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TYM's Injustice 2 Discussion Thread (Harley Quinn & Deadshot Official Announced)

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Retired forever; don’t ask for games.

Umm ok

I'm not the only one concerned about it. If anything I was just being loud about it. People don't want to read comments that are long on here, it annoys them. Short and concise is the way to go.

Also save your high school level debates about BvS for the BvS forum seriously. All I see is unnecessary shitposting on a irrelevant topic that should be discussed in the on a different thread.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Holy shit.

EDIT: Also, I've already seen enough BvS debates on the internet to last me two lifetimes. Please stop.
lol Nothing personal dude but you can simply not read my post dude, it's not addressed at you. If someone quotes me I will address them. Nobody's forcing you to get involved man. lol Besides I happen to like your posts mostly anyway, it's all good Spinky dude. :D everytime I see your name I immediately think of Pac-Man but I know that's Binky and Pinky lol.


Umm ok

I'm not the only one concerned about it. If anything I was just being loud about it. People don't want to read comments that are long on here, it annoys them. Short and concise is the way to go.

Also save your high school level debates about BvS for the BvS forum seriously. All I see is unnecessary shitposting on a irrelevant topic that should be discussed in the on a different thread.
I'm all for shorter posts, I only had a lengthy post because the guy who quoted me had a long ass post lol.

Honestly, if it bothers you that much you can simply ignore us so you don't see our posts otherwise nobody is forcing you to read it, you can just you know scroll down it'll do you wonders. Nobody cares to hear bitching about other people's posts either...

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
probably atrocitus
but could be flash/reverse flash or superman or anyone else "Red" ';)

that picture looks nothing like a foot btw, i thought it was a fist until i saw boon say boot
what if it's a screen cap for or from Shaolin Monks? Its really crappy looking, maybe done on purpose? I don't know anything about Atrocitous but the images i pulled up look nothing like this...I have no clue. A couple stools could be anything, it's weird the background looks better than the leg up front.

Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
Why do some people dislike Man of Steel? Because they're whiny dweebs who think they know someone on a deep fundamental level... who doesn't even exist. You can interpret a character any way you want. They chose to go a slightly different way with Superman in MoS. I encourage film makers to change it up like this for Superhero movies. It gives the audience and fans of the character a different point of view instead of regurgitating the same crap over and over.

RT is a site for pretentious hipsters to preach their "classy" and "refined" taste in movies.

I love comics and some of these characters have been a part of my entire life, but, at the end of the day, all they are is paper and staples with some cool art and stories. To think of them as anything other than that or to feel that because you have spent tons of money and time on this hobby that you somehow have ownership of these fictional creations is asinine.

They are just comic books. That's all they ever will be. That's all they need to be. The people that make them are just people doing a job and trying to entertain folks. Some people need to get a grip on reality and realize that.

I have some problems with Snyder's editing and useless crap he puts on movies that has nothing to do with plot but his characters are completely fine the way they are.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11

Umm ok

I'm not the only one concerned about it. If anything I was just being loud about it. People don't want to read comments that are long on here, it annoys them. Short and concise is the way to go.

Also save your high school level debates about BvS for the BvS forum seriously. All I see is unnecessary shitposting on a irrelevant topic that should be discussed in the on a different thread.
I'm all for shorter posts, I only had a lengthy post because the guy who quoted me had a long ass post lol.

Honestly, if it bothers you that much you can simply ignore us so you don't see our posts otherwise nobody is forcing you to read it, you can just you know scroll down it'll do you wonders. Nobody cares to hear bitching about other people's posts either...

@Ryu Hayabusa I agree. Though I have found online at least, that different fans of different eras and comics seem to enjoy different versions of Superman. My father used to read him wayy back in the 50's and 60's so his take on him is like way different than mine, haha I showed him a pic of how he currently will look once a mix of classic, New 52 and movie with the armored wrist thing and he was like "Superman is way too bulky, he was never that muscular when I read him" lol then you have the people who just hate the MOS or New 52 or Smallville versions which are more modern take. I personally enjoy most versions of him, I liked how unsure he was in MOS personally vs. the "it's ok superman's here to save the day!!" like that's one reason why people hate him because he's "so perfect" which he's not but a lot see him that way so they hate him for it...MOS, N52, Smallville etc and even Injustice to a degree show him struggling with humanity at times or what to do not always so sure what the right thing to do is like the classic more "perfect" hero" era did you know?

Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
No buddy, you've just lost track of the nonsense that you have said.

Go back and read my replies instead of basically namecalling. My replies were a direct response to the text I quoted, directly before my response. It's even styled differently, so you should be able to identify the quoted sections...

