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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?

I'm just not seeing how WW who's not pierce proof wins this I have her after the Kryptonians,Shazam/Adam,the lanterns,MMH and Flash and probably Ares depending on what type of tourney this is whats to stop GL from sniping her from space or Supes from doing the same, or Sinestro bubbling her up then filling that bubble with spikes, we've already seen what the Martian can do to her, I don't see how anyone has WW coming out top 10ish in this

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Isn't Wonder Woman weaker than Superman? Or does her strength tend to fluctuate as well?
If she is considered weaker at all then its not by much. She's never had a limit to her strength, and can stand toe to toe with him physically. Her strength is magic, and not from her anatomy.

No, her strength has always been comparable. WW's biggest problem is that although she is very strong and tough - she has a weakness against piecing objects. So for instance, she could get socked through a mountain with little trouble but a gun could actually pierce her skin.

Oh, and lex your Thor Vs Hulk count is way off. :)

There are 3 times alone where Thor took the gloves off and handled Hulk easily. Including killing the Hulk and the thing at the same time whilst missing an arm and an eye. :)
Ehh I generally go by this, this guy did a lot of work putting this together: http://hero-envy.blogspot.com/2011/09/hulk-vs-thor.html

however I definitely disagree with his assessment of the THOR vs Hulk in the Avengers movie fight. THOR definitely showed himself to be physically equal, if not stronger [by blocking his downward punch with 1 hand, and then lifting the hulk off of him while the hulk was trying to squish him] and a fighter who was way to quick for the hulk to hit [only time he hit him was when THOR was trying to reason with him and tell him to calm the fuck down]

But, realistically, the hulk has no shot against THOR, if THOR wanted to kill him he would. Instead they always write him as an idiot who forgets all his powers and abilities in a fight with him, and just wants to go close and slug it out with him... and all of a sudden loses all his reflexes and superspeed he had in the same comic before, and will have again after he fights the hulk. Writers ey. THOR > hulk.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
I'm just not seeing how WW who's not pierce proof wins this I have her after the Kryptonians,Shazam/Adam,the lanterns,MMH and Flash and probably Ares depending on what type of tourney this is whats to stop GL from sniping her from space or Supes from doing the same, or Sinestro bubbling her up then filling that bubble with spikes, we've already seen what the Martian can do to her, I don't see how anyone has WW coming out top 10ish in this
I think you guys are all getting confused by her piercing weakness. All it does is go skin deep. Its not like a spear is going to impale her. It MIGHT cut her skin, which heals instantly, as her healing is much faster than Supermans or anyone elses.

Wonder Woman: I'll probably get a lot of crap for putting her in 6th, but that's not a bad thing given how many heroes/villains there are in all. The only reason why she's down here is because she's the slowest one out of the hero bunch. Martians have been shown to keep up with Wally West in foot speed alone, which implies that J'onn (the best of the Martians) can do the same. Superman became impossible to track in fights such as Mongul's. Flash is undeniably faster than anyone on this list. Furthermore, WW's body isn't as invulnerable as the Top 4 characters that I've mentioned. Mongul wrecked her in their last encounter. Superman, in turn, wrecked Mongul. ABC logic is pretty hated, but that's what I'm going with here. WW is still no slouch, though. She's been proven to hang with Superman and the other League members. We've seen her take on the God of War, help pull the planet, and fight really well during the time she wasn't Wonder Woman.
Good post I agree with much of it.

However, other than Flash obviously, WW is the fastest in a fight in terms of reactions and reflexes and attack speed, according to the comics, and Batman. This is due to her speed gifted by the gods and her training.

From point A to point B Superman is faster obviously, but that means little in a 1vs1 fight.


I will spit on your tomb!
If she is considered weaker at all then its not by much. She's never had a limit to her strength, and can stand toe to toe with him physically. Her strength is magic, and not from her anatomy.

