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Question - Fisticuffs What changes would you do to Fisticuffs?


King of the Jobbers 2015
I don't think I saw river crying in the deal anywhere.
Its a great song. But seriously, if you guys wanna cry every time someone calls you out save it. Ive spent massive amounts of hours in my character and I still have an awful lot to learn, including many, many match ups at a high level. I have the privilige to play against some amazing people, but I don't think anyone, me or them can say they know all match ups from tip to toe. When someone like this Israel guy, who clearly doesn't play at a high level or doesn't have access to these plethora of amazing players, state cathegorical facts that characters like JC are low tier, I don't care about blowing him up. If I can't honestly give an 100% opinion of what my own character fares against everyone in the cast at a high level (which is the only level that matters when talking about gameplay), then what makes you think he can? This is the exact reason why we make fun of TYM downplay. Bunch of people crying and whinning instead of genuinely trying to compete, learning the game and traveling for it. That's supposed to be the whole point of the website. It's sad that a lot of extremely talented and knowledgable players would rather just not visit the site because of this.


Stay focused or get Caged
When someone like this Israel guy, who clearly doesn't play at a high level or doesn't have access to these plethora of amazing players, state cathegorical facts that characters like JC are low tier, I don't care about blowing him up.
Wow, after all these years I realize now I live in Israel. This is magic xD
You assume too much, wise man. You don't have a clue about how I play or who I play, the same you don't have any idea where I live.
And by the way, a player on this website with similar level to me played you and told me you are nothing from other world...so don't be so proud of yourself, pal.
If you think Cage doesn't need buffs, I respect your opinion, but you should learn to respect others too.
And by the way, at the op I said the question "What changes would you do to fisticuffs? " was addressed to Cage players. Are you?

An I'm still waiting your answer to where you would put Fisticuffs in a tier list...
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King of the Jobbers 2015
Wow, after all these years I realize now I live in Israel. This is magic xD
You assume too much, wise man. You don't have a clue about how I play or who I play, the same you don't have any idea where I live.
And by the way, a player on this website with similar level to me played you and told me you are nothing from other world...so don't be so proud of yourself, pal.
If you think Cage doesn't need buffs, I respect your opinion, but you should learn to respect others too.
And by the way, at the op I said the question "What changes would you do to fisticuffs? " was addressed to Cage players. Are you?

An I'm still waiting your answer to where you would put Fisticuffs in a tier list...
Ismael* there. Aren't you from Brazil? I like that your nameless friend told you I'm nothing out of this world, I guess it was probably offline. Oh wait nop, probably not. I guess me saying "I can't talk about my own character despite having all these experience" means I'm boasting myself. But I do know a lot of people in the community since I attend a lot of events. So, who do you play and where do you live then?


Stay focused or get Caged
Ismael* there. Aren't you from Brazil? I like that your nameless friend told you I'm nothing out of this world, I guess it was probably offline. Oh wait nop, probably not. I guess me saying "I can't talk about my own character despite having all these experience" means I'm boasting myself. But I do know a lot of people in the community since I attend a lot of events. So, who do you play and where do you live then?
I'm from Spain. I usually play online, but I had the opportunity to play at some offline events like the spanish MK Cup.
I'm sure I'm not as experienced as most of the people here, but considering I main Fisticuffs Cage since day 1 and I spend a lot of time with him and the game, my word about him at least is not trash...

I play some other characters and with less dedication than the one I gave to Cage I get much easier wins. So in my opinion FC Cage has very limited resources at this point, and there's few situations where picking him is better than picking any of the other two variations, many people agree with what I'm saying. If you don't it would be good to hear your points, maybe your ideas will make us improve.
I'm from Spain. I usually play online, but I had the opportunity to play at some offline events like the spanish MK Cup.
I'm sure I'm not as experienced as most of the people here, but considering I main Fisticuffs Cage since day 1 and I spend a lot of time with him and the game, my word about him at least is not trash...

I play some other characters and with less dedication than the one I gave to Cage I get much easier wins. So in my opinion FC Cage has very limited resources at this point, and there's few situations where picking him is better than picking any of the other two variations, many people agree with what I'm saying. If you don't it would be good to hear your points, maybe your ideas will make us improve.
That's the ticket though, this guy isn't here to give you people pointers or help you improve from your "downplaying scrub" mentality, dude doesn't even play the character.

But what he can do, is whine and complain about everyone whining and complaining.

Maybe that IS his way of helping tho.

Because "calling people out" for wanting character buffs because YOU feel these people aren't leveled up enough or spending enough time with their character while being a sanctimonious dirtbag about it is certainly going to get people to stop.

If you know there is going to be whining pissing and moaning why come to these threads? For trolling purposes?

I dunno


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
I just got bodied by a johnny cage ysing fisticuffs because he chipped me to death and broke my armor instantly. Shadow Kick gives no fucks about any type of zoning so im pretty sure thats a bad match-up for Kenshi. Also this guy needs no low starter when his D4 is insanely good. I agree he needs a buff but he seems pretty good to me.


King of the Jobbers 2015
I'm from Spain. I usually play online, but I had the opportunity to play at some offline events like the spanish MK Cup.
I'm sure I'm not as experienced as most of the people here, but considering I main Fisticuffs Cage since day 1 and I spend a lot of time with him and the game, my word about him at least is not trash...

