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Discussion [VOTE]Who is the WORST variation in the game right now?

Worst Variation In The Game

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PSN: Windude008
The fact that there is even a debate about this is a testament to how little representation F/T has. Lackey is Z-tier where as Outlaw and DM are prolly sitting somewhere around N-tier.

Now I don't play anyone other than F/T so yea I'm a little bias, but I've been playing this character since launch so I've been there for every buff and nerf, every shift in the meta. The only reason I have any success with Lackey today is twofold

1) No one knows the mu

2) I know the fuck out of my mu's, so well that I'm only uncomfortable picking Lackey in very very few mu (Pyro Tanya, PL Leatherface, Quan)

I swear NRS has never really played this character out when deciding to buff or nerf him. Why Goro practically got reworked around punchwalk changes while Lackey was told to just grin and bear it after losing torryuken is beyond me. Torryuken should have just been -30 and have its scaling adjusted so I'm not hitting a braindead 41% off a raw EX db2.

Deleted member 5032

How did HW not make the list? Easily bottom 3, if not actually the worst.


Kitana, Kenshi, Triborg
Some of them i did not feel deserved to be listed, but as it stands i feel Kenjutsu is lacking very much with Balanced and Possesed doing so well in the MU department there is no reason to use Kenjutsu.

is it ok to say one variation Alien has is trashed...

Hat Trick is ok imo, but id have to say: DrunkinM, Lacky, High Tech, Outlaw and a certain Yellow Cyborg makes the cut.


Stay focused or get Caged
The fact that there is even a debate about this is a testament to how little representation F/T has. Lackey is Z-tier where as Outlaw and DM are prolly sitting somewhere around N-tier.

Now I don't play anyone other than F/T so yea I'm a little bias, but I've been playing this character since launch so I've been there for every buff and nerf, every shift in the meta. The only reason I have any success with Lackey today is twofold

1) No one knows the mu

2) I know the fuck out of my mu's, so well that I'm only uncomfortable picking Lackey in very very few mu (Pyro Tanya, PL Leatherface, Quan)

I swear NRS has never really played this character out when deciding to buff or nerf him. Why Goro practically got reworked around punchwalk changes while Lackey was told to just grin and bear it after losing torryuken is beyond me. Torryuken should have just been -30 and have its scaling adjusted so I'm not hitting a braindead 41% off a raw EX db2.
I feel you man. They didn't see this through. Characters like Balanced Kenshi or Lackey Torr shouldn't just have got removed his armor launcher, they were too reliant on it.

Either a two bar armor launcher or a more creative solution was badly needed.
I can say with 100% certainty that HW jax is not the worst variation in the game. Granted, he is probably the worst variation of jax, perhaps (probably) worse than variationless, but as Gangstaface said himself, variationless is already better than several characters in this game

Those who say that jax loses his midscreen damage dont realize you could just not cancel into LAW cancels..... Like all the other variations of jax? You lose your easy hitconfirms, boohoo -_- there was never a reason to use him outside of wrestler anyway

HW Jax still has a 6frame jab, still has armor breaking strings, still has a quick (not armored but quick) overhead launcher that can be made into a 50/50 when combined with 12 and s2, still has a decent stagger game, decent neutral... The list goes on.

If what I hear about Lackey is true, then he's probably the worst. My original vote was marksman but I had some time to reconsider and picked High Tech. But to be fair I dont know much about her.


AUS FGC represent!
I can say with 100% certainty that HW jax is not the worst variation in the game. Granted, he is probably the worst variation of jax, perhaps (probably) worse than variationless, but as Gangstaface said himself, variationless is already better than several characters in this game

Those who say that jax loses his midscreen damage dont realize you could just not cancel into LAW cancels..... Like all the other variations of jax? You lose your easy hitconfirms, boohoo -_- there was never a reason to use him outside of wrestler anyway

HW Jax still has a 6frame jab, still has armor breaking strings, still has a quick (not armored but quick) overhead launcher that can be made into a 50/50 when combined with 12 and s2, still has a decent stagger game, decent neutral... The list goes on.

If what I hear about Lackey is true, then he's probably the worst. My original vote was marksman but I had some time to reconsider and picked High Tech. But to be fair I dont know much about her.
High tech is not the worst.


I can say with 100% certainty that HW jax is not the worst variation in the game. Granted, he is probably the worst variation of jax, perhaps (probably) worse than variationless, but as Gangstaface said himself, variationless is already better than several characters in this game

Those who say that jax loses his midscreen damage dont realize you could just not cancel into LAW cancels..... Like all the other variations of jax? You lose your easy hitconfirms, boohoo -_- there was never a reason to use him outside of wrestler anyway

HW Jax still has a 6frame jab, still has armor breaking strings, still has a quick (not armored but quick) overhead launcher that can be made into a 50/50 when combined with 12 and s2, still has a decent stagger game, decent neutral... The list goes on.

