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Damn the suspense, it's killiing me. I have a migraine now (seriously I do)...I know it is not related to this suspense, but because the video isn't up yet, I'm blaming it on that :)


Here's part 1! I think there's been enough suspense lol. David_GEM won 8-5! Great games again David. Part 2 is uploading now.



Kaz said:
David_GEM won 8-5! Great games again David.
Kaz, what happened? ???

David, who can tame you besides your pal fooz? Crazy games. You made kaz look like he was playing on a screwed up sixaxis controller lol. Congrats David_Gem!!!


jesse89202 said:
Kaz, what happened? ???

David, who can tame you besides your pal fooz? Crazy games. You made kaz look like he was playing on a screwed up sixaxis controller lol. Congrats David_Gem!!!
haha I did have that like 1 second button delay but that's no excuse since he probably did as well.
Nice games guys - you finished strong there Kaz. Congratulations David on winning the tournament and congratulations to Kaz for making it to the finals!



Congrats to david has the winner and ectonaut has the runner up

i wud also like to thank the players who took part in my usa mk2 ps3 tournament. it was a blast

hopefully soon ill host another wazz 2nd usa mk2 ps3 tournament :D



Congrats to David on another tourney win, and everyone else who played!

wazz said:
I think it went smoother than other tournaments we've had in the past, so yeah, you did good!


congrats to david on the tourney win, you sir are on fire!!! congrats to ectonaut also for making it to the finals. thanks wazz, you are the man!! excellent host.


Kaz said:
haha I did have that like 1 second button delay but that's no excuse since he probably did as well.
haha yeah, it got me pretty bad when i had lao and kang. I'm glad someone realizes that that shit affects BOTH players. You still played pretty damn well! (like always)

Thank all of you guys. This is my third tourney win in a row and to all the guys who ran them. U did a an awesome job like...whoa.

But it wouldn't be possible without the guys who played. It was near perfect, and tough as shit!

I know i was being an asshole towards kingp and michale- but they showed up and without a doubt earned a lot of respect- hopefully not just from me. Thanks aria for continuing to participate despite the prospect of lag, i think you've come to realize that lag isn't going anywhere- some players will, some players won't.

I always wanted to win a single elim tourney, and a random match tourney. I think playing with a "roster has helped me be comfortable with every character (still not jax though). I noticed jesse has one and once in a while aria does it too. Don't forget about ladder matches guys!!

@ WAZZ... YES.

lastly, I hope this inspires some elites to join cause i know someone out there is like (man i can beat the shit out of David). I very rarely dominate and i have ggs with everyone. The same awesome fights I have with Kensi will be just as intense and back and forth as they are with mack or frzsldr. So my games are never boring no matter who I play with. When it comes to tourneys, I've had luck and i try to play as smart as possible without sacrificing my style.

wazz said:

Congrats to david has the winner and ectonaut has the runner up

i wud also like to thank the players who took part in my usa mk2 ps3 tournament. it was a blast

hopefully soon ill host another wazz 2nd usa mk2 ps3 tournament :D

No wazz not at all , first off i didnt get offered a drink the whole fucking time!!! And secondly where are all the hot chicks you promised that would be at ring side holding up the round cards? Ooooh i dont know if wazz should be allowwed to host another tourney...anybody else with me? Anyway congrats David once again, AKA Mr. Klutch.


First of all, all the hot chicks were at your house partying- a pure babe fest that you eluded to inform everyone about. About the drinks.... u have to straighten that out with Wazz.

Fusion u have to be in the next tourney. U HAVE to be.
david_GEM said:
Thanks aria for continuing to participate despite the prospect of lag, i think you've come to realize that lag isn't going anywhere- some players will, some players won't.
Congrats man, I understand what you are saying, I still play this stuff for fun. Not that this is the thread, or is a new necessary thread going to solve anything, but lag affects one person more than the other. If you look back at the best defensive players, lag can be an advantage. Someone like me goes for the quickest possible attack, and when you're dealing with any type of frame delay, its defense > offense ALL DAY. Throw in jax, kang, or someone that runs...FORGET ABOUT IT.

Just ask guys like sushi, cuko, yung, kensi, & wario...They will be the 1st to tell you any type of lag effects them more than someone like xiong, dvd, or scorpangel.

Anyways, its a never ending debate, congrats man and keep up the good work! I go to the Tribeca area a lot, maybe one day we will all get together, but only if cuko brings his HD camera:)

oh yeah...thanks wazz.


Cool man, I know I'm in the minority as an offensive player about lag. I adjust. Let me know when u'll be in the tribeca!! Good luck getting Cuko to do anything, he still won't meet up with me. lol. But me and rdz would be glad to see u. And dookie when he comes down from THE CONN!!


AriaDelano said:
Just ask guys like sushi, cuko, yung, kensi, & wario...They will be the 1st to tell you any type of lag effects them more than someone like xiong, dvd, or scorpangel.

