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TYM Kommunity Project: An Open Letter to NRS Concerning Netplay


I dropped MKX for a little while, but I picked it back up recently and tried to get some good matches in online. I couldn't find any, sadly. It made things harder than it should have been. Even the most simple combos were hard to do in some cases. Things like reversals, wake-ups, and punishing unsafe attacks were nearly impossible for me. It doesn't help when you are trying to play Johnny Cage vs. a top tier character either.

As someone who doesn't go to tournaments and doesn't get to play with other people at home often, online is my only option to try to play fighting games competitively. When the game was coming out, I was hoping so bad that the game was going to have great online. Unfortunately, it didn't. In-fact, it has some of the worst netcode in a game that I've played within the past couple of years. If not THE WORST. I love NetherRealm's games but it sucks not to be able to play them competitively like I want to.

Please don't try to justify why this is okay -- especially in 2015. Please try as hard as you can to get NRS to get better netcode.

It's 2015, it's the 10th MK game, it's published by Warner Bros., both Warner and NRS are successful, so there's no reason why the game should be this way. No reason at all.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Actually they were countless threads about MK9's netcode back then too... It didn't do jack shit.
I was around back then and remember it decently well, it was brought up but quickly dismissed with "play offline" "get better net" and "its 10x better then mkvdc".

While it was brought up there is no where near the amount of people speaking up about it like there is now and I don't think anyone can argue that. But you are right I highly doubt any of this will do any good if they wanted good netcode they would of made it happen.


Attack pekingese
I do also believe that this MKX being the worst netcode ever even for an MK game does have something to do with the whole Faction bullshit. Stats constantly being tracked, even people who are playing offline are having there stats recorded/tracked online as long as they are connected.

Think this definitely is what's making it the worst MK online experience ever. Not that it still wouldn't be garbage, but it would explain the crazy random spikes, drops and a bunch of other madness that goes on on top of the input lag.

Like players care more about Faction stats than the quality of their online experience... #FacePalm


My blades will find your heart
Why would this get us barred from Evo while the history of boo'ing NRS games has absolutely no impact?

BTW I'm not saying it's a flawless way, it stands the best chance of getting results however, compared to "waiting for that evanescent interview" which stands absolutely zero percent chance of ever happening or changing anything. Tried that approach for the last 5 years. Time to make waves.
Assuming this all goes exactly according to plan: Chant happens, Eventhubs and Kotaku run articles, everyone knows how bad MKX netcode is...What is their incentive to fix it? They already have most of our money, and the truth is most people are still going to buy the DLC. Most people who bought MKX have probably already quit or will once the next best thing comes out. Most could care less how the netcode is and if it werent for the Xbone connectivity issues most of them probably wouldnt realize its a bad netcode.

The ONLY way, and I mean the ONLY way to make them truly do something is to hit them where it hurts: Don't buy dlc, don't buy their next few games, don't buy anything they ever have their hands in. But even then, the chances of getting enough people to do that to really hurt their sales is VERY slim.

Mr. Wizard doesn't care about the netcode, he cares about running the best event possible. If any community causes trouble or anything to NOT run smoothly, then that community might not be welcome. Especially if the trouble is over something that doesnt affect his event. No one wants to risk losing one of the communities biggest events, even if these chanters have a noble purpose.

Edit: Also to answer your question, the booing was based on the finals being boring, which was something that was happening as the players were playing. These companies like NRS pay money to advertise at these events, jeopardizing that would be much worse to him then booing your own game.
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Attack pekingese
Assuming this all goes exactly according to plan: Chant happens, Eventhubs and Kotaku run articles, everyone knows how bad MKX netcode is...What is their incentive to fix it? They already have most of our money, and the truth is most people are still going to buy the DLC. Most people who bought MKX have probably already quit or will once the next best thing comes out. Most could care less how the netcode is and if it werent for the Xbone connectivity issues most of them probably wouldnt realize its a bad netcode.

The ONLY way, and I mean the ONLY way to make them truly do something is to hit them where it hurts: Don't buy dlc, don't buy their next few games, don't buy anything they ever have their hands in. But even then, the chances of getting enough people to do that to really hurt their sales is VERY slim.

Mr. Wizard doesn't care about the netcode, he cares about running the best event possible. If any community causes trouble or anything to NOT run smoothly, then that community might not be welcome. Especially if the trouble is over something that doesnt affect his event. No one wants to risk losing one of the communities biggest events, even if these chanters have a noble purpose.

Edit: Also to answer your question, the booing was based on the finals being boring, which was something that was happening as the players were playing. These companies like NRS pay money to advertise at these events, jeopardizing that would be much worse to him then booing your own game.
So if a Street Fighter player like Ryan Ramirez who has voiced his outright disgust at the netcode with pretty colorful words I won't repeat, or Justin Wong started the chanting then they wouldn't invite MK players back.

Guess we should start the chant about SF and not get them invited back next year so we could run things. I'm making the picket signs, you start printing the T-Shirts and gather up the Hive.
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Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Assuming this all goes exactly according to plan: Chant happens, Eventhubs and Kotaku run articles, everyone knows how bad MKX netcode is...What is their incentive to fix it? They already have most of our money, and the truth is most people are still going to buy the DLC. Most people who bought MKX have probably already quit or will once the next best thing comes out. Most could care less how the netcode is and if it werent for the Xbone connectivity issues most of them probably wouldnt realize its a bad netcode.

The ONLY way, and I mean the ONLY way to make them truly do something is to hit them where it hurts: Don't buy dlc, don't buy their next few games, don't buy anything they ever have their hands in. But even then, the chances of getting enough people to do that to really hurt their sales is VERY slim.
SO untrue. SO SO untrue.

