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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?


missiles are coming
The writers have no idea what they are doing with the breathing thing for WoWo. She doesnt need to eat or sleep, sometimes she travels in space and doesnt seem to need to breath, sometimes she holds her breath for a long time going underwater... back in the day her earrings made it so she could breath anywhere.

The writers need to get their shit together on that one.

GL rings are not magic.
If we're going with the lantern rings as a form of science rather than magic, then Sinestro and Hal would get bopped by Superman.
And if WW can breath in space, then the lanterns are at a disadvantage against her as well.

Regardless, I think lore wise it's hard to beat Flash and Cybrog.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
If we're going with the lantern rings as a form of science rather than magic, then Sinestro and Hal would get bopped by Superman.
And if WW can breath in space, then the lanterns are at a disadvantage against her as well.

Regardless, I think lore wise it's hard to beat Flash and Cybrog.
Cyborg is WAY too slow to defeat WW, Superman, Flash, BA/Shazam, Doomsday, Zod, and MMH.

Say WonWom couldnt breath in space, how would that help GL and hurt her chances? She's still way too fast for them ey.

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
If we're going with the lantern rings as a form of science rather than magic, then Sinestro and Hal would get bopped by Superman.
And if WW can breath in space, then the lanterns are at a disadvantage against her as well.

Regardless, I think lore wise it's hard to beat Flash and Cybrog.
Lantern Rings are not Magic I believe. Superman has been shown to be able to break Lantern constructs So WW would probably be able to do the same.

I do not think WW is gifted with the ability to breath in space, but I'm sure our resident WW expert can clear this up for us. :D

Flash would have to push himself to be able to beat Supes and WW so I don't think he'd survive a full fight against either of them.

I do not know anything about Cyborg's capabilities, so I can't offer a real counter argument without just blowing smoke out my ass.


missiles are coming
Cyborg is WAY too slow to defeat WW, Superman, Flash, BA/Shazam, Doomsday, Zod, and MMH.

Say WonWom couldnt breath in space, how would that help GL and hurt her chances? She's still way too fast for them ey.
Cyborg doesn't even need to attack; in the new 52 series we see him set up a teleport within a second and they're off to where ever he wants. So as long as he has a fraction of a time, which I assume he would against anyone other than the Flash - they're boned lol.

What's stopping Hal/Sinestro from shooting off to space or at least pushing the fight to an area where WW can't breath? Regardless of speed, they have an arsenal of anything and everything they want in order to at least take the fight where they desire.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Cyborg doesn't even need to attack; in the new 52 series we see him set up a teleport within a second and they're off to where ever he wants. So as long as he has a fraction of a time, which I assume he would against anyone other than the Flash - they're boned lol.

What's stopping Hal/Sinestro from shooting off to space or at least pushing the fight to an area where WW can't breath? Regardless of speed, they have an arsenal of anything and everything they want in order to at least take the fight where they desire.
WW is too strong for GLs constructs, and anything they "blast" her with she would easily deflect/absorb with her bracers, or dodge.

Cyborg can just make any person teleport even if he cant see them or lock onto them?
GL Constructs are so inconsistent they've been broken in food fights and have contained super novas, WW still can't breathe in and I'm pretty sure she's not bullet proof and I still like a good 7-8 others over her
Flash is a good theory, but him perceiving the ridiculous aspect of time and speed would only prevent him from being touched, he isn't able to cause any damage to anyone of superhuman strength, resulting in a stalemate


Face it, you're done.
My list is

1) WW
2) Superman
3) Flash
4) Doomsday
5) Black Adam (Shazam too but BA is ruthless)

Top 5, hands down.

Then maybe 6th place is Raven's fully realized dark magic.

Everyone tends to forget that wonder woman's powers grow as she matures. She literally has every tool she needs to defeat an opponent. To those saying piercing objects, it is a known fact that Wonder Woman is invulnerable to puny weapons nowadays, including bullets.

She is the perfect embodiment of magic and strength, which essentially can stop EVERY character. If WW can't beat someone with brute strength, she has the magic of the gods to help her. WW is top tier and has proven that she lacks in no departments (not even in durability as some people claim to think). She has magical weapons and armor, brute strength, invulnerability, flight, speed, skill, quick reactions, and all around power.

Technically WW is a female superman with magic (the champion of the amazons as Kal is to his people). I hate to place her so high but she literally lacks nothing and can fight until her opponent literally tires out. Amazons' willpower should also be noted here because it makes them skillful fighters.