Anyways, its a never ending debate, congrats man and keep up the good work! I go to the Tribeca area a lot, maybe one day we will all get together, but only if cuko brings his HD camera:)
Amen brother! Yung can detect lag WAY quicker than me...lol. He tells me theres lag at the character select screen and i wont see it till we play 10 seconds into the first round. Eagle eyes bro....Eagle eyes!
I know lag effects both players but only some can tolerate or adjust MORE than others.

david_GEM said:
Good luck getting Cuko to do anything, he still won't meet up with me. lol. But me and rdz would be glad to see u. And dookie when he comes down from THE CONN!!
Lol Its not that i dont wanna hang with you guys. Its just that either i got shit to do, Stay home with my kid or just being lazy playing some MK2...lol.
By the way Congrats David on the Tourney!
Congrats to GEM you killed it. This is my first tournament but it went smooth updated fast,good brackets and evrything was good. Lag is terrible even a little bit I'm all offense lol and lag makes me feel like they can see my move before I finish it I need the speed to trick you or surprise you that's what I'mm all about I wish there were codes to take block and throw out of the game


Forum General Emeritus
kingpdoubleR said:
Congrats to GEM you killed it. This is my first tournament but it went smooth updated fast,good brackets and evrything was good. Lag is terrible even a little bit I'm all offense lol and lag makes me feel like they can see my move before I finish it I need the speed to trick you or surprise you that's what I'mm all about I wish there were codes to take block and throw out of the game
If both players hold down+HP at the start of the round, it should disable throwing. I don't know if it works online though. I've never tried it online.


dciguy01 said:
If both players hold down+HP at the start of the round, it should disable throwing. I don't know if it works online though. I've never tried it online.
nah there's no way to disable throws in mk2. in mk3 p1-LPx1 p2-LPx1


I know u guys don't mean anything by it. But every time we have this conversation I get the feeling that I don't deserve any of my wins. I'm looking at my friends list and for the second time, I don't see wario's name there and i think i don't see yung there. Please do not tell me they deleted me because of frame lag that shows up once every five rounds. I guess i understand it can ruin your game and style but i don't let it affect me and i never blame anything on lag. U guys have played me with and without lag and the games have never turned out much different.

@ kaz, i don't have an issue with you but I kinda wish u didn't bring it up.

U all don't realize it and u most likely don't mean it but you're telling me that I win because of slight lag.

It discredits me.

@ Cuko, I understand completely and I will never argue with with ur responsibilities. It feels sometimes that u ignore my messages about it and I inappropriatly bring it up in the threads- i apologize.


mud said:
nah there's no way to disable throws in mk2. in mk3 p1-LPx1 p2-LPx1
Same as he said, both players d+hp at vs screen

I've actually had a guy reach over to my controls and hold d+hp on my side and his before an arcade match once. And if you consider how awkward that would be to do, you know he had to have done it before he did it to me.
david_GEM said:
I know u guys don't mean anything by it. But every time we have this conversation I get the feeling that I don't deserve any of my wins. I'm looking at my friends list and for the second time, I don't see wario's name there and i think i don't see yung there. Please do not tell me they deleted me because of frame lag that shows up once every five rounds. I guess i understand it can ruin your game and style but i don't let it affect me and i never blame anything on lag. U guys have played me with and without lag and the games have never turned out much different.

@ kaz, i don't have an issue with you but I kinda wish u didn't bring it up.

U all don't realize it and u most likely don't mean it but you're telling me that I win because of slight lag.

It discredits me.

@ Cuko, I understand completely and I will never argue with with ur responsibilities. It feels sometimes that u ignore my messages about it and I inappropriatly bring it up in the threads- i apologize.
Yah i took Yugnicca off my list because he never answers any invites MK2 and MVC2 and as for Wario ive never had him on my list cuz i know we lag pretty bad , however last night when we played there was very little lag and he stuck around for the longest ive ever played him. Lag is an issue i believe but only to a certain extent ,the way i see it is if you get into a room with somebody you should be able to tell instantly whether its going to be shitty connect or if its going to clean up. Just simply dont play the person if you think its gonna destroy your game. Foozer and i lag horribly but we still play cuz we've just always dealt with it for some reason. I hate it but i know its the only way we can play eachother...but this is a perfect example of how lag can start off shitty then clean up half way thru.


ScheissNussen said:
Same as he said, both players d+hp at vs screen

I've actually had a guy reach over to my controls and hold d+hp on my side and his before an arcade match once. And if you consider how awkward that would be to do, you know he had to have done it before he did it to me.
I stand corrected! Learn something new every day...


mud said:
I stand corrected! Learn something new every day...
And then never use it and forget it again!
Most of the reason a lot of people don't know about this is because MK2 is limited already, and people don't want to limit it anymore by using this code, so it gets buried.