in the world to go get some or even some red sun weaponry.

All the time.


Where is crossplay?
I didn't say he had it on hand.

I mean, he has all the time in the world to go get some or even some red sun weaponry.

All the time.
I'm still not convinced he beats Superman, but I will for sure concede on BA. Look at his guys powers, holy shit

S for the stamina of Shu
Using Shu's virtually unlimited stamina, Black Adam can withstand and survive most types of extreme physical assaults. Additionally, he does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe and can survive unaided in space. His godly metabolism provides him with far greater than human potency in all physical activities. Sustained by the magical energies coursing through his body, Adam is immortal.
H for the swiftness of Heru By channeling Heru's supernatural speed, Black Adam can move at sub-light speeds in orbit. In outer space, Black Adam can fly at trans-light speeds, while on Earth he has been depicted running at a maximum Mach 500. He was able to give his speed to the Flash, running at incredible speeds with him.
A for the strength of Amon Black Adam has a phenomenal level of super strength, able to easily bend steel, punch through walls, produce powerful shockwaves by claping his hands, and lift massive objects. Adam's strength is generally depicted of being on levels equal to those of Superman and Captain Marvel, though some writers have portrayed his strength as possibly outmatching them; on at least one occasion, he has been able to hold his own against an assemblage of the Justice League, Justice Society, Great Ten, and the Teen Titans.[17]
Z for the wisdom of Zehuti Black Adam has instant access to a vast level of scholarly knowledge, which allows him to know multiple languages. The wisdom of Zehuti also provides him with counsel and advice in times of need.
A for the power of Aton Aton's power allows Black Adam to fly, fuels the magic lightning bolt that transforms Adam, further enhances Adam's superhuman physical abilities, and provides magical resistance against a massive amount of magic spells and attacks. Adam can use the lightning bolt as a weapon by dodging it and allowing it to strike an opponent or target. It allows him to travel to the Rock of Eternity, thus allowing interdimensional and time travel.
M for the courage of Mehen This aspect is primarily psychological, and gives Black Adam superhuman amounts of inner strength from which to draw upon in times of hopelessness, and possibly great fighting skills. His strength of mind renders him resistant to telepathy and mind control. In some depictions, the courage of Mehen also provides a degree of his physical invulnerability to harm.[18] He is always supported by an innate and harmonious presence of good will and spiritual strength of perseverance that he never backs down from a challenge. If he were somehow wounded, his godly energies would enable him to recover very rapidly. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of his bodily molecules to cause him a physical death. Even then, it is possible for a god of significant power, such as Ra, Anubis and Osiris or for a number of Egyptian gods of equal power working together to revive him.

Additionally, Adam's senses are acutely sharpened, as he claimed to be able to smell Felix Faust's sweat. Black Adam has repeatedly been described as a warrior who had proven himself to be highly skilled even before he was given the power of Shazam.
He has recently acquired the Power of the Goddess Isis, making him stronger than ever. When Black Adam utters the magic word he not only gains his usual powers but all of his original powers are greater in strength because of the extra power he gains from Isis. The Power of Isis should also grant him control of nature and telekinesis, although he has not shown these abilities


Plus on block.
How does Superman beat someone who can hit harder than him, get his weakness on a whim, move faster than his, can dodge or phase through all of his attacks, and go back in time?

Come on now.


A lot of BA's losses are due to people using magic against him.

Superman is strong enough to give him a run for his money and more depending, and Shazam is almost on the same level, but not too close.

Really, if BA wanted/was not written to lose he could just fry superman like a nat flying into an electric zap lantern.


Casual Fighter
I'm still not convinced he beats Superman, but I will for sure concede on BA. Look at his guys powers, holy shit [...] abilities
Great post! I often forget how much of a powerhouse Black Adam is because writers tend to jobber him so often. Does he still have the power of Isis in the New 52?

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
He does have some valid points though. But i still cant see how WW would win against DD, when DD has won against her in the past though. If you read the comic i borrowed from GDA (Superman-Doomsday), an even weaker DD has won against WW.
And Batman beat the Hulk by kicking him.

And Superman got hit several times by a slower than iceberg hulk.

And THOR forgets all his powers and abilities in fights between him and hulk and Superman etc, just like WW does against everyone else.

Writers dont know how to write fights between hereos vs heroes or hero vs main villains.

Thats why we are here, saying who would "realistically" win, based on what we know from all the characters, not based on shitty writing who need to fit the results into their stories.