In the trinity (bats, supes, wowo) bats is considered the brains, supes the strength, and wowo the skill.

A skillful fighter will always win a 1v1 especially against opponents that lack the options that she has.

Doomsday is high up only because he can defeat a ton of people but anyone using the "he will come back and own you" argument just gtfo please. It doesn't matter if lobo or doomsday lose a fight and come back. As long as there are heroes they will find a way to incapacitate them and that all counts as a loss to me, not just death.

Using speed force logic, Flash should be #1 because if he inherits Reverse Flash's evil intended powers, he could do whatever he wants to the timeline and remain unaffected.


Casual Fighter
Flash is a good theory, but him perceiving the ridiculous aspect of time and speed would only prevent him from being touched, he isn't able to cause any damage to anyone of superhuman strength, resulting in a stalemate
I haven't read New 52 Flash, but I've heard Barry Allen is now capable of doing what Wally West did in the pre-52.

- Steal speed from foes, slowing them to a crawl, while adding it to his own (no physical contact necessary to do this).
- Vibrate his body so that he becomes intangible as well as interact with intangible characters.
- Vibrate his body so that he becomes invisible.
- Move around quick enough to make his brain impervious to telepathic attacks.
- Speeds up his thought processes so that only other speedsters (including Kryptonians) can be aware of what he's doing.
- Capable of transcending dimensions, allowing him to trap opponents into the Speed Force.

Now, take all of this into consideration and imagine what a blood-lusted Flash could do against non-speedster bricks such as... say... Lobo, Wonder Woman, or Aquaman (all of which are still blindly fast, btw).

- Steals their speed and turns them into turtle-bricks.
- Travels around the world and delivers his infamous Infinity Mass Punch that could knock them across entire continents.
- Vibrates his hand through their bodies, allowing him to injure or remove their organs.
- Creates a tornado through sheer speed that would suffocate them to death.
- Pulls them into the Speed Force, an inescapable dimension for them in which they could only wait for the Black Racer to kill them.

Never, ever underestimate what Flash can do if he chooses not to hold back. His bad showings against characters like Deathstroke and Wonder Woman are a result of him not trying or being subjected to PIS.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
I haven't read New 52 Flash, but I've heard Barry Allen is now capable of doing what Wally West did in the pre-52.

- Steal speed from foes, slowing them to a crawl, while adding it to his own (no physical contact necessary to do this).
- Vibrate his body so that he becomes intangible as well as interact with intangible characters.
- Vibrate his body so that he becomes invisible.
- Move around quick enough to make his brain impervious to telepathic attacks.
- Speeds up his thought processes so that only other speedsters (including Kryptonians) can be aware of what he's doing.
- Capable of transcending dimensions, allowing him to trap opponents into the Speed Force.

Now, take all of this into consideration and imagine what a blood-lusted Flash could do against non-speedster bricks such as... say... Lobo, Wonder Woman, or Aquaman (all of which are still blindly fast, btw).

- Steals their speed and turns them into turtle-bricks.
- Travels around the world and delivers his infamous Infinity Mass Punch that could knock them across entire continents.
- Vibrates his hand through their bodies, allowing him to injure or remove their organs.
- Creates a tornado through sheer speed that would suffocate them to death.
- Pulls them into the Speed Force, an inescapable dimension for them in which they could only wait for the Black Racer to kill them.

Never, ever underestimate what Flash can do if he chooses not to hold back. His bad showings against characters like Deathstroke and Wonder Woman are a result of him not trying or being subjected to PIS.
While I do believe Flash could steal the speed of Superman/Doomsday, Martian Manhunter, I'm not so sure he could steal it from WoWo, as hers is magic... and Flash hasnt been able to steal speed that comes not from physical speed [like he cant steal Dr Zoom who creates his own negative speed force stuff]. And Wonder Womans speed comes from Hermes, god of messengers, and is not physical in nature. Im not sure his speedforce circumvents the gods.

[to a lesser degree he might not be able to do this to BA/Shazam either, cuz magic]

My list is

1) WW
2) Superman
3) Flash
4) Doomsday
5) Black Adam (Shazam too but BA is ruthless)

Top 5, hands down.

Then maybe 6th place is Raven's fully realized dark magic.

