That is true, I guess I just don't like that kind of game. I understand if the goal is to go after the MVC3 market and if it becomes a 5 char game, so be it, I don't want to advocate that though.
If it was patched as regularly as a MOBA I would think the design makes sense. Yet people demand the game not be patched, and that somehow it being unbalanced makes it deeper.
Personally, I feel as though the metagame is being suppressed due to all the chars having to rely on their garbage. You abuse your crap or you don't have a chance. If you don't have stuff to exploit and you actually have to play the game honest, you're going to lose. Maybe a year from now those honest characters who have to work for their win can make a splash, but I highly doubt they will become top.
Also, i'm going to make a daring statement, but I really don't think its fun to fight against characters that have tools that mindlessly dominate matches. Fighting against Aquaman is surely not a fun fight for many because he has a trait that shuts tons of characters down. I don't see where the fun is from that, where your opponent can just press one button to shut you down, and take away your correct play/guesses.
Yet many chars with mechanics that require strategic use such as Flash or Bane fall by the wayside because of chars such as the above. They are not outclassed because of high-level play or strategies developed to combat them. It is simply through simple use of dominate tools.
As i've said many times, I hope for this assessment to be wrong, I really do. But watching play across the U.S. this is just reinforced everywhere I look.