These guys say they want a better netcode but bitch out when they hear they might have to make NRS look bad to do it.
We ain't fuckin making em look bad, they are making them look bad, we just trying to get people to look AT THEM so they will have motivation to fix it.
Pulling their support from TYM (assuming this could possibly be more non-existent) doesn't fix bad PR. Pulling out of events doesn't fix their bad PR. Fixing the netcode fixes the bad PR. Trying to squash their own competitive scene doesn't fix their bad PR, it just hurts their wallets even further.
People gotta stop worrying about WB / NRS getting mad at us like they gonna punish us for being bad kid or some shit. WB is billionaires, they aren't in the business of making friends, they are in the business of making money, fixing the bad PR makes money, cutting your cash flow off at the wrists just cause they're "bitter" does not.
This thread will get absolutely no results towards the netcode. There is already threads about people saying they want it fixed. Wrapping it up in a polite little parcel for them isnt any more motivating financially then doing it the other way, probably even less so.
It just shows them what a bunch of bitches this community actually is and how WILLING we actually are to do absolutely nothing. If they DO read these forums, they now officially know beyond any shadow of a doubt, they never have to worry about us causing any bad PR for them bout the netcode because we are too scared of losing their "friendship", thus, the netcode will never be anything but the cheapest thing that let's them write "multiplayer online!" on the back of the case.