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Strategy Was it good for you? - Mileena general discussion


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
SCR and NEC are going to be interesting to say the least.

...yes I'm hyping up SCR. Deal with it.

I have one thing to tell anyone who disagrees,

...I don't agree with you but I respect your opinion. Heck, has NEC made a hype video psh I think not. This thread is one more reason to hype SCR. So for that, thank you [MENTION=588]Mr. Kitana[/MENTION]

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
SCR and NEC are going to be interesting to say the least.
Understatement of the year
Someone should creat a predicition thread and superlative for both to create even more hype

These 2 events r going to be major huge and produce vast amounts of salt

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

...yes I'm hyping up SCR. Deal with it.

I have one thing to tell anyone who disagrees,

...I don't agree with you but I respect your opinion. Heck, has NEC made a hype video psh I think not. This thread is one more reason to hype SCR. So for that, thank you [MENTION=588]Mr. Kitana[/MENTION]
Quite honestly when u see my new tech for mileena u will change your post about SRC> NEC


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Quite honestly when u see my new tech for mileena u will change your post about SRC> NEC
Well the only thing thats for sure making me like SCR is the fact that I'm a player in that area.

But still, anything to get those non tourney/offline players convinced to get out and be a part of this. I like how every region has its own stuff.

Apparently here in SoCal we have good AA and rushdown...so much that we don't drop combos, those are "advanced resets" haha.


Yo. Mr. Kitana and Pig, It's great that you guys have found whatever this "surprise new Mileena tech" is. But honestly, I don't understand the point of making a thread about something that's still being kept a secret. I mean if you don't wanna reveal it that's fine, but then why not just wait until after SCR or whatever to post this stuff, since you want to surprise us that bad?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
are you talking about mine?
Or did you invent a new one in the past few hours?

I'm truly sorry

I mean your tech

HOWEVER..............I will NOT record a video of your tech but definitely record a video and post of something i Found that is an absolute game changer

Mr. Mileena

I'm truly sorry

I mean your tech

HOWEVER..............I will NOT record a video of your tech but definitely record a video and post of something i Found that is an absolute game changer
Just so you know piggy wiggy, I haven't used my tech against you. Maybe once by accident lol.
But represent Mileena well with it.

How about this pig, i'll let you in on my full tech, and see if we can enhance it further?
But you cannot cannot tell anyone. Deal?


Sex Kick
Mr. Hut, please tell us about the stuff you found since we'll find out soon anyway. : )
Hey wait, I want in on this deal too. Let's the three of us work to enhance it.

I've been discovering so much new tech the past couple weeks what with the U4, Dash, B2, and the countless new Scorpion combos (which will all be in the Scorpion guide released on Thanksgiving).

Mr. Mileena

Mr. Hut, please tell us about the stuff you found since we'll find out soon anyway. : )
Hey wait, I want in on this deal too.
I'm gonna tell Pig of the Hut, and let him use it at NEC, he will be my student lol.

So guys, just 12 more days, all I can say, is the pressure will be intense by mileena. You won't feel safe blocking, jumping, ducking, or teching.... Vs mileena, will be a mind game, a tougher one than it is now.

Preventing wakeups is nice, but this isn't the ethereal tech, just wanna build the hype lol
the real tech shall be revealed soon <3

Mr. Mileena

This is already making me uncomfortable.

Too much new tech at one time.
exactly. why would i reveal it now, just so everyone can know how to defend against it (you really cant 100% lol)

I want pig to win, and im gonna give him the upperhand. quite frankly, i may or may not main mileena, I want to stick with Kitana still. lol


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
exactly. why would i reveal it now, just so everyone can know how to defend against it (you really cant 100% lol)

I want pig to win, and im gonna give him the upperhand. quite frankly, i may or may not main mileena, I want to stick with Kitana still. lol
Letting it get to me mentally is the first step in losing a fight.

So I guess until I know what this tech is, I have to get better to stop Mileenas before they can completely wreck me with that unknown tech. Possible? Maybe, maybe not.


exactly. why would i reveal it now, just so everyone can know how to defend against it (you really cant 100% lol)

I want pig to win, and im gonna give him the upperhand. quite frankly, i may or may not main mileena, I want to stick with Kitana still. lol
I'm fine with the fact that you want to keep it to yourself (and Pig too I guess) until a tourney. You have every right to reveal it when you're ready.

My thing is why post a thread about it before you're ready to reveal it? Especially if there's no guaranteed counter to worry about? It just becomes a tease then.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
(spoilers: Kitana is the ugly one)
That's no spoiler! Dat man face.

My thing is why post a thread about it before you're ready to reveal it? Especially if there's no guaranteed counter to worry about? It just becomes a tease then.
Because it attracts more attention to the tournament and the players responsible for said discoveries. I'm tuning into ECT to see Kitana's, Mileena's and Shang's new tech. Unless Detroit is revealing the Shang tech at SCR? Suppose that makes more sense considering he's in AZ.

Any evolution of this game I'm very very interested in. Certainly would love to see the mold broken between every grand final consisting of iAGBs/iAFs or both; game's been a bit stale lately.


Sex Kick
Hey, this thread lead me to discover the U4, dash, B2...
And Kitana's (AKA Ugly's) thread lead people to discover 2,1...

People should come play with the pretty sister more.
She likes to dance, she asks you if you got hurt to be nice, she's purple instead of blue,this is all just better in every single way. She smells better too (like a skunk).
She even likes April O Niel so much that she eats some of her at the end of every match.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Hey, this thread lead me to discover the U4, dash, B2...
And Kitana's (AKA Ugly's) thread lead people to discover 2,1...

People should come play with the pretty sister more.
She likes to dance, she asks you if you got hurt to be nice, she's purple instead of blue, this is all just better in every single way.
She even likes April O Niel so much that she eats some of her at the end of every match.
Lol I don't even plan to use mileena...... No joke