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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?


Why? I dont think its mentioned anywhere that DD is weak against magic.
The appropriate question is whether or not he has any resistance to magic. If he doesn't, then whether or not he is particularly vulnerable to magic does not matter. It will effect him the way it effects everyone.

And barring any resistance to it, WW has numerous magical weapons that would combat DD's strength and durability. She won't fight him straight up. She's too smart for that. Well, when she is written properly at least.

I still say she loses, but it's not as easy as you make it sound.


I think everyone forgot about Ares.
Ares > Dark Phoenix > Hawk Girl

WW dies to easy to any strong guy - bind her. Superman loses to magic

Hawk Girl is a good anti mage so would win and could get WW's heart to stop if fought outside.


Casual Fighter
I think everyone forgot about Ares.
Eh, in his sole appearance in the Injustice Comic, he went down pretty hard against Superman. Actually, he went down pretty hard in the game's story mode, too. In the mainstream comics he's getting beat up by Wonder Woman consistently. In the 2009 Wonder Woman movie, she outright decapitated him in their final battle. For someone who bears the title "God of War", Ares really hasn't done anything impressive lol.

Anyways, I think this thread can go on forever if we all keep debating like this. Power levels fluctuate and there's too much "he says she says" going on. Not to mention the fact that characters jobber all the time for the sake of plot.


Casual Fighter
Hawk Girl is a good anti mage so would win and could get WW's heart to stop if fought outside.
Hmm, I'll go ahead and say that I think it'd go the other way around. Wonder Woman is only magical in the sense that her father is Zeus and her equipment was forged by Greek gods. Hawk Girl's Nth metal could certainly do more damage to WW's battle armor, bracers, etc. but they won't actually negate the latter's inherent physical characteristics. Wonder Woman will always be stronger, faster, and better trained than Hawk Girl. They've never fought one another in the comics, but WW simply has better feats to go off of than HG goes.


Plus on block.
Superman would just put him in the phantom zone. He doesn't have to kill him to beat him

Superman wins vs (pick anybody)
How does he beat the flash?

But superman can run just as fast as flash and is better is every other way
Please tell me you're joking.
I don't even read DC like that and even I know Superman is no where near the Flash in terms of speed.


Where is crossplay?
How does he beat the flash?
Most people don't realize, but Superman was meant to be jesus christ back in action comics. Jonathan and Martha kent = Joseph and Mary. From a distant world meant to save us? Died and resurrected in 3 days?

Keep in mind, I am NOT trying to start any kind of debate other than the one being presented, I'm just saying, this guy was designed to be god on earth. Super speed, super strength, gets more power as he gets closer to the sun, heat vision, ice breath.

Better yet, what can Flash do to Superman? Superman flies up, what's Flash going to do, throw kryptonite at him? Superman has all the advantage with flight alone. Flash is fast, but all Superman needs to do is guess right once


Plus on block.
The flash can move and think faster than a millisecond.

The second he sees Superman try to move he can move fast enough to "freeze time" and do whatever he pleases.

Literally exact moment the fight officially starts Superman would probate have a mouth full of Kryptonjte before he even knew the flash had move.

The flash can semi-fly using his abilities as well.


1. He can move fast enough to secretly slow or freeze time.
2. He can go back in time.
3. He can punch with the force of a white dwarf star or possibly even inifinite mass.

He can move faster than any of these characters, think faster than any of these characters, give himself a seemingly infinite amount of prep time, punch harder than any of these characters, semi-fly, and go back in time.

How do you stop that.


Where is crossplay?
The flash can move and think faster than a millisecond.

The second he sees Superman try to move he can move fast enough to "freeze time" and do whatever he pleases.

Literally exact moment the fight officially starts Superman would probate have a mouth full of Kryptonjte before he even knew the flash had move.