Never mentioned Zod huh?

Like I said, go back and read your own replies.

See, what is this horseshit argument?

What is your actual complaint?

Zod and Superman can both do heatvision, yet they play and use it completely differently.

Bane is just a dude with super strength, like any number of comic book characters. What makes him iconic, is his visual appearance, his backstory, and his fight style, which NRS have shown they can make captivating and distinctive.

Tell me, who else in Injustice plays like Bane does? What's that? No one does? Well gee whiz, how about that.

Your "logic" has been refuted by many others in this thread, yet you persist in your thinking...

Whatever due. It's not worth my time anymore to try and get you to understand why what you are saying is 100% flawed, and luckily NRS does't take foolish input, clearly negated by evidence, into account.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know a hell of a lot more about these characters than you do. Arrow producers having a hardon for Batman stories has absolutely nothing to do with my point, which was that Arrow and Batman are in fact similar enough, that they can essentially reinvent Batman with Arrow. Something which you have now implicitly agreed with. Cheers.
Be a man and take your own advise, go back and read what this was about. I m on my phone so I can't quote certain parts of your post.

I said Zod shouldn't be in a game, but you make it sound like as if I was arguing in his favor to be in the next game.

Bane's backstory is irrelevant in a fighting a game, even in injustice 1 he was nothing more than goon, a role that is given to characters who don't offer much in terms of story. His moves aren't visual unique, thousands of characters perform them. It's not like every time he does one of his wrestling moves ground erupts lighting strikes sky. His visual design is irrelevant.

I understood everything you said, you have yet to say anything that went over my head. Your intelligence and "logic" really isn't as high as you think it is, believe me, you are not as intellectually sound as you think.

You know there are holes in your argument when you resort to "Arrow" to prove how Ollie and Bruce are same.

Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
I am going to be severely disappointed if NRS uses Unreal Engine 3 for next generation gaming.

MK9, Injustice and MKX were using that right? Use UE4!
MKX used modified version of UE3.

They should definitely use UE4 for injustice 2, imagine the movie costumes in injustice using UE4? That would be dope.
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What's the point of a random Krypt?
BvS and MoS are both really bad movies...

You're not even responding to my argument dude. You just sound insecure, and you're throwing out all kinds of strawmen.

As for Bane's moves not being visually unique....I'm not aware of any other character in IGAU who has a similar looking anti-air, or a command grab that breaks your back, or a bull charge (seriously, not one character does that).

Thousands of characters perform them? Really? Name 5.
If I read right what he said is that a ton of characters CAN do those moves, not that there are characters that do them.

To me that point is irrelevant, I am the kind of person who thinks you could have 5 Sub-zeros in a game and still make them play completely different and feel and look unique, but I also don't want to see Bane again because I think he is a lame character.

Now I let you keep arguing in peace :p


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@zerosebaz, not they're not bad movies. They're just badly received by critics...

You want BAD, watch FF, GL, DD movies like that are genuinely BAD. As in almost unwatchable.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@MKF30 They are bad movies, AND they are badly received by critics. Both things are independent of each other.
They're not bad movies, and people who listen soley to critics are idiots who can't judge something for themselves. BvS was hated by critics not everyone though, and MOS was mixed in general literally.

Let's put it this way, listening to a "critic" is as bad as listening to the mainstream media regarding who to vote for because a certain network said so....

They're not bad. Watch Fantastic Four, that's BAD.....as in actually bad, hardly made money, shitty CGI, shitty plot, acting everything. But whatever to each his own, I enjoyed MOS and BvS but maybe that's cause I prefer darker more serious films.
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Ryu Hayabusa

Filthy Casual
You're not even responding to my argument dude. You just sound insecure, and you're throwing out all kinds of strawmen.

As for Bane's moves not being visually unique....I'm not aware of any other character in IGAU who has a similar looking anti-air, or a command grab that breaks your back, or a bull charge (seriously, not one character does that).

Thousands of characters perform them? Really? Name 5.
Let it go brah, you are trying to turn this into something I never said.
I said those moves can be performed by thousands of characters not that they have in game, there aren't even 50 characters in game let alone 1000.

Bane's moves can be performed by shazam, superman, animal man, Martian manhunter, swamp thing , Wonder Woman, cyborg, darkseid and many others. It doesn't take much strength to throw around 200lbs to 1000lbs of weight. Bane doesn't really have anything going for him.


What's the point of a random Krypt?
Well, maybe you can help mediate :)

If he is saying that a ton of characters can do those moves, not in the game but just as part of their fictional character skillset, then I don't understand the point being made.