And i ask you again. Where have you read that DD is weak against magic, cause its not mentioned anywhere? Darkseids's omega beams is one of the most powerful skills in the DC universe, which can destroy everything they hit, literally. I also really dont think that Superman is slower than WW...

What part of " Doomsday's durability and strength is better than Superman's " you dont understand? Superman cannot rely only on his flight ability to defeat DD. As i told you before, if he did, he would have been able to deal against DD. He couldnt and thats a fact from a really good written comic. And the same applies for DD's punches against Superman, and they will do more damage cause DD is stronger than Superman, as i have mentioned before.

Superman cant defeat or kill Doomsday and thats a fact. Yeah if he cant do it, nobody can, judging from the feats every character has done. Compare Superman's feats to WW's feats. No contest.
See this just shows how you dont know a lot about WW. The omega beams would do nothing against WWs bracers, as they have been blocked by them in the past, and they are indestructible.

DD is not resistant to magic as he is NOT magic himself. To be resistant to magic you need to BE magic. Like WW, BA/Shazam. Or you need to be a god.

Superman IS slower than WW, you are unfamiliar with the comics here, just like GrundyFox showed in that scan. Both WW and Batman know he is slower... but is faster from point A to point B, but Superman is slower than WW in a fight... which is what I've been saying all along. That makes her faster than Doomsday in a fight too.

WWs tiara and sword and superior speed and superior fighting skills and flight make Doomsday have a huge disadvantage, and would be almost impossible for him to win. He'd get stabbed and sliced up.

As in she'll just block them all or as in she can stand there ass naked and not get hurt by wall of gunfire cause Ive only seen her deflect bullets(minus alt world Injustice comic) wouldn't make much sense to waste time blocking if they cant hurt you. And how does she deal with enemies that can fight her from outer space when she can't survive in space? unless DC somehow gave her that power too which wouldnt surprise me since they seem to be trying their damnedest to make her exactly like Superman
Well how could they hurt her from space? She can hold her breath for a while. But theres nothing they could do to hurt her from space, theyd have to come and fight her. She blocks any kind of distance/range attack with her bracers from space.

I never mentioned his adapting abilities at all, especially vs WW cause he wont need them. Point being, a creature that can kill Superman and Superman cannot kill it means only one thing. That WW wont stand a chance against it. Doomsday, as i have mentioned above, has more strength and much better resilience than Superman. Superman has more resilience and strength than WW. The only thing WW has against DD, is technique and against that DD can adapt with his primal instincts. We are talking here about a creature that the only thing he knows is how to fight, adapt, and survive since ancient times. After all these things comes his "oohp lol came back stronger den u!!" abilities. And not to mention that DD-Brainiac has defeated WW once and DD-Brainiac is a lot weaker than the original DD. As i said before, no contest.
This is terrible logic, just because Superman CANT do something does NOT mean WW cant do that too... as she has VASTLY different powerset and attacks than Superman. Hers is magic, and faster, coming from a far better trained person.

Saying if Superman cant do it means WW cant is bad logic, and doesnt make any sense if you've read the comics, and know much about WW.
WW can survive in space. She helped moved the Moon and the Earth and she had a protracted fight against Superman in outer space. I'm sure there are more instances but those are the ones that immediately spring to mind.

The gun thing has to be cleared up. I *think* I recall her being shot and the bullets hurting her but not piercing her skin. Someone will have to dig up that scan. But as I said, I think it has been a long time since we've seen her skin pierced by a non-magical weapon.

Bullets and bracers are what most people associate with the character. That might be why DC is hesitant to address her piercing durability directly. Using the bracers are part of her Amazonian training, so it is second nature to her. She often uses the bracelets in order to shield other people. And even with invulnerability it still makes sense to block attacks because you never know when a bullet or arrow may be magically imbued.
Yeah they are pretty inconsistent with the breathing thing. Either way, its not really a weakness, as she can apparently hold it long enough where it isnt an issue, or she flat out just breathes in space.
The appropriate question is whether or not he has any resistance to magic. If he doesn't, then whether or not he is particularly vulnerable to magic does not matter. It will effect him the way it effects everyone.

And barring any resistance to it, WW has numerous magical weapons that would combat DD's strength and durability. She won't fight him straight up. She's too smart for that. Well, when she is written properly at least.

I still say she loses, but it's not as easy as you make it sound.
Yeah he has no resistance to magic, has never been stated to, he is not of a god, is not a god, and is not powered by magic, so hes as weak to magic as you and I are.

WWs sword = a very stabwound ridden, decapitated Doomsday.