Ehh I generally go by this, this guy did a lot of work putting this together: http://hero-envy.blogspot.com/2011/09/hulk-vs-thor.html

however I definitely disagree with his assessment of the THOR vs Hulk in the Avengers movie fight. THOR definitely showed himself to be physically equal, if not stronger [by blocking his downward punch with 1 hand, and then lifting the hulk off of him while the hulk was trying to squish him] and a fighter who was way to quick for the hulk to hit [only time he hit him was when THOR was trying to reason with him and tell him to calm the fuck down]

But, realistically, the hulk has no shot against THOR, if THOR wanted to kill him he would. Instead they always write him as an idiot who forgets all his powers and abilities in a fight with him, and just wants to go close and slug it out with him... and all of a sudden loses all his reflexes and superspeed he had in the same comic before, and will have again after he fights the hulk. Writers ey. THOR > hulk.
Eh, never cared for that blog thing. It gets certain things wrong seemingly on purpose. Like, when Thor killed the Hulk and the Thing - he coins it as a what if scenario when its not. It was in 616 continuity but RKT decided to erase that timeline. So the it all happened in canon but RKT decided to change it (as aforementioned) but the dude doesn't explain that/

Yeah, it goes without questions that Thor could kill Hulk if he wanted to. It also goes without question Thor holds back both by him flat saying he holds back (against mortals) and by action. Action being when it isn't time to mess around, he puts Hulk out flat including killing him. Also, the other huge indicator is that Thor never uses his abilities - he always goes hand to hand basically.

Ever seen Thor use Anti Force on the Hulk? Thermal Blast? God Blast? The one time (I can think of personally) he used lightning he knocked Hulk right out. It goes without question, with the evidence, if Thor truly wanted to kill him he would. Like I mentioned in my other post, Thor possesses the whos who of badasses he has defeated.

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
No, her strength has always been comparable. WW's biggest problem is that although she is very strong and tough - she has a weakness against piecing objects. So for instance, she could get socked through a mountain with little trouble but a gun could actually pierce her skin.
By the sounds of it, WW could actually take out most, if not all of the League if she really wanted to.


No, her strength has always been comparable. WW's biggest problem is that although she is very strong and tough - she has a weakness against piecing objects. So for instance, she could get socked through a mountain with little trouble but a gun could actually pierce her skin.
To be fair, WW's piercing "weakness" has been all over the place. I don't think we've seen her skin pierced by a non-magical weapon in a very, very long time. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)

And even if that were the case, I don't see how that would change the outcome of these fights. It's not as if any of the bricks fly around with swords attached to their firsts. And lets not forget that WW comes with her own weapon in hand. Her tiara has been shown to cut Superman so it's more likely she would be the one taking advantage of a weapon. And we of course can't forget her lasso. Even without some of the scarier powers it had in previous runs, it is still pretty much an instant "I win" button against characters like Shazam.

I also disagree with the posts saying that she is slower than characters like MMH. She's also been shown to keep up with speedsters like Jessie Quick and she has tagged both Flash and Zoom more than once. She even managed to hit Flash while blindfolded during a training exercise. Flash obviously wasn't using his speed to its full potential there, but the point was to show that she is more than capable in the speed department. It's also been stated in the comics twice, once by WW herself and once by Batman that she has faster combat speed than Superman. And Batman said that with Superman standing right next to him.

Of the "bricks," I'd really only give a majority to Superman and Doomsday over her. Superman is tough for her because I'm not sure if she could knock him out before he KO'ed her. She could kill him though . . .

Characters like Green Lantern and Sinestro would pose more of challenge in my opinion because of the way they fight. She has been shown to break Hal's constructs before though.


Bruce, Lady Shiva, Cassandra or even Dick or Jason. Martial Arts > superhuman strength
Bruce and Shiva are in no way even close to eachother in terms of Martial Arts, doubly so for Dick and Jason. They're the bottom of the barrel while she is near the top with Cass just a little bit below her.

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
I think you guys are all getting confused by her piercing weakness. All it does is go skin deep. Its not like a spear is going to impale her. It MIGHT cut her skin, which heals instantly, as her healing is much faster than Supermans or anyone elses.
In Earth 2 #1 Steppenwolf killed WW by stabbing her with his spear.


Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
He is a god and that spear does not look ordinary to me. I don't think anyone would have survived that.
This ^^

And he also killed Superman then too. And Batman. He killed everyone.

He also survived a fight against Doomsday.