The flash can semi-fly using his abilities as well.
Superman has superspeed as well. I'm pretty sure he can fly away from him in time. Superman/Flash actually used to race around the world together. Granted, that was a long time ago in the comics and I know now Flash is faster, but I'm pretty confident Superman can get away and then I don't see Flash having a true counter

GrundyFox He's already beaten all of them soundly already


I will spit on your tomb!
No, Shazam has beaten Superman more than a few times and I can't think of a time Superman has beat Black Adam one on one. Black Adam shit beat him. If someone can point out a time Superman has one I'd be really interested in seeing that. I litteraly can't think of a single time in canon it's happened.

Black Adam took on basically 50 members of the JLA faction and rofl stomped them with very little effort.


Where is crossplay?
No, Shazam has beaten Superman more than a few times and I can't think of a time Superman has beat Black Adam one on one. Black Adam shit beat him. If someone can point out a time Superman has one I'd be really interested in seeing that. I litteraly can't think of a single time in canon it's happened.

Black Adam took on basically 50 members of the JLA faction and rofl stomped them with very little effort.

I guess I'll have to concede. It's possible Superman can beat him, but most times BA would probably win the matchup. Didn't know he can thunderclap superman's heat vision. That's dirty


I will spit on your tomb!

I guess I'll have to concede. It's possible Superman can beat him, but most times BA would probably win the matchup. Didn't know he can thunderclap superman's heat vision. That's dirty
Well, maybe someone will pop something interesting up between the two. :)

as goofy this tread is im gonna just leave this here
bear in mind I hate Supes
And in Supermans now 10,000 appearances in comics he has never IMP'ed someone.


Plus on block.
Superman has superspeed as well. I'm pretty sure he can fly away from him in time. Superman/Flash actually used to race around the world together. Granted, that was a long time ago in the comics and I know now Flash is faster, but I'm pretty confident Superman can get away and then I don't see Flash having a true counter

GrundyFox He's already beaten all of them soundly already


What part of the Flash being able to literally, officially, canonically, and easily move fast enough to make even superman seem frozen in time, before Superman could even perceive he's done anything at all, don't you get.

There is no fly away, there is no moving "just as fast", there isn't even a fight here.

Shit, if he wanted to the flash could dodge any attack Superman could possibly throw at him.


Where is crossplay?
Pterodactyl You're also assuming Flash just has kryptonite hanging around as well. If Flash makes preparations for this fight, then according to New 52 where he is apparently a lot faster (I read that strip you posted already), he would probably hurt him w/Kryptonite. However, w/out it, how does he attack Superman?


They love my Grayson
Bruce and Shiva are in no way even close to eachother in terms of Martial Arts, doubly so for Dick and Jason. They're the bottom of the barrel while she is near the top with Cass just a little bit below her.

The best fighters can always lose too. They don't always win. Upsets happen in fighting all the time. I do amateur boxing and I work with a lot of MMA guys and guys who trained in martial arts for decades. The most skilled, talented and strongest fighter doesn't win all the time. I respect Lady Shiva and Cass being the most elite fighters in the DC universe, but I don't believe for a second in real life they would be unbeatable. You'd be amazed at the level of fighters that take losses in the hands of determined fighters. I wouldn't question anyone who's game.
WW can survive in space. She helped moved the Moon and the Earth and she had a protracted fight against Superman in outer space. I'm sure there are more instances but those are the ones that immediately spring to mind.

The gun thing has to be cleared up. I *think* I recall her being shot and the bullets hurting her but not piercing her skin. Someone will have to dig up that scan. But as I said, I think it has been a long time since we've seen her skin pierced by a non-magical weapon.

Bullets and bracers are what most people associate with the character. That might be why DC is hesitant to address her piercing durability directly. Using the bracers are part of her Amazonian training, so it is second nature to her. She often uses the bracelets in order to shield other people. And even with invulnerability it still makes sense to block attacks because you never know when a bullet or arrow may be magically imbued.
Not at all surprised by this, DC characters all do the same shit now sigh she probably has eye lasers now too huh? They should just put a giant S on everyone's chest and call it a day