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2 vs 2 UMK3 on MAME32++ .119 Kaillera, with fully automated server side command swapping.

nwo and Mcnasty VS MGentLIFER and RandomSelect

Slightly laggy compared to last night, but still much better than the average 2v2 at West Wonderland. I'm still sorting through about 5 other videos, this is the first one I've uploaded to YouTube, I recommend watching it in 480p quality, and don't be afraid to turn the sound up...its MAME32++ .119!!!

If you look close you can see the server commands are being entered in the normal chatbox when the controls switch, in the future, I'll be bypassing the normal chatbox and going straight to the console.



im not a big fan of MAME, but i like 119 compared to damn 0.64.

i don't think i played online w/ 119 yet but i do have it.

hey NWO how did u swap players out so quick? it didn't take forever like when we played on 0.64


The catch with 119 is, if a game loses connection, you can't just rejoin the server, EVERYONE has to re-start MAME completely. Another weird issue, when your playing with more than 1 other person, sometimes the game will seem fast for everyone but, someone will have major input delay (don't know what causes this yet).

You remember my UMK3 Unlocker program Rolltide? That's how the controls swap so fast, but its fully automated now, you don't have to press any buttons or do anything when the controls switch. And instead of hitting F5 like in .64 (which doesn't work the same in 119) it sends a command directly to the server, which has no speed limitations (like hitting F5 does), it's basically copy and pasting a command instantly.


Hey I thought mame 119 only supports 2 players

did u update ur umk3 unlocker program nwo
RollTide8569 said:

seen this a second ago, pretty cool to watch
Man that game is full of nice glitches and bugs. LOL at how they just didn't skip a beat even with the entire game crashing in the background.

MKK hanzo

Casual MKT n64 matches between me and Shadowmaster, lol we are rusted in this shit =(

Cellphone quality sorry =P

