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What player is the Ultimate Hype Killer?


Brain Dead Bro
REO/Any dominicans vs Any of the dominicans/REO it's fundamentally sound and great matches but they are boring after all this time, unless they both really change characters. I turned off NEC after Top 4 :/

Sub-Zero matches are probably the HYPEST matches, a Sub with patience that is. My FAVORITE match to watch was Tom Brady vs Showtime just so much patience and once a clone or a d4 mix up hits you just clench, it's crazy.....I'm gonna go watch the match again.


Dojo Trainee
Anything that happens often or is considered normal is not hype. So, when Cyrax meets Kabal in a tournament, the idea of that alone isn't hype, but what happens in the match could be.

I think a lot of people would like to see more of the lesser used characters at tournaments.


Command Grabber
REO is a hype killer for me. I don't even bother watching anything past winners finals if I he him make it. Unless he's playing CDjr.


Nothing kills more hype than watching the stream chat during a live match where everyone is complaining about the hype being dead. Or about some player's win being downplayed by using a certain character. Been over this tons of times. We can't just leave it to top tier players to find and use tech sufficiently for lower tier characters to have tournament wins. That is up to the players that insist on winning with these fish characters.


Honestly... the only Kabal that I find entertaining is REO . CD jr 's Kung Lao and Jax are hype to watch... especially his Rain but when him and Perfect Legend pick Kabal to use... ugh. PL's Kung Lao is art to watch.

Makes me wonder... if REO was using a character like Sektor and winning all of these tournaments... would CD Jr and PL be using Sektor as well?
Pig vs Sonya or cage kills hype for me. Especially cage. The arena was the first stream I started watching and turned off after I saw the match up come up. It's too bad a player like dizzy with such sound fundamentals and skill in making quality reads has specialized in a character with such a lop sided match up. It's only going to get worse because like Kabal more people will learn and become better with kenshi as time goes on. It seems the only way dizzy will win is if the right people get eliminated before he plays them in tournament.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


The most boring match i've ever seen was Dan Cock and someone else doing sindel mirror casuals before evo. It was the saddest thing to ever happen in america..... That's right... 9/11 doesn't have shit on fireball trades....

I don't mind seeing kabals for the most part I've always thought the char was fun to watch


Honestly... the only Kabal that I find entertaining is REO . CD jr 's Kung Lao and Jax are hype to watch... especially his Rain but when him and Perfect Legend pick Kabal to use... ugh. PL's Kung Lao is art to watch.

Makes me wonder... if REO was using a character like Sektor and winning all of these tournaments... would CD Jr and PL be using Sektor as well?
No. Because as great a player as REO is, he wouldn't be winning all these tournaments with Sektor, LBSH.

PL and Jr picked up Kabal as an alt because he's the best in the game, not just because REO was "winning all these tournaments." After all, Jr. was getting the better of REO's Kabal for a while with Jax.

Plus it goes both ways, REO picked up Kung Lao for EVO. Did he pick him because of PL?

REO's the best Kabal in the world and the best MK player IMO, this is a high enough compliment on its own. Let's not make up praise by acting like players might pick up any character he plays with.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
that match was good but i was saying usually... Tont-T brought hype in that imo :p if it was any other cyrax vs tom i would have find it boring ^^
i dunno theres somethin about brady goin for time outs an crazy x rays , i think hes mad hype , nevermind the fact that hes a funny fucker
I can't really say which player because MK GF has a very high percentage of being boring. I watch multiple games (SF, UMvC3, KOF, TTT2) as well, and there's not a lot of the games that I know of that have such a high rate of flat grand finals. Matches before GF are great as all hell, but you might as well call it a day once GF comes on.

Even watching MLG Dallas I already knew who was going to get 1st, 2nd, and 3rd after top 8. Just seeing it unfold as it happened bored me. If I had to give names and reasons it would be:

-CDjr vs Reo GF. At first it was really cool seeing your rivalry occur over and over but eventually got repetitive. Good high level play, but really hard to watch.
-Reo. Great player, but watching him play is like drinking sand to me. The "Daigo Face" doesn't help either lol
-One sides match ups. Even if a mid tier made it to GF, at this stage of the game they get bent over.
-Kabal (especially in GF). Mainly due to Reo/Kevodaman. To be honest, I dislike Kabal, but weirdly was a fan of Erik Warda's Kabal and MichaelAngelo.
-VSM players GF. As in a GF I would see in a VSM tournament
-Kenshi. Pigs pop offs really make up for this so in reality not much of a problem.

Just my two cents. :REO


It's not that REO's Kabal is boring. It's that Kabal's zoning is so fast, repetitive and powerful that it's boring to watch other characters try to get in.
REO, you. I cringe every time I see you play once you're in Top 4 range, because I know what's coming. It was cool to watch you play when you were working on your Kabal, and no one ever saw those NDC's on VSM streams, but yeah, you by a long shot. I've turned off the stream once, Lol.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Am I the only one who chuckled at the fact that he capitalized "Ultimate Hype Killer"?

Read that in the voice of the Powerthirst guy....
I only picked Kabal to cover match ups but I can't get specific experience in match ups to take him to the next level. AKA not having a scene that I can play with whenever I choose to hurts when learning a new character. And on top of that my main practice partners for online don't play much anymore so I am assed out.