How does Superman beat someone who can hit harder than him, get his weakness on a whim, move faster than his, can dodge or phase through all of his attacks, and go back in time?

Come on now.


A lot of BA's losses are due to people using magic against him.

Superman is strong enough to give him a run for his money and more depending, and Shazam is almost on the same level, but not too close.

Really, if BA wanted/was not written to lose he could just fry superman like a nat flying into an electric zap lantern.
This is why I have Superman behind BA/Shazam in my original post.

Superman loses to magic, unless there is bad writing involved.

PS Im really glad I made this thread. Very interesting to read, and outside one troll people have been really groovy and use well thought out logic.


Face it, you're done.
Most people forget about magic is that it doesn't care if Guy A is 20x stronger than Guy B and Guy C is 40x stronger than Guy B.

Not does magic care if Guy Superman is 10474829200583719040482617494039x stronger than Guy C.

It's just the way magic works. Stupid.


Kono Dio Da
This thread hurts my brain. You all seriously are lacking in knowledge. The Flash wins this hands down. His speed his unmatched, especially with the speed force powering him up. There is no one that is faster than him, or can even come close to his speed. He does not even have to do all of that, when he can steal the whole cast's speed. Telepathy isn't going to work on him, when he can think faster than what Martian can comprehend. How is he going to hurt Superman? Easily he can use the infinite mass punch, and knock him out. Like what he did in the comics to a Martian that was just as durable as Superman. What can anyone do to someone that can move faster than the speed of light, and can literally blitz them without anyone realizing it? If The Flash wanted, he could drag them, and trap them in the speed force. He wins easily.


The best fighters can always lose too. They don't always win. Upsets happen in fighting all the time. I do amateur boxing and I work with a lot of MMA guys and guys who trained in martial arts for decades. The most skilled, talented and strongest fighter doesn't win all the time. I respect Lady Shiva and Cass being the most elite fighters in the DC universe, but I don't believe for a second in real life they would be unbeatable. You'd be amazed at the level of fighters that take losses in the hands of determined fighters. I wouldn't question anyone who's game.
Shiva was trained by the O-Sensei who is literally the best martial artist in the world until Karate Kid shows up. Along with Richard Dragon and Bronze Tiger, she's at the top below O-Sensei and Karate Kid. The Batfamily just isn't on that level of expertise that they have and never will. It's why Shiva slaps their shit all the time and why Richard turned Question from a bumbling fool who got his ass beat, shot and tossed into a river to a Zen Master in a few months.
Dennis O'Neill crafted the entire Kung-Fu/Martial Arts scene at DC. According to him, Shiva, Bronze Tiger and Richard are just plain above everyone else. The only ones even near their level of skill are people like Cass and Connor Hawke and they can barely hold their own against them.


Casual Fighter
This thread hurts my brain. You all seriously are lacking in knowledge. The Flash wins this hands down. His speed his unmatched, especially with the speed force powering him up. There is no one that is faster than him, or can even come close to his speed. He does not even have to do all of that, when he can steal the whole cast's speed. Telepathy isn't going to work on him, when he can think faster than what Martian can comprehend. How is he going to hurt Superman? Easily he can use the infinite mass punch, and knock him out. Like what he did in the comics to a Martian that was just as durable as Superman. What can anyone do to someone that can move faster than the speed of light, and can literally blitz them without anyone realizing it? If The Flash wanted, he could drag them, and trap them in the speed force. He wins easily.
1) Your point about Flash and telepathy is both right and wrong. Martian Manhunter on one occasion shut down Wally's mind when the speedster tried to BFR him from a fight. Yet, in Blackest Night, Barry Allen managed to hold off zombie-J'onn's telepathic attack by running around the room fast enough to the point where zombie-J'onn couldn't find his mind. Basically, Flash can counteract psionics if he's smart enough to play defense.

2) I also believe that the legendary IMP could knock out Superman. However, Wally did teach Superman a lot of speedster tricks which could be used against Barry in a fight. In a rematch against Doomsday, Superman turned himself intangible by vibrating his molecules. Barry is perfectly capable of pulling someone out of intangibility (Wally did so against Martian Manhunter) but he can't do that if he's attempting to pull off an IMP. Plus, Barry might be able to run faster than Superman, but Superman is also capable of thinking and interacting with Barry, Wally, and Jay when they're operating at maximum speed. I recall a comic where Barry and Allen are chasing after some cosmic bullet. The entire world stood still and even JL members were frozen. Yet, Superman was the only person who could actually watch them run by as he was wondering what they were doing.