If he is saying a ton of characters can do the same move within the game, then that is just wrong. Shazam has a command grab as well, but it looks nothing like Banes, despite, IIRC, having a similar amount of frame data and damage.

I'm neutral on Bane, I like the character but not enough to care if he is in the game or not, but, I will defend the fact that I think he was masterfully brought to life, and looked and played completely distinctively.
Oh, I agree on that as well, the way they brought him was perfect, it translated the character into the game extremely well, NRS did not acomplish that with every character in Injustice, only with a few.

But what I think he is saying is not that Shazam or Doomsday have a move like Bane's, but that they could have one, wich is kinda right. While it would probably not be a great representation, Doomsday could've taken most of Bane's moveset and still work as Doomsday. I think that is what he is trying to say, or something like that.

Now, I don't think that is a reason to exclude a character, Shazam and Black Adam are perfect examples of characters with litteraly the same powers that play completely differenlty, and that is not hard to achieve from a desing standpoint.


Neutral Skipper
The other thing is...red lanterns spew blood on people. Boon has said Injustice is distinctly not a gory fighting game, with over the top cartoon violence taking it's place.
...That really doesn't mean anything when the game still has blood, a bunch of super moves that would easily kill someone in real life and is generally pretty violent. It's not like he's going to be tearing anybody in half.


Holy Bananas Batman, if the very first character Teased really is Atrocitus, they already got my money GGs, my favorite Lantern ever in a fighting game... Now i just need Red Hood and Nightwing and i dont care about anyone else i got my boys

Afk Skinny

3D Krusader
Oh man would I love Atrocitus to be in Injustice, fucking Boon and his teasers.

The game barely has blood. The only time I remember seeing blood was from Catwoman's scratches, and it was miniscule.

Certainly nothing compared to the gore in an MK game.

And they all survive the supermoves because they all took a pill making them superhuman.

I don't see atrocitus fitting in to the NRS DC universe, but who knows.
Nrs could change it to where he spews some acidic bile, it wouldnt need to be blood. And Atrocitus seems like he'd be a good fit for an Nrs style (Relentless brawler, a mobile big body, his blood puke) but to each his own


What's the point of a random Krypt?
They're not bad movies, and people who listen soley to critics are idiots who can't judge something for themselves. BvS was hated by critics not everyone though, and MOS was mixed in general literally.

Let's put it this way, listening to a "critic" is as bad as listening to the mainstream media regarding who to vote for because a certain network said so....

They're not bad. Watch Fantastic Four, that's BAD.....as in actually bad, hardly made money, shitty CGI, shitty plot, acting everything.
I agree about critics, I rarely read them, and when I do its mostly out of curiosity, never guide myself by them. And agree as well with the media and the voters, completely.

I hate the fantastic four since I was a child, so I never watched any of the movies, I am not surprised everyone says they are bad, but I havent had the displeasure of watching them. But, to answer to this point still, I would say I don't think BvS is the worst movie ever, but It is still a bad movie. If I had to describe it with only one word I would probably say "Dull".

Now, you can like it anyway. I mean, I dont, but I like plenty of other movies that are really bad, Star Wars as the biggest offender probably, sometimes it is hard believing how bad it is, but I still like.

Out of curiosity, which characters didn't you like the NRS interpretation of?

I was pretty happy with all of them, since it seems they used the JL cartoon as a template.

I don't know that could really merge Bane in with Doomsday. I get that you are not saying that, but trying to explain what Ryu is saying...but I don't see it. Their traits are very different, and thus they play very differently.

Sure, you could get rid of Bane, but I think the way he plays fits into the game very well, and is very distinctive from the way DD plays....just my 2c. I really can't imagine them being merged or consolidated. in anyway that wouldn't detract.
Know that I don't know that much about comics, so my opinion is of little relevance here:

Black Adam and Zattana, I think they are the only ones I truly didn't like the interpretaition NRS made, I liked playing as them, I just didn't think their gameplay was true to the characters. Then there are others where I don't think it was bad, just think it could've been done better, like Superman, Deathstroke, Hal, or Sinestro, for example.

And yes, Bane and Doomsday play very diferently, but if NRS had decided to remove Bane from the game and give that moveset to Doomsday instead (and call the trait something like "Rage" instead of vemon), it would have been a poorly executed DD, one that is not very true to his character, but it would still have worked, because DD CAN do anything Bane does. I think that is the idea, I think.

I don't think that is the way it should be done. Because of rosters are not chosen only by the characters unique abilities but by popularity and demand, there will be tons of times where characters powers and skills overlap, and there is were the desing comes, and where the team has to do their best to diferenciate said characters while keeping the gameplay true to them, to their style and personality.
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