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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?


You will BOW to me!
Hes slow compared to WW in a fight, in terms of attack speed and reactions.

Doomsday is as fast Superman, and Superman is slower than WW in a fight.

Darkseid's Omega beams are not magic.

WWs sword is magic.

Do you not read the comics?

"True he cannot fly but that doesnt mean he cannot compete in the air. If that was the case Superman would have destroyed DD a long time ago. "

Realistically, Superman SHOULD have, only because of stupid hole-ridden writing did he not. ANY punch from Superman would send him way into the air, and from there he'd just blast the 2000 pound Doomsday higher and higher into the air and Doomsday could do nothing. Not being able to fly or control your own inertia would get you killed in a fight, as ANY upwards hit from someone as ridiculously powerful as Superman, even if you block it, is going to send you flying, going by physics.

Then hes in space, then you throw him into the sun, and there hes stuck forever.

"Superman cant defeat or kill Doomsday, WW doesnt stand a chance."
Lol k, if Superman cant do it nobody can!!!!! .... lol sure. Gods forbid other characters be able to do other things and have abilities that Superman doesnt, things that writers have shown over and over those characters have. Right?

And i ask you again. Where have you read that DD is weak against magic, cause its not mentioned anywhere? Darkseids's omega beams is one of the most powerful skills in the DC universe, which can destroy everything they hit, literally. I also really dont think that Superman is slower than WW...

What part of " Doomsday's durability and strength is better than Superman's " you dont understand? Superman cannot rely only on his flight ability to defeat DD. As i told you before, if he did, he would have been able to deal against DD. He couldnt and thats a fact from a really good written comic. And the same applies for DD's punches against Superman, and they will do more damage cause DD is stronger than Superman, as i have mentioned before.

Superman cant defeat or kill Doomsday and thats a fact. Yeah if he cant do it, nobody can, judging from the feats every character has done. Compare Superman's feats to WW's feats. No contest.
She's bulletproof.
As in she'll just block them all or as in she can stand there ass naked and not get hurt by wall of gunfire cause Ive only seen her deflect bullets(minus alt world Injustice comic) wouldn't make much sense to waste time blocking if they cant hurt you. And how does she deal with enemies that can fight her from outer space when she can't survive in space? unless DC somehow gave her that power too which wouldnt surprise me since they seem to be trying their damnedest to make her exactly like Superman


You will BOW to me!
And still you think you're right after 13 pages of people proving your claimings are wrong.
He does have some valid points though. But i still cant see how WW would win against DD, when DD has won against her in the past though. If you read the comic i borrowed from GDA (Superman-Doomsday), an even weaker DD has won against WW.


Positive Poster!
So "realistically" in a 1v1 tournament, which character would, in the real world, win?
Depends on the writer above all. I can quote at least seven cases where people like Robin, Batman, or even common civilians won fights against seemingly unbeatable opponents such as Darkseid.

Robin defeated all of his team 1v5 when they were kidnapped and he was forced to fight them or the Earth will go boom.
Batman defeated Superman on countless occasions by being smarter.
Batman defeated Darkseid in the Supergirl verse by activating the Hellspores and threatening to make his whole planet go boom.
Three of many. In an actual fist battle, Flash would win if he has kryptonite and a boom-tube activator or Metron's chair at his disposal. If nobody has any extra tools just raw power, Superman wins supreme.


As in she'll just block them all or as in she can stand there ass naked and not get hurt by wall of gunfire cause Ive only seen her deflect bullets(minus alt world Injustice comic) wouldn't make much sense to waste time blocking if they cant hurt you. And how does she deal with enemies that can fight her from outer space when she can't survive in space? unless DC somehow gave her that power too which wouldnt surprise me since they seem to be trying their damnedest to make her exactly like Superman
WW can survive in space. She helped moved the Moon and the Earth and she had a protracted fight against Superman in outer space. I'm sure there are more instances but those are the ones that immediately spring to mind.

The gun thing has to be cleared up. I *think* I recall her being shot and the bullets hurting her but not piercing her skin. Someone will have to dig up that scan. But as I said, I think it has been a long time since we've seen her skin pierced by a non-magical weapon.

Bullets and bracers are what most people associate with the character. That might be why DC is hesitant to address her piercing durability directly. Using the bracers are part of her Amazonian training, so it is second nature to her. She often uses the bracelets in order to shield other people. And even with invulnerability it still makes sense to block attacks because you never know when a bullet or arrow may be magically imbued.


He does have some valid points though. But i still cant see how WW would win against DD, when DD has won against her in the past though. If you read the comic i borrowed from GDA (Superman-Doomsday), an even weaker DD has won against WW.
She has defeated a Doomsday clone. That was before a lot of her buffs and she needed the Gauntlet of Atlas to do it.

I'm also hesitant to give WW the win against DD only because he's been shown to give Superman so many problems. If she geared up and had no qualms about killing him, I think she has a shot. She could always lasso him, but that would only restrain him.