Everyone tends to forget that wonder woman's powers grow as she matures. She literally has every tool she needs to defeat an opponent. To those saying piercing objects, it is a known fact that Wonder Woman is invulnerable to puny weapons nowadays, including bullets.

She is the perfect embodiment of magic and strength, which essentially can stop EVERY character. If WW can't beat someone with brute strength, she has the magic of the gods to help her. WW is top tier and has proven that she lacks in no departments (not even in durability as some people claim to think). She has magical weapons and armor, brute strength, invulnerability, flight, speed, skill, quick reactions, and all around power.

Technically WW is a female superman with magic (the champion of the amazons as Kal is to his people). I hate to place her so high but she literally lacks nothing and can fight until her opponent literally tires out. Amazons' willpower should also be noted here because it makes them skillful fighters.

In the trinity (bats, supes, wowo) bats is considered the brains, supes the strength, and wowo the skill.

A skillful fighter will always win a 1v1 especially against opponents that lack the options that she has.

Doomsday is high up only because he can defeat a ton of people but anyone using the "he will come back and own you" argument just gtfo please. It doesn't matter if lobo or doomsday lose a fight and come back. As long as there are heroes they will find a way to incapacitate them and that all counts as a loss to me, not just death.

Using speed force logic, Flash should be #1 because if he inherits Reverse Flash's evil intended powers, he could do whatever he wants to the timeline and remain unaffected.
Well said. WW is perfectly designed to beat anyone 1 on 1 in a fight. Especially in the last 10 years. But it isnt surprising that most people are unaware of her power and abilities and weapons and all that. Its like how it used to be with THOR before the movies and people got interested and know who he is. Hopefully whenever the Justice League and/or WW movie comes out she will gain more popularity and people will get to know her more ey.


You will BOW to me!
Doomsday, if we are talking about the IGAU roster. End of story. You cant kill, what you cant kill. We are talking about here about a creature that has destroyed the entire JLA TWICE (the old and the new one) on his own, killed The Radiant (a creature of pure energy) with his bare hands, survived Imperiex's full power (well he did became a skeleton, but he didnt die), beat Darkseid to a pulp of his life and survived Entropy as well. Not to mention that he is the only creature that makes Superman shit himself. Lets not forget that. Doomsday is the biggest cheat in the DC Universe, if we dont take into account the big guns (like Marvel's Celestial beings).

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Doomsday, if we are talking about the IGAU roster. End of story. You cant kill, what you cant kill. We are talking about here about a creature that has destroyed the entire JLA TWICE (the old and the new one) on his own, killed The Radiant (a creature of pure energy) with his bare hands, survived Imperiex's full power (well he did became a skeleton, but he didnt die), beat Darkseid to a pulp of his life and survived Entropy as well. Not to mention that he is the only creature that makes Superman shit himself. Lets not forget that. Doomsday is the biggest cheat in the DC Universe, if we dont take into account the big guns (like Marvel's Celestial beings).
To be fair, WW and Black Adam have taken out the JLA before too.

He's still slow and weak to magic compared to WW, and a much worse fighter, who cannot fly or control his inertia, one uppercut sends him a mile into the air. Off his feet and hes totally defenseless, and just keep hitting him going super sonic into space, and then into the sun, and hes trapped forever. Or, cut his arms/legs/hands/head off.


Casual Fighter
While I do believe Flash could steal the speed of Superman/Doomsday, Martian Manhunter, I'm not so sure he could steal it from WoWo, as hers is magic... and Flash hasnt been able to steal speed that comes not from physical speed [like he cant steal Dr Zoom who creates his own negative speed force stuff]. And Wonder Womans speed comes from Hermes, god of messengers, and is not physical in nature. Im not sure his speedforce circumvents the gods.

[to a lesser degree he might not be able to do this to BA/Shazam either, cuz magic]
Actually, Professor Zoom's speed feats are a result of his manipulation of time. His body moves quicker than others (even Wally's) because he is capable of moving through time relatively faster than any speedster could. That's why Wally's Speed Force abilities have no affect on him, making Zoom the perfect villain.