I play some other characters and with less dedication than the one I gave to Cage I get much easier wins. So in my opinion FC Cage has very limited resources at this point, and there's few situations where picking him is better than picking any of the other two variations, many people agree with what I'm saying. If you don't it would be good to hear your points, maybe your ideas will make us improve.
I'd have to see your gameplay to see what you're doing wrong. Point is, 99% of your posts is you saying JC is trash. He's not. He has a great mix up game. His D4 is ridiculous. He's one of the few characters that can legit anti air with normals. Fisticuffs adds extra damage plus is extremely hard to deal with it if done properly. It stuffs armored moves and does insane chip. Hell even the "hitbox issues" only happen in strings jcs never even use often.
That's the ticket though, this guy isn't here to give you people pointers or help you improve from your "downplaying scrub" mentality, dude doesn't even play the character.

But what he can do, is whine and complain about everyone whining and complaining.

Maybe that IS his way of helping tho.

Because "calling people out" for wanting character buffs because YOU feel these people aren't leveled up enough or spending enough time with their character while being a sanctimonious dirtbag about it is certainly going to get people to stop.

If you know there is going to be whining pissing and moaning why come to these threads? For trolling purposes?

I dunno
This is like the 5th time you've done this you realize this right? I do play against a FC Cage pretty consistenly and I've seen it being used effectively in tournament many times. Now it says you've signed up since 2011 but I have no idea who you are, I've never seen you in any tournament or contributing in literally anything to the community. Who the hell are you?
I'd have to see your gameplay to see what you're doing wrong. Point is, 99% of your posts is you saying JC is trash. He's not. He has a great mix up game. His D4 is ridiculous. He's one of the few characters that can legit anti air with normals. Fisticuffs adds extra damage plus is extremely hard to deal with it if done properly. It stuffs armored moves and does insane chip. Hell even the "hitbox issues" only happen in strings jcs never even use often.

This is like the 5th time you've done this you realize this right? I do play against a FC Cage pretty consistenly and I've seen it being used effectively in tournament many times. Now it says you've signed up since 2011 but I have no idea who you are, I've never seen you in any tournament or contributing in literally anything to the community. Who the hell are you?
And there will be a 6th and a 7th as long as you keep being rude and crass to people when it's unnecessary. I don't think you knowing who I am or not knowing who i am has anything to do with the way you present yourself, it's funny how you keep ignoring that though.


King of the Jobbers 2015
And there will be a 6th and a 7th as long as you keep being rude and crass to people when it's unnecessary. I don't think you knowing who I am or not knowing who i am has anything to do with the way you present yourself, it's funny how you keep ignoring that though.
Nop, TYM is a cesspool of ignorance thanks to people like you. I really couldn't care less about what you think.
Who the f* is Cossner? Your cocky attitude is giving everyone cancer
Someone who got cancer after reading "Johnny Cage is low tier". Cocky lol
Nop, TYM is a cesspool of ignorance thanks to people like you. I really couldn't care less about what you think.

Someone who got cancer after reading "Johnny Cage is low tier". Cocky lol
It's a cesspool of ignorance because of me!? Because of me! The guy who rode in here on his high horse and bashed these people and called them scrubs?! How the hell could I be ignorant!!

Nop, TYM is a cesspool of ignorance thanks to people like you. I really couldn't care less about what you think.
Just saying: If your goal here is to improve the site, or to reduce the clutter of perceived foolishness, it would help if you didn't add to the fires by way of a caustic attitude. I highly doubt that fools will listen to those who say things to them with an antagonistic or venomous approach. Whether or not those you patronize are indeed dum-dums, their indignation over your apparent unfriendly attitude – and your continued antagonism in your replies – has lead to a circle of bitterness and spite. That's not helping anyone.

So... Please, Cossner, consider a little change in your approach? Although you may be quite tired of foolish antics from certain TYM-goers, a change in attitude can make a huge difference!

(Also: This attitude thing applies to everyone, but change starts with the self.)


Stay focused or get Caged
I'd have to see your gameplay to see what you're doing wrong. Point is, 99% of your posts is you saying JC is trash. He's not. He has a great mix up game. His D4 is ridiculous. He's one of the few characters that can legit anti air with normals. Fisticuffs adds extra damage plus is extremely hard to deal with it if done properly. It stuffs armored moves and does insane chip. Hell even the "hitbox issues" only happen in strings jcs never even use often.
A-list is good and has lots of mix ups, I agree with that. Stunt double loses pressure but gains huge damage.
I consider those two variations (apart from the hitbox issues that specially hurt those two variations, and that I hope today are fixed) pretty good.

But FC (I'm focusing on it) loses all of this and gains what? A chip buff which is extremely unsafe to activate and very few rewarding? Because speedbag is not a threat anymore in terms of pressure, the opponent can just poke out very easily, even with bad reactions. That insane chip you talk about needs fistbump activated and the options to use it were reduced with the speedbag nerf.

His mix up game is not so great compared to others, if you block him high you are never eating great damage. If the opponent knows the matchup is very easy to fuzzy-guard the 11 f2 / 113 mix up, which is one of his main tools. Furthermore, and this is crucial, there's no way in this variation to make safe the string 113 without using meter, which reduces more your options to mix up safely. And if you use the metered forceballs to be safe after 113, you are just pushed out of range and the pressure is over, the plus frames you get just allow you to try f3 or f34, which is not a fantastic option...This situation only favors A-List that has a cancel to continue pressure.
D4 is ridiculous, I'm ok with that, but that's not variation specific.

Which are those normals that anti-air so consistently? Because 1 and F4 lose against jumpins too often to be reliable. And his flip kick antiairs but does very poor damage and has almost vertical hitbox, like his uppercut...
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