If what I hear about Lackey is true, then he's probably the worst. My original vote was marksman but I had some time to reconsider and picked High Tech. But to be fair I dont know much about her.
If your saying use HW jax but don't use his cancels thats dumb. Why play HW jax then if your just going to YOLO 50/50 into unsafe ex overhead. You can still do his Pre-patch bnb's but its extremely high execution and under pressure as well its kinda impractical. You can also just cancel almost anything to 12 ex overhead and still connect f21. I have a friend that plays lackey ALL THE TIME. Lacky is not as bad as heavy weapons jax- he gets crazy damage pretty much anywhere and can roll under most projectiles something jax can't do anything about. Jax literally gets beat by a lot of zoners now. Not only that but if your saying that Wrestler was better than HW pre-patch then i have to stop taking you seriously because that was not the case. HW could make everything safe with his cancels has a jailing cancel can hit confirm almost anything has way better pressure.... the list goes on.


Psn, Xbox, Twitter: TheGangstaFace
Fellas fellas. Chillllll. Pre October though, I disagree. I think Wrestler was the best variation and he still is


Mod edit: Post deleted. Quotation remains for the thread discussion.

You're (soap bar in my mouth) idk where to start.

I'm not saying you should go yolo EX overheading and by the way, HIS BNBS ARE NOT HARD

Idk what kinda trash player you are coming at me telling me his execution is impractical. Practice it or cry me a fucking river, they are NOT. HARD.

F21 EX OHDP run f21 11 f212 2+4 boom you have a simple easy bnb

Maybe if you were a little more patient you could get past zoners. In a game literally set up so that zoning is less of a threat, I dont know if I can talk to you.

Wrestler did have the better pressure. HW cancels could be poked out of, i'm sorry you never had the chance to understand that LOL. I would love to demolish you by doing negative cancels and see you respect that shit. FOH

Sure his hit confirming is easier. It still lowered his damage output, and at the highest level you shouldnt even be fucking worrying about difficulty of hitconfirms
"I'm not saying you should go yolo EX overheading"
-Really? cuz the combo you mentioned seems pretty yolo ex overhead to me if your not hit confirming from your cancels.

"Idk what kinda trash player you are coming at me telling me his execution is impractical"
- well your welcome to 1v1 me and find out and i have pretty darn good execution if you ask me. I know for a fact its better than yours.

-Doing his pre- patch combo online is inconsistent ask any good jax player since you aren't one.

-Ye f21 ex overhead like i said yolo unsafe overhead like your opponent is just gonna let you do that. That's not the combo i am talking about i'm talking about his cancel combo so 2-0 to me so far.

"Wrestler did have the better pressure. HW cancels could be poked out of"
-this is soo stupid a comment i don't even know where to begin. If you do a cancel and you block and your opponent pokes what happens? ye that's right they are minus and its your turn again. Wow you really show your lack of knowledge.

If you think doing his pre-patch combos are easy then you go ahead and hit-confirm anything you want into a cancel then neutral duck or tee-bag before inputing your 123 ex overhead and tell me you think you can do that 100% of the time in a game.

You see unlike you i'm actually showing you why your wrong and willing to have a discussion not just have a hissy fit like a 12year old.
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Beware my power, Red Lantern's Light
To the few of you that believe Warrior is the worst, this character has a lot more tools than people know about. A couple key tools is an armored move that is +6 on block, the mix between B3 and the insta air OH DB2 (kind of like Naginata with pogo stick), and real setplay in the corner with garunteed self destruct setups looped into itself for no meter. He's far better off than the variations that are truly awful.

I have a really bad habit of playing characters hardly anyone or no one plays lol

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
To the few of you that believe Warrior is the worst, this character has a lot more tools than people know about. A couple key tools is an armored move that is +6 on block, the mix between B3 and the insta air OH DB2 (kind of like Naginata with pogo stick), and real setplay in the corner with garunteed self destruct setups looped into itself for no meter. He's far better off than the variations that are truly awful.

I have a really bad habit of playing characters hardly anyone or no one plays lol
where can I learn more about him?


To the few of you that believe Warrior is the worst, this character has a lot more tools than people know about. A couple key tools is an armored move that is +6 on block, the mix between B3 and the insta air OH DB2 (kind of like Naginata with pogo stick), and real setplay in the corner with garunteed self destruct setups looped into itself for no meter. He's far better off than the variations that are truly awful.

I have a really bad habit of playing characters hardly anyone or no one plays lol
You just mentioned the only good tools he has. The armor +6 is overrated. What good is it if you can only follow it with d4 because of the push back? b3 and insta air OH DB2 is just a 50/50 that requires meter in order to combo how good is this compared to Sonya or Kung Jin 50/50 that are meterless and lead to combos? Self destruct setups are good but they are situational and can only be set up in the corner after you have landed a combo. You can't just set it up in HKD like other set play characters.

Seriously these tools are the only thing he has but they are very overrated.

Do you have a good Warrior? Can we play so you can show me? maybe i'm wrong but I do believe this is one if not the worse variation.


PSN: Windude008
I feel you man. They didn't see this through. Characters like Balanced Kenshi or Lackey Torr shouldn't just have got removed his armor launcher, they were too reliant on it.

Either a two bar armor launcher or a more creative solution was badly needed.
Kenshi at least has some range options, slice and drop at least make your opponent think on their approach.
Most of these characters would be fixed if they give them a divekick or a teleport. But, this happened only to the priviledge ones (Sonya, Kenshi, Ermac, Jackie briggs (Her ground pound is a dive kick like).Kitana,Mileena,Takeda.... See a pattern?.LOL.