With that being said, Wonder Woman shouldn't be an exception. Magic creates a lot of loopholes in comics, but in the magic vs cosmic match-up they appear to be equal in regards to might. Every Flash has drawn power from the Speed Force, which means they aren't meta-human in nature. In fact, that means their abilities are cosmic. A magical superhero such as Wonder Woman can't defend herself from speed-stealing since that ability is supernatural. The only thing I know Diana is capable of resisting for sure is mind control and psionic invasions (Martian Manhunter's forte). That's not because she's a demigod (New 52 incarnation at least), but rather her tiara is responsible for it. A lot of her "magical" properties are a result of her equipment. Her physical capabilities, however, are like those of any other demigod. Her natural body isn't granted any sort of natural protection from hazards presented by other characters. Her skin can break from the blow of another brick. She can be drowned just like any other person. She can be burned from heat vision and similar attacks. In the Superman/Batman arc where the title characters switch powers, Batman went out of control. Wonder Woman led a JL task force to stop him on the moon, and he wiped the floor with every single one of them.

Keep in mind, I'm not trying to downgrade Wonder Woman by any means. She is, after all, ranked #6 on my list of heroes and villains in the game. I just dislike it when I see fans try to exaggerate their favorite characters by making assumptions of abilities/traits that have never been seen before (or just seem incredibly unlikely). Wonder Woman is simply the jack-of-all-trades in my book. She's unfathomably strong, fast, agile, durable, and skilled. However, she is not the strongest (Superman). She is not the fastest (Flash). She is not the most agile (Martian Manhunter). She is not the most durable (Lobo). She is also not the most skilled (Lady Shiva). You may contest that last one, and I don't blame you since I used to carry that same belief based on Batman's assessment of her. I was, however, proven wrong by the Comicvine community when I compared her to the likes of Lady Shiva, Richard Dragon, etc. Still, combine all of these traits together and you have a well-packaged hero who can contend (and even defeat on occasion) the 5 characters I ranked above her. I won't try to dispute the fact that she can beat MMH, Supes, Doomsday, etc. I will only dispute that she is consistently better than them when all of the characters are fighting without holding back.

I'll leave disclaimer, though. New 52 Wonder Woman recently revealed that her braces are actually limitations placed on the Amazons to prevent them from incurring their wrath upon the world of Man. Apparently, once these braces are removed, Wonder Woman enters a "berserker mode" that allows her to unleash enough power to pummel a god. There's only one showing of this, and I'm not sure how relevant this becomes in a tourney thread like this. However, a lot of readers think that "berserker mode" Wonder Woman could actually curbstomp Superman in a fight.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
A lot of her "magical" properties are a result of her equipment. Her physical capabilities, however, are like those of any other demigod. Her natural body isn't granted any sort of natural protection from hazards presented by other characters. Her skin can break from the blow of another brick. She can be drowned just like any other person. She can be burned from heat vision and similar attacks. In the Superman/Batman arc where the title characters switch powers, Batman went out of control. Wonder Woman led a JL task force to stop him on the moon, and he wiped the floor with every single one of them.

Keep in mind, I'm not trying to downgrade Wonder Woman by any means. She is, after, ranked #6 on my list of heroes and villains in the game. I just dislike it when I see fans try to exaggerate their favorite characters by making assumptions of abilities/traits that have never been seen before (or just seem incredibly unlikely). Wonder Woman is simply the jack-of-all-trades in my book. She's unfathomably strong, fast, agile, durable, and skilled. However, she is not the strongest (Superman). She is not the fastest (Flash). She is not the most agile (Martian Manhunter). She is not the most durable (Lobo). She is also not the most skilled (Lady Shiva). You may contest that last one, and I don't blame you since I used to carry that same belief based on Batman's assessment of her. I was, however, proven wrong by the Comicvine community when I compared her to the likes of Lady Shiva, Richard Dragon, etc. Still, combine all of these traits together and you have a well-packaged hero who can contend (and even defeat on occasion) the 5 characters I ranked above her. I won't try to dispute the fact that she can beat MMH, Supes, Doomsday, etc. I will only dispute that she is consistently better them when all of the characters are fighting without holding back.

I'll leave disclaimer, though. New 52 Wonder Woman recently revealed that her braces are actually limitations placed on the Amazons to prevent them from incurring their wrath upon the world of Man. Apparently, once these braces are removed, Wonder Woman enters a "berserker mode" that allows her to unleash enough power to pummel a god. There's only one showing of this, and I'm not sure how relevant this becomes in a tourney thread like this. However, a lot of readers think that "berserker mode" Wonder Woman could actually curbstomp Superman in a fight.

Thats why we are just talking regular levels here, no sundipped or bloodraged Superman or other characters, nothing is enhanced. Just normal vs normal. It'd definitely give WW an edge over everyone, with Superman getting an edge too if in a bloodlust rage.