Yeah, it goes without questions that Thor could kill Hulk if he wanted to. It also goes without question Thor holds back both by him flat saying he holds back (against mortals) and by action. Action being when it isn't time to mess around, he puts Hulk out flat including killing him. Also, the other huge indicator is that Thor never uses his abilities - he always goes hand to hand basically.

Ever seen Thor use Anti Force on the Hulk? Thermal Blast? God Blast? The one time (I can think of personally) he used lightning he knocked Hulk right out. It goes without question, with the evidence, if Thor truly wanted to kill him he would. Like I mentioned in my other post, Thor possesses the whos who of badasses he has defeated.
Yeah THOR definitely is in a league above hulk, "realistically" speaking. It is annoying, and speaks to how powerful he is, that they have to DEPOWER THOR and take away his abilities so he can fight hulk and make it interesting.

But they cant write it that way, as it wouldnt sell things when they fight, and itd piss off every hulk fan... because they get too butthurt. Idk why, I like Batman over Superman but I know "realistically" Superman would beat him in a fight, unless Superman all of a sudden became mentally challenged, I dont get butthurt over someone who is clearly more powerful beating a hero I like more.

By the sounds of it, WW could actually take out most, if not all of the League if she really wanted to.

"realistically", yes I think she would. She has in the past, but most importantly it makes sense that today she could defeat them all in 1vs1. . . which is why she has my vote in the OP of this thread.

As strong, better reflexes/attack speed than everyone other than flash, durable on par with everyone else, magic weapons that would kill everyone, magic armor that would block everything, resistant to mind control, and the best fighter in terms of skill by far out of those in this game.

To be fair, WW's piercing "weakness" has been all over the place. I don't think we've seen her skin pierced by a non-magical weapon in a very, very long time. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)

And even if that were the case, I don't see how that would change the outcome of these fights. It's not as if any of the bricks fly around with swords attached to their firsts. And lets not forget that WW comes with her own weapon in hand. Her tiara has been shown to cut Superman so it's more likely she would be the one taking advantage of a weapon. And we of course can't forget her lasso. Even without some of the scarier powers it had in previous runs, it is still pretty much an instant "I win" button against characters like Shazam.

I also disagree with the posts saying that she is slower than characters like MMH. She's also been shown to keep up with speedsters like Jessie Quick and she has tagged both Flash and Zoom more than once. She even managed to hit Flash while blindfolded during a training exercise. Flash obviously wasn't using his speed to its full potential there, but the point was to show that she is more than capable in the speed department. It's also been stated in the comics twice, once by WW herself and once by Batman that she has faster combat speed than Superman. And Batman said that with Superman standing right next to him.

Of the "bricks," I'd really only give a majority to Superman and Doomsday over her. Superman is tough for her because I'm not sure if she could knock him out before he KO'ed her. She could kill him though . . .

Characters like Green Lantern and Sinestro would pose more of challenge in my opinion because of the way they fight. She has been shown to break Hal's constructs before though.
You know what you are talking about^

Diana would have to get a little cold and vicious to beat Superman, she'd have to cut off a hand or foot, or stab him in the gut/chest, or chop off a head for her to win... which realistically she'd be able to do all that. I agree that knocking him out with a punch might be too difficult. As for Doomsday, she'd have to qualms about cutting off that meanies head, and Doomsday is still slower than her in combat, and nonresistant to magic, so she'd go crazy and slice off all kindsa things against him and beat him.

Against GL/Sinestro, going by the JL52, she definitely was clearly superior to Hals constructs for sure. But speed is where Hal dies instantly, his reflexes couldnt track her.


missiles are coming
The Flash, this dude is so OP it's beyond everything.

Cyborg, he can literally boom (teleport) anyone to any location in less than a second. So anyone who can't breath in space is auto killed, hell fuck it... He can boom everyone into the center of the fucking sun...except...

Superman(who gets his powers from the sun)/Wonder Woman, toss up for third place unless...

Hal and Sinestro could beat Superman if the rings are considered magic. Sinestro is the closest thing to Batman with magic powers, so if I had to pick someone to beat Superman outside Barry Allen, Sinestro is the right choice. WW doesn't have a weakness to magic, but I'm not sure if she can breath in space... That's a huge advantage for the lanterns.

