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Forum General Emeritus
Frznsldr, let's try to get in the second round match this weekend. I'm gonna be busy Thurs/Fri.


okay good news and bad news.

Good news: me and dookie finally got started

Bad news: we got disconnected after the tenth match.

he's not picking up his phone and when we disconnected he went offline.
I won't continue until we finish.

btw- congrats frznsldr


Davey_8000 said:
Looks like I'm out from this tournament, I got fucking YLOD and am currently ps3-less.
I just got a brand new ps3 from sony for that shit. I lost everything. but it's runs really freakin smooth. and arent u friends with vulcanraven? or was that ur ps3?


good fuckin games drew... drew won 6-7 oops 5-8. I would have continued but my thumb was killing me, so once I realized we had our games, I was done.

I was hosting so drew was player 2.

lao vs jc jc p2
kit vs lao lao p2
cage vs kit kit p2
lao vs scorp lao p1
sub vs raid sub p1
liu vs sub sub p2
lao vs kit kit p2
kit vs liu kit p1
raid vs shang shang p2
kit vs raid raid p2
sub vs mil mil p2
mil vs raid mil p1
jax vs kit jax p1
Mud and i just played, they were some fun matches.

P1=Mud P2=Drewicide Winner:
1. Lao Cage Drewicide
2. Kitana Lao Drewicide
3. Cage Kitana Drewicide
4. Lao Scorpion Mud
5. Sub Raiden Mud
6. Liu Sub Drewicide
7. Lao Kitana Drewicide
8. Kitana Liu Mud
9. Raiden Shang Drewicide
10.Kitana Raiden Drewicide
11.Sub Millena Drewicide
12.Millena Raiden Mud
13.Jax Kitana Mud

Damn good games man, he finished up real strong


Drewicide said:
Damn good games man, he finished up real strong
oops, I can do math :D

If only I started real strong... I wasn't sure at the end who had it, so I wanted to make sure to not lose anymore.


just to clarify things. I was winning 7-3 before we got disconnected.

Dookie (left) me (right)

sub vs cage- me
kitana vs cage- me
jax vs lao-him
baraka vs shang- him
scorpion vs jax- me
raiden vs lui- him
baraka vs scorp- me
baraka vs baraka- me
raiden vs kitana- me
cage vs mileena- me

then we got disconnected


david_GEM said:
just to clarify things. I was winning 7-3 before we got disconnected.

Dookie (left) me (right)

sub vs cage- me
kitana vs cage- me
jax vs lao-him
baraka vs shang- him
scorpion vs jax- me
raiden vs lui- him
baraka vs scorp- me
baraka vs baraka- me
raiden vs kitana- me
cage vs mileena- me

then we got disconnected
Isn't it 7 wins and you advance? that's how me and dci did it. First one who gets 7 wins, wins. He probably left because he knew you won. In no surprise, congrats David_Gem!


kingpdoubleR said:
he won good game good luck fuck mud
Stop your little insults, I, as well as many other people are sick of reading them.
Last warning before permban.
Got whooped lol I couldn't believe I got dealt 5 Barakas :p There were some close matches though..ggs to eco. Hard to play with baby in arms lol.

Here's how it went (sadly)

Player 1 (Me) Player 2 (Eco)
jc liu ec
mil kit ec
mil kit me
rep kl ec
bar sub ec
sub shang ec
bar jax ec
bar scorp ec
bar kung ec
kit kit ec
bar kit ec
liu cage ec
rep rep ec


GGs to to xMichaelx! You did get Baraka a lot, but they we're great fights none the less. But let it be known I'm a Danzig fan!! haha.
Thanks Kaz, yeah I had fun with those games even though I knew it was downhill when I saw those Baraka matchups. Learning everyday, just started playing MKII again last month, haven't played it seriously since it was in the arcade when I was like 14 (15 yrs ago). Thanks for the pointers tonight.

Danzig is good btw, I just prefer Michale a lil more cause he has a wider vocal range in my opinion...plus we're both named Michael :p

Congratulations to those advancing!


congrats to ppl who made it in the nxt round
David_gem and dookiebrain can u plz post and clairfy if ur goin 2 do a rematch.
cuz in the rules it states u mus play all 13 games

edit: Foozer vs AriaDelano record that shit and post it on u tube. i wana watch that 8)


congrats to david_gem on his tourney win. it was 3,3 even and all the sudden the next match was the worst lag i had ever seen in mk2,after that the whole thing got all fucked up.i have never been more pissed at a fucking game in my entire life. it was amazing until that fuckin bullshit.


good games.



edit: MackerFieldLives vs EnergeticDreams get ur games goin plz, were waitin 4 ya :p


it lagged for one round of that scorpion baraka fight- and he won that round. then it cleared and i won the next two rounds. then i won the next three fights. i offered a rematch but he keeps refusing. i don't want an asterik next to this shit. for real.

so either we're finishing tonight or doing it all over again.


david_GEM said:
it lagged for one round of that scorpion baraka fight- and he won that round. then it cleared and i won the next two rounds. then i won the next three fights. i offered a rematch but he keeps refusing. i don't want an asterik next to this shit. for real.

so either we're finishing tonight or doing it all over again.
yh if u decide to hav rematch. u can do it and i can always change the brackets


no rematch, because he won fair and square. the problem i faced last night was we were having great games and i FINALLY evened the score, then for some fucked up reason the nest match lagged so bad i have never seen it in slow motion like that. after that i got so fucking pissed that i couldnt focus anymore. after that one match, he won 3 on me, ALL fair and square.

* we only had 1 lagging match that was insanely bad, the rest of the games were great and he outplayed me, the problem i had was that that 1 match just fucked me all up after that and got me sooooo insanely pissed. david won fair and square, i owe 3 more matches which we will do tonight.


u can leave the bracket i guess, but we're finishing tonight.


so it's official. me 10 dookie 3

last three fights

Me scorpion- dookie sub- i won
me shang tsung- dookie lui kang- me
i cant remember the last fight though. odd

ggs dookie, now i begin practice for drewicide!!!


update the bracket. is dci out? i was supposed to play him. i really hope i can go against drewicide. he knows ive improved alot and he was my 1st mk2 opponet.


Forum General Emeritus
I'm not out of this. Not sure exactly how you came to that conclusion or that you would play Drewicide. Only way that happens is if you beat me and then win the next round against Kaz/Mackerfield/Energetic. I tried sending you an invite last night but you never responded. If you're up for it, let's do the 2nd round matchup tonight.