Special Forces Sonya Up-player
In the corner you can also link b14 dd1 121 Block+4 which is easier than 213 and is the same damage.Confirming b14 becomes much easier as b14 dd1 213 can all be combo'd. This means that you should always cancel b14 into dd1 and if b14 is blocked then you should blocked and if it is hit then confirm into 213 Block+4 for a full combo into a drone set up and pressure. Linking b14 dd1 213 can be tricky so if you can't link it b14 dd1 11 Block+4 also combos and is a little easier.
The reason I didn't mention this in the guide is because when I tried it before b14 dd1 121 would link but the Block+4 would not. However I have now found that 121 Block+4 does link in the corner.
I dont know why but sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't link. After practicing it a bit the 121 Block+4 seems to link 9/10 times sometimes it wont.
Just thought I'd let you kno as it's an easier link than 213