Most of her magical properties are a result of the gifts the gods have her, gifts that are intrinsic to her now, and not from the weapons. Most are from gifts giving her things like speed, durability, strength, sight, resistance to illusions and mind control, flight, etc.

And shes been shown to be almost totally resistant to almost all cosmic/magic powers in the comics, so i dont know why we'd assume Flashes would be any different, when almost all [maybe all?] of the comics say otherwise, especially lately. WW IS basically the only exception when it comes to things like MMHs mind control of Flashes speed stealing or Cheetahs poison etc.

Nobody is exaggerating anything. Out of this roster She's simply the best fighter, has strength and durability on par with the best, shes the fastest in a fight outside of flash, she is resistant to everything, her weapons and armor are forged by the gods giving her a ridiculous advantage [ a sword that could cut Superman in half, a boomerang tiara that cut supermans neck, bracers which block and nullify everything, be it a heat vision attack or a big ol punch etc, ], and she doesnt tire or get weaker over a long fight.

Superman or Doomsday, "realistically" needs some sort of resistance to magic to make it fair.


Joker waiting room
The Flash, this dude is so OP it's beyond everything.

Cyborg, he can literally boom (teleport) anyone to any location in less than a second. So anyone who can't breath in space is auto killed, hell fuck it... He can boom everyone into the center of the fucking sun...except...

Superman(who gets his powers from the sun)/Wonder Woman, toss up for third place unless...

Hal and Sinestro could beat Superman if the rings are considered magic. Sinestro is the closest thing to Batman with magic powers, so if I had to pick someone to beat Superman outside Barry Allen, Sinestro is the right choice. WW doesn't have a weakness to magic, but I'm not sure if she can breath in space... That's a huge advantage for the lanterns.

Worthwhile runner ups:
Black Adam and Shazam
The mother fucking Batman
DD adapts to anything. Ggs.


Joker waiting room
Why do I keep coming here when I keep seeing fanboyism over facts agreed upon by writers and ppl going "nah, my chars dabest"


Joker waiting room
Thats why we are just talking regular levels here, no sundipped or bloodraged Superman or other characters, nothing is enhanced. Just normal vs normal. It'd definitely give WW an edge over everyone, with Superman getting an edge too if in a bloodlust rage.

Most of her magical properties are a result of the gifts the gods have her, gifts that are intrinsic to her now, and not from the weapons. Most are from gifts giving her things like speed, durability, strength, sight, resistance to illusions and mind control, flight, etc.

And shes been shown to be almost totally resistant to almost all cosmic/magic powers in the comics, so i dont know why we'd assume Flashes would be any different, when almost all [maybe all?] of the comics say otherwise, especially lately. WW IS basically the only exception when it comes to things like MMHs mind control of Flashes speed stealing or Cheetahs poison etc.

Nobody is exaggerating anything. Out of this roster She's simply the best fighter, has strength and durability on par with the best, shes the fastest in a fight outside of flash, she is resistant to everything, her weapons and armor are forged by the gods giving her a ridiculous advantage [ a sword that could cut Superman in half, a boomerang tiara that cut supermans neck, bracers which block and nullify everything, be it a heat vision attack or a big ol punch etc, ], and she doesnt tire or get weaker over a long fight.

Superman or Doomsday, "realistically" needs some sort of resistance to magic to make it fair.
adaptation. After 14 pages you fanboys still don't understand anything.


Plus on block.
Cant the flash like, literally move faster than any of these character can do anything, at all?

Even with that, he can go back in time.

And he has that infinite mass/white dwarf star punch, which is just as crazy as it sounds, that's stronger than any punch the likes of Doomsday or Superman can throw, and the flash can do that before they know he's even moved, over a million times.

And he can phase through attacks.

And a lot of other ridiculous shit that I don't feel like listing off.

The Flash is awesome but he's fucking OP, the comics even have to dumb him down.

He literally rebooted the entire DC universe almost single handedly.


You will BOW to me!
To be fair, WW and Black Adam have taken out the JLA before too.

He's still slow and weak to magic compared to WW, and a much worse fighter, who cannot fly or control his inertia, one uppercut sends him a mile into the air. Off his feet and hes totally defenseless, and just keep hitting him going super sonic into space, and then into the sun, and hes trapped forever. Or, cut his arms/legs/hands/head off.
Yeah ok, but what about Darkseid? No one of them was able to defeat Darkseid, except Superman. And Doomsday almost killed Darkseid, who is considered to be immortal by many. He survived his omega beams from point blank range ffs and after that proceeded to beat him to an inch of his life.