3) Dragging someone into the Speed Force is difficult for one Flash to perform alone. In the fight against Superboy Prime, it took the entire Flash family as well as other speedsters such as Jessie Quick and Max Mercury to pull him into the other dimension. I highly doubt Barry alone could pull that off with 1/2 of the Injustice cast.

I'm not saying that you're wrong in stating that Flash could win a fighting tournament, because he does have the potential to solo everyone on the roster. I just wanted to correct a few mistakes/assumptions you wrote in your post.


They love my Grayson
Shiva was trained by the O-Sensei who is literally the best martial artist in the world until Karate Kid shows up. Along with Richard Dragon and Bronze Tiger, she's at the top below O-Sensei and Karate Kid. The Batfamily just isn't on that level of expertise that they have and never will. It's why Shiva slaps their shit all the time and why Richard turned Question from a bumbling fool who got his ass beat, shot and tossed into a river to a Zen Master in a few months.
Dennis O'Neill crafted the entire Kung-Fu/Martial Arts scene at DC. According to him, Shiva, Bronze Tiger and Richard are just plain above everyone else. The only ones even near their level of skill are people like Cass and Connor Hawke and they can barely hold their own against them.

I understand all that.
But you totally missed my point.

This is realistically.
In real life, the best lose.
If you can't understand that, then understanding martial arts and competitive fighting is a topic you're too green on.


Kono Dio Da
1) Your point about Flash and telepathy is both right and wrong. Martian Manhunter on one occasion shut down Wally's mind when the speedster tried to BFR him from a fight. Yet, in Blackest Night, Barry Allen managed to hold off zombie-J'onn's telepathic attack by running around the room fast enough to the point where zombie-J'onn couldn't find his mind. Basically, Flash can counteract psionics if he's smart enough to play defense.

2) I also believe that the legendary IMP could knock out Superman. However, Wally did teach Superman a lot of speedster tricks which could be used against Barry in a fight. In a rematch against Doomsday, Superman turned himself intangible by vibrating his molecules. Barry is perfectly capable of pulling someone out of intangibility (Wally did so against Martian Manhunter) but he can't do that if he's attempting to pull off an IMP. Plus, Barry might be able to run faster than Superman, but Superman is also capable of thinking and interacting with Barry, Wally, and Jay when they're operating at maximum speed. I recall a comic where Barry and Allen are chasing after some cosmic bullet. The entire world stood still and even JL members were frozen. Yet, Superman was the only person who could actually watch them run by as he was wondering what they were doing.

3) Dragging someone into the Speed Force is difficult for one Flash to perform alone. In the fight against Superboy Prime, it took the entire Flash family as well as other speedsters such as Jessie Quick and Max Mercury to pull him into the other dimension. I highly doubt Barry alone could pull that off with 1/2 of the Injustice cast.

I'm not saying that you're wrong in stating that Flash could win a fighting tournament, because he does have the potential to solo everyone on the roster. I just wanted to correct a few mistakes/assumptions you wrote in your post.
I honestly had Wally West in mind, when I was writing that. That's why I said he could pull them into the speed force, because his connection to it is stronger than the other Flashes. Wally>Barry.


Kono Dio Da
You don't have to be an asshole, I just asked if he had extra powers in New 52. I wasn't aware he got all these "buffs"
Infinite mass punch is not a buff. It's just his mass increasing as he reaches the speed of light, which basically means it's infinite.


Where is crossplay?
Infinite mass punch is not a buff. It's just his mass increasing as he reaches the speed of light, which basically means it's infinite.
From what I remember, Flash was not always able to do this. This why I thought it was a "buff", improvement, whatever that he recently got


I understand all that.
But you totally missed my point.

This is realistically.
In real life, the best lose.
If you can't understand that, then understanding martial arts and competitive fighting is a topic you're too green on.
Realistically it'd be like normal people with hardly any training fighting professionals. That's the difference in levels I'm trying to explain.


Casual Fighter
I don't think the Infinite Mass Punch is a New 52 upgrade. Wally West was the first to use this technique back in the pre-52 days and he's essentially non-existent in the current continuity (for shame, DC). You just don't see him using it often since it would... well... annihilate villains like Captain Boomerang. Honestly, the only moment I can think of Wally using it was during the White Martian invasion. He knocked that sucker out cold lol.

Also, like I mentioned before, I haven't read any of the New 52 Flash books. I have no idea if Barry Allen is capable of doing what Wally could, but word has it that Barry seems more powerful than his pre-52 self.