They still have a stake in these public events, the publicity spreads this game as a competitive platform and milks more and more sales ESPECIALLY for the times that something as big as Evo happens. Associating that with the even bigger story of bad netcode, gives them a couple of options - risk losing their new player income that they are committed to (thus cutting off all further profits), or fix the netcode and turn that bad PR costing them money into good PR and the whole thing becomes good publicity. They've had no motivation to fix the netcode so far, people keep buying it and they keep deliberately avoiding the issue, because bad PR is what they DO NOT want more than anything. If you think they are just going to body their own investment in the competitive scene and the money it's making in response to this bad PR, then you do not understand how companies like WB work. They will want to protect their investment and this is what fixing the netcode will achieve for them.

Mr. Wizard doesn't care about the netcode, he cares about running the best event possible. If any community causes trouble or anything to NOT run smoothly, then that community might not be welcome. Especially if the trouble is over something that doesnt affect his event. No one wants to risk losing one of the communities biggest events, even if these chanters have a noble purpose.
Except it's proven that vocal crowd responses don't have this outcome at all. NRS's history at these events proves that/ And as said by Widow
So if a Street Fighter player like Ryan Ramirez who has voiced his outright disgust with pretty colorful words I won't repeat, or Justin Wong started the chanting then they wouldn't invite MK players back.

Guess we should start the chant about SF and not get them invited back next year so we could run things. I'm making the picket signs, you start printing the T-Shirts and gather up the Hive.
You must know the chances of something negative happening are SUPER SUPER slim. It makes EVO a shit ton of money, they don't care about some people starting a chant, at a time not even interrupting any gameplay events, just doing it at a public forum in front of the devs where it can be heard and recorded. And if we are so unwilling to take ANY risk like this at all, then its pretty straight forward - we aren't willing to fight for the netcode. It shows NRS we have no spine, we won't take any fight that could POSSIBLY have any negative outcome no matter how unlikely. You gotta go against the grain to get some change. To be honest however this excuse seems like a cop out, there is like no chance of us "getting banned from EVO" it makes no sense from anyone's perspective

Also I just want to point out that of those that wanted to do the chant, most of them probably aren't even going to EVO.
Irrelevant. Nobody is organizing that yet, and if it does get to the stage where someone starts organizing it, maybe there will be no numbers and it will fall through then. For now, people are just discussing whether it's a good idea to even ATTEMPT to take it to that next level, nobody has actually started planning anything yet
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My blades will find your heart
Lol. If you guys want to do it, get it organized and do it. I guess we will just see what happens.

My bet is on absolutely nothing.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Lol. If you guys want to do it, get it organized and do it. I guess we will just see what happens.

My bet is on absolutely nothing.
Then why fight against it? It's absolutely the most anyone has tried to do in 5 years towards getting our netcode fixed, if nothing happens then we can move on, but if we aren't willing to do what we can, then fuck it, we can hold this shitty netcode forever and just grumble about it on the forums till infinity


My blades will find your heart
Then why fight against it? It's absolutely the most anyone has tried to do in 5 years towards getting our netcode fixed, if nothing happens then we can move on, but if we aren't willing to do what we can, then fuck it, we can hold this shitty netcode forever and just grumble about it on the forums till infinity
Like I said, go for it.

Even if it works I highly doubt anything will change. That's just my take.


Attack pekingese
No one is gonna write down in this thread that they are going to do it, shit... Kill switches for this are probably already in play "Go to commercial, Go to commercial".

Anyone who does go through with it is just a voice in the crowd, inevitably followed by several others. Doing it during matches or award ceremonies would be rude and has not been suggested, so I don't know why certain people kept mentioning that.

However... During or after whatever trailers are in store, no matter how cool they are would be perfect. Or immediately after top 8 is given their due respect.

"Ruined EVO for the competitors" is laughable. I could just see Sonic or DJT crying in a corner over this... not gonna happen. Maybe just a WHHAAATTTTHAA From DJT.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Like I said, go for it.

Even if it works I highly doubt anything will change. That's just my take.
Ok no doubt.

Yeah I agree its not guaranteed to get any results.

But thats still much better odds than guaranteed to get nothing, which is what posting about it on the forums has achieved over the last 5 years.

This is what it means to fight for something you want. It doesn't mean waiting for a guaranteed victory to fall into your lap, it means pushing for change and making waves.

In fact, it's gotten us less than nothing, the netcode has degraded since Injustice as we've proved we ain't gonna do shit about but hold that and keep buying their games regardless
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Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
That being said I disagree about writing it off as "going to achieve nothing" before its even happened, I think if it gave em enough bad PR it stands a VERY good chance of getting things changed. But you are right, nothing is certain and maybe nothing will happen. That's part of any protest, and is just part of fighting for change
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AKA AndyPandy
Outside of the bad netcode that makes online matches so laggy (which i'm not sure they're gonna fix), I atleast want antiair to be bufffed universally for all the characters. There's nothing more frustrating than losing a fight to someone who jumps back and forth around you like a bunny, in offline mode this is pretty easily punishable with D2, but with the lag in online mode these jump happy peeps have a massive advantage, with it being so tough to punish.


too smart to play MKX
The netcode is this games only true problem. Igau netcode was better... it's possible even mk9 was.
Being better or worse with MK9 is debatable. It lagged like hell but it was always the same lag. I could consistently land all my BnBs but a lot of punishes just weren't happening. This game, I just can't do shit online.
hell no, i've been practicing my wifi combos. There is a fine art to making your internet connection bad enough to allow you to use the lag metagame but good enough to actually execute the combos. You want to play offline only, fine. Enjoy your nooby lag-free match. You can pretend that takes skill. Meanwhile I'll be in the trenches, executing underwater combos, learning to adapt and overcome. Level up, scrubs.