He isnt slow omg, when he firstly appeared, IIRC, Blue Beetle or Booster Gold said that he is almost as fast as the Flash when they were fighting him, before Superman came to their rescue. True he cannot fly but that doesnt mean he cannot compete in the air. If that was the case Superman would have destroyed DD a long time ago. Thing is you cannot kill him, like at all. Cut his limbs ? With what are you going to cut his limps when even Darkseids omega beams couldnt do shit to him. Also i dont remember reading anywhere that DD is weak against magic. DD's resilience and strength is even better than Superman's, so good luck trying to kill him. Superman knew he couldnt defeat, or kill, DD thats why he trapped him at the end of time (Entropy). So, point being, if Superman cant defeat or kill Doomsday, WW doesnt stand a chance.

The only reason DD didnt kill Superman is because the writers powered him down with weaker version afterwards (Brainiac-Doomsday, Doomsday clones etc).

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
adaptation. After 14 pages you fanboys still don't understand anything.



Well after WW cuts off Doomsdays head and tosses him into the sun then he is free to adapt all he wants.

Eh, that's debatable. Superman was trained by Karate Kid in martial arts and he's literally the best there is in any time frame so far in DC.
He trained for about 3 days compared to WW. and WW was trained by a god.... the god of war. You really cant have a better teacher than literally the GOD of combat.
Cant the flash like, literally move faster than any of these character can do anything, at all?

Even with that, he can go back in time.

And he has that infinite mass/white dwarf star punch, which is just as crazy as it sounds, that's stronger than any punch the likes of Doomsday or Superman can throw, and the flash can do that before they know he's even moved, over a million times.

And he can phase through attacks.

And a lot of other ridiculous shit that I don't feel like listing off.

The Flash is awesome but he's fucking OP, the comics even have to dumb him down.

He literally rebooted the entire DC universe almost single handedly.
I definitely agree Flash could possibly win. It is annoying in the JL how Superman tagged Flash, that doesnt really make any sense. They do tone his powers down whenever hes in the JL, kind of like THOR and Avengers, writers just make characters so powerful they have to backtrack and forget about some stuff. Bad writing ey.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
He isnt slow omg, when he firstly appeared, IIRC, Blue Beetle or Booster Gold said that he is almost as fast as the Flash when they were fighting him, before Superman came to their rescue. True he cannot fly but that doesnt mean he cannot compete in the air. If that was the case Superman would have destroyed DD a long time ago. Thing is you cannot kill him, like at all. Cut his limbs ? With what are you going to cut his limps when even Darkseids omega beams couldnt do shit to him. Also i dont remember reading anywhere that DD is weak against magic. DD's resilience and strength is even better than Superman's, so good luck trying to kill him. Superman knew he couldnt defeat, or kill, DD thats why he trapped him at the end of time (Entropy). So, point being, if Superman cant defeat or kill Doomsday, WW doesnt stand a chance.

The only reason DD didnt kill Superman is because the writers powered him down with weaker version afterwards (Brainiac-Doomsday, Doomsday clones etc).
Hes slow compared to WW in a fight, in terms of attack speed and reactions.

Doomsday is as fast Superman, and Superman is slower than WW in a fight.

Darkseid's Omega beams are not magic.

WWs sword is magic.

Do you not read those comics with the omega beams or WW comics?

"True he cannot fly but that doesnt mean he cannot compete in the air. If that was the case Superman would have destroyed DD a long time ago. "

Realistically, Superman SHOULD have, only because of stupid hole-ridden writing did he not. ANY punch from Superman would send him way into the air, and from there he'd just blast the 2000 pound Doomsday higher and higher into the air and Doomsday could do nothing. Not being able to fly or control your own inertia would get you killed in a fight, as ANY upwards hit from someone as ridiculously powerful as Superman, even if you block it, is going to send you flying, going by physics.

Then hes in space, then you throw him into the sun, and there hes stuck forever.

"Superman cant defeat or kill Doomsday, WW doesnt stand a chance."
Lol k, if Superman cant do it nobody can!!!!! .... lol sure. Gods forbid other characters be able to do other things and have abilities that Superman doesnt, things that writers have shown over and over those characters have. Right? ;)