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David I see your point and you see mine, which is good. Thanks for stating to let me be in the tourney..if anyone wants to play against me let me know via pm or something with a time, I'll gladly jump on to play. I just never see many people from here when I'm on late at night, only one I think I've seen is electricdream.

Looking forward to the tourney w/ you guys and hope we can get the dates set so we can get it going :)


TooStylish said:
I am in EnergeticDreams
sorry ur 2 late. but i i wll put in the reserve spot ok (incase som dont wana play u can take there place)

1st post upated we hav all 16 players
video of the pulling names out the hat live on vid youtube will be psoted 2day, 2nite ;D


heres the video :D

Bracketmaker.com seems 2 b down. i shud hopefully get the brackets ready soon. if i dont find another bracket maker ill hav 2 resorte to shitty paint :laugh:


Got it

I see we're getting some of the great matchups out of the way!!!!

why do i have to play the toughest guys in each tourney. I thought i might get a break for once.


^^^^ lol any chnace u edit ur post david_gem the ones who playin who. i wud like them to find out who plays who. if u dont mind buddy

EDIT: thnx


CUKO28 said:
YEAAAaaaah! Arias in there.
I think Dookiebrain and Aria are gonna be the final 2. My moneys on Ariadelano!
Foozer,Davidgem and Kaz are gonna go far too. Dont sleep on them... :sleepy:
thanks for the vote of confidence Cuko but i actually tend to stink like hot garbage in tourneys. and good lord my first matchup is like a freakin rediculous homework assignment lmao. man if you were in it i would have my bets on you,aria,david


Forum General Emeritus
Great, lag galore in the first round. Under normal circumstances, this would be a pretty good matchup. I'll give it a go, but we may have to end up switching opponents if it doesn't work.

See this video from 8 months ago for proof


dciguy, remember how when we played on PSN we had delay/slowdown? then when we went on kaillera we were both around a 50ms ping. I know this is a PS3 tournament, but if we've got a match up that's super laggy, are we allowed to take advantage of the alternatives like kaillera or p2p? That is if both players are able to...


Forum General Emeritus
mud said:
dciguy, remember how when we played on PSN we had delay/slowdown? then when we went on kaillera we were both around a 50ms ping. I know this is a PS3 tournament, but if we've got a match up that's super laggy, are we allowed to take advantage of the alternatives like kaillera or p2p? That is if both players are able to...
Unless wazz changed the rules, we are allowed to sub out a different opponent if both players have unplayable lag.


i really wish I had some kaillera/p2p action. unfortunately I'm only psn which would suck badly if mud and I end up fighting. our connection last night on psn was horrible :(


i guess that's not going to be an issue since I'm fighting aria in round 1! awwww shit! guess vassago's gettin spanked again! hit me up aria and let me know when you're available. I should be around a bit this weekend.


david_GEM said:
u guys arent playing in the first round anyway!!!!
At first I thought dci was referring to me as the lagger (cause we have delay), but then I realized he wasn't. However, I was still curious on the matter. I personally don't see why it would be a problem to alternate services, if both players agree. I just wanted to double check with wazz. I'm new to ps3, so I'm not sure if there's a way to verify matches, or some particular reason it HAS to be on ps3.

Vassago187 said:
i really wish I had some kaillera/p2p action. unfortunately I'm only psn which would suck badly if mud and I end up fighting. our connection last night on psn was horrible :(
just curious, what prevents you from using kaillera/p2p? if you've got a windows install, I can help you set it up.

*edit I just noticed you have linux as your os...


yeah, I haven't used a windows operating system in years. if I ever end up getting a new mame machine I'll probably dual boot it but the current machine is not up to snuff for that stuff.
@vassago- I just celebrated a bday last night, and have stuff lined up all day today, would mon. night work?

You better bel. the movie hangover was in effect last night!
david_GEM said:
How old are u now?
Thanks homie.....thirty fucking three, if you seen me in person, or seen what I do in life you would prob never bel. it, nor would anyone in my life bel. im addicted to a video game from 1993..


haha, monday night is probably the one night I can't! I have bowling league on monday nights. just keep me posted what times are good for you and I'll try to work around it


yo mk2prince want's in the tournament, I'm willing to give my spot up for him... would you guys rather have me or prince?

As well, since it's halloween, regardless of who plays, it's going to have to wait till tomorrow.


Hey wazz me and dciguy01 lag pretty bad. I know him and I will agree its a bad connection. We battled each other last time and didn't work out. Just a heads up if you want to plan out and re-organize dciguy and I. Funny because my last tournament was with him! LOL. We beared the torture of lag but we did it. :'(


jesse89202 said:
Hey wazz me and dciguy01 lag pretty bad. I know him and I will agree its a bad connection. We battled each other last time and didn't work out. Just a heads up if you want to plan out and re-organize dciguy and I. Funny because my last tournament was with him! LOL. We beared the torture of lag but we did it. :'(
am sorry guys jesses and dci. i cant do anything bout it. it wudnt b fair on other players in this tourny
if u guys got kaillera try on that if ur connection is gd