Worthwhile runner ups:
Black Adam and Shazam
The mother fucking Batman

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
The Flash, this dude is so OP it's beyond everything.

Cyborg, he can literally boom (teleport) anyone to any location in less than a second. So anyone who can't breath in space is auto killed, hell fuck it... He can boom everyone into the center of the fucking sun...except...

Superman(who gets his powers from the sun)/Wonder Woman, toss up for third place unless...

Hal and Sinestro could beat Superman if the rings are considered magic. Sinestro is the closest thing to Batman with magic powers, so if I had to pick someone to beat Superman outside Barry Allen, Sinestro is the right choice. WW doesn't have a weakness to magic, but I'm not sure if she can breath in space... That's a huge advantage for the lanterns.

Worthwhile runner ups:
Black Adam and Shazam
The mother fucking Batman

The writers have no idea what they are doing with the breathing thing for WoWo. She doesnt need to eat or sleep, sometimes she travels in space and doesnt seem to need to breath, sometimes she holds her breath for a long time going underwater... back in the day her earrings made it so she could breath anywhere.

The writers need to get their shit together on that one.

GL rings are not magic.

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
WW has a weakness of piercing weapons (or just sharp pointy things in general I don't know I don't read her comics) So if say, Supes took a spear (let's assume that it's a normal spear) Superman could potentially kill her? Or not? Obviously things like training and such come into play but if Superman is at point A and WW is at Point B would he have a chance?

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
Actually if NRS could put Steppenwolf into this game then that would totally make my argument more valid soooooo.....


Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
Same page had Superman being suicide bombed by Parademons. I think it's safe to say that Earth-2 is a little weaker than their mainline counterparts.
I think Apokilps (I think that's the correct spelling) would have the tech to build a bomb capable of taking out Superman.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
WW has a weakness of piercing weapons (or just sharp pointy things in general I don't know I don't read her comics) So if say, Supes took a spear (let's assume that it's a normal spear) Superman could potentially kill her? Or not? Obviously things like training and such come into play but if Superman is at point A and WW is at Point B would he have a chance?
I dont think shes ever been shown, especially in the last 25 years, to be able to be impaled by a regular pointy thingy, only some sort of godweapon. Everything else just cuts her skin, which heals right away.

I think.

It is a good question though, give Superman a nice durable spear and if he can toss it super fast and somehow diana decides not to block it if it would impale her.

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
The flash would win before anyone could think

Then superman, then doomsday, then wonder woman then gl then Batman
The flash would have to push himself to his limits to defeat Supes, WW and Doomsday He'd burn himself out like halfway through his first fight.

There's also this


WW has access to magical weaponry and that coupled with her powers and training probably puts her above Supes.

Doomsday can't fly, so one good hit into Space and he's done.

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
I dont think shes ever been shown, especially in the last 25 years, to be able to be impaled by a regular pointy thingy, only some sort of godweapon. Everything else just cuts her skin, which heals right away.

I think.
I'll just take your word for it because, as I've said I don't really read her stuff so I don't know the full extent of her abilities.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
The flash would have to push himself to his limits to defeat Supes, WW and Doomsday He'd burn himself out like halfway through his first fight.

There's also this

View attachment 7469

WW has access to magical weaponry and that coupled with her powers and training probably puts her above Supes.

Doomsday can't fly, so one good hit into Space and he's done.
Yeah given her training and powers and weapons both given to her by the gods shes definitely realistically above Superman.

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
Come to think of it, Couldn't anyone with the sufficient strength or powers kill Doomsday by just chucking him into the sun?

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
I'll just take your word for it because, as I've said I don't really read her stuff so I don't know the full extent of her abilities.
I'll just take your word for it because, as I've said I don't really read her stuff so I don't know the full extent of her abilities.
I edited it to add "It is a good question though, give Superman a nice durable spear and if he can toss it super fast and somehow diana decides not to block it if it would impale her."

Because who knows, that could happen at great speeds. But as far as they've shown it, nothing impales her short of a godweapon, just cuts.
Come to think of it p, Could you kill Doomsday by just chucking him into the sun?
Not sure, you could indefinitely keep him there locked up though, he'd have to way to break free of the gravity, which is IMMENSE.