But in a straight up brawl, DD wins.


Darkseids's omega beams is one of the most powerful skills in the DC universe, which can destroy everything they hit, literally.
Except Wonder Woman's bracers :)

Superman cant defeat or kill Doomsday and thats a fact. Yeah if he cant do it, nobody can, judging from the feats every character has done.
Zatanna could definitely do it.

And with her gear, I'd give WW a shot. It would still be incredibly though.


Face it, you're done.
A villain that is constantly destroyed EVERYTIME he comes back and pulls the "oohp lol came back stronger den u!!" Doesn't count for sh*t in my book. If he has to die and find a way to come back again, then he lost the fight plain and simple no matter what they do to him.

Now we can we stop with these ideas of thinking that Diana can't resist bullets or literally walk away from Superman's heat vision? She blocks bullets by instinct and to protect those around her.

Now onto the next point in the argument?



Joker waiting room
He does have some valid points though. But i still cant see how WW would win against DD, when DD has won against her in the past though. If you read the comic i borrowed from GDA (Superman-Doomsday), an even weaker DD has won against WW.
I got death of superman if you wanna read that too ( Leo oti lei mlkies epidi 13 pages lei to idio prama eno alli kanoun quote k dixnoun pics...)


Joker waiting room
She has defeated a Doomsday clone. That was before a lot of her buffs and she needed the Gauntlet of Atlas to do it.

I'm also hesitant to give WW the win against DD only because he's been shown to give Superman so many problems. If she geared up and had no qualms about killing him, I think she has a shot. She could always lasso him, but that would only restrain him.

But in a straight up brawl, DD wins.
those clones weren't even half as strong as the real doomsday, I'm sick and tired of DD being the tool to kill superman yet writers keep pumping out weaker versions of him all day. Just let him slaughter a planet for once.


Joker waiting room
Depends on the writer above all. I can quote at least seven cases where people like Robin, Batman, or even common civilians won fights against seemingly unbeatable opponents such as Darkseid.

Robin defeated all of his team 1v5 when they were kidnapped and he was forced to fight them or the Earth will go boom.
Batman defeated Superman on countless occasions by being smarter.
Batman defeated Darkseid in the Supergirl verse by activating the Hellspores and threatening to make his whole planet go boom.
Three of many. In an actual fist battle, Flash would win if he has kryptonite and a boom-tube activator or Metron's chair at his disposal. If nobody has any extra tools just raw power, Superman wins supreme.
didn't dupes win vs batman 5 times even with batman having kryptonite and a combat suit?

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
Isn't DD am ancient Kryptonian ? So wouldn't WW magical weaponry give her an edge against him? Or does dying from one thing and adapting to that make him more resilient in general?


You will BOW to me!
A villain that is constantly destroyed EVERYTIME he comes back and pulls the "oohp lol came back stronger den u!!" Doesn't count for sh*t in my book.
I never mentioned his adapting abilities at all, especially vs WW cause he wont need them. Point being, a creature that can kill Superman and Superman cannot kill it means only one thing. That WW wont stand a chance against it. Doomsday, as i have mentioned above, has more strength and much better resilience than Superman. Superman has more resilience and strength than WW. The only thing WW has against DD, is technique and against that DD can adapt with his primal instincts. We are talking here about a creature that the only thing he knows is how to fight, adapt, and survive since ancient times. After all these things comes his "oohp lol came back stronger den u!!" abilities. And not to mention that DD-Brainiac has defeated WW once and DD-Brainiac is a lot weaker than the original DD. As i said before, no contest.


missiles are coming
WW is too strong for GLs constructs, and anything they "blast" her with she would easily deflect/absorb with her bracers, or dodge.

Cyborg can just make any person teleport even if he cant see them or lock onto them?
He doesn't need to see them in person. As long as he has their location within a second they can be teleported... Say into the middle of the sun or right next to a black hole.


Skarlet who ?
Since there was no specification on what versions of the characters we're using,

Doomsday: This is the guy who killed Superman. He has an incredibly fast adaptation ability that evolves him to resist whatever had killed him before. Prior to him overcoming his fear of fire, Martian Manhunter nearly stomped Doomsday until the latter evolved on the spot and gained the ability to breathe fire. He also mopped the floor with every other JL heavy-hitter and had an incredibly good showing in a 1v1 fight against Darkseid. I placed him lower than MMH because the martian overcame his weakness to natural fire. Doomsday isn't sentient nor magical, so the ability to breathe flames isn't relevant anymore. I placed him lower than Superman because Superman has consistently beaten him in all of their fights.
Don't know where "stomped" is coming from all he did was throwing some punches which didn't do anything before getting his ass kicked.

Not to mention that was Doomsday Rex, a weaker version of Doomsday infused with Kryptonian DNA.
Funny how you forgot about the time when Doomsday beat the crap out of MM by hitting him out of his intangible state without using any fire. Yes, you heard that right.