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Titanfall! - Loadout and Tag Discussion


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I don't get all the hate for killing minions. Are all of you scrubs actually playing attrition? GTFO, play CTF, the only competitive playlist in Titanfall right now. You are all girly boys.
I do play CTF, I still kill minions. Those bastards give away my position. :p
I just enjoy attrition more because its harder.


King of the Kiddie Pool
I know we don't have private matches right now but attrition doesn't seem like the game type to play at high level. And I like how there aren't a lot of guns in titanfall, just enough to have variety and cover all the bases. In other cod like shooters theres a butt load of guns and only a handful are used.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I dunno, personally I prefer the company of arc mines in hardpoint. For some reason, they rub me the right way


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
That's my quote!!!

I was not aware of the bad blood.

Thanks for the info. I still havent given CTF a shot. Gonna try it out tonight.
What did you think? I'm not a fan of CTF in this so far. It's generally my favorite mode in FPS games, but I don't agree with them allowing you to pick up the flag while you're in a titan. I think you should have to rodeo friendly titans to do this and not be able to hold the flag while piloting the titan at all, especially not just roll over the flag while you're in the titan and pick it up that way. At least make people get out to get it or something...


Trust me, I'm a doctor
What did you think? I'm not a fan of CTF in this so far. It's generally my favorite mode in FPS games, but I don't agree with them allowing you to pick up the flag while you're in a titan. I think you should have to rodeo friendly titans to do this and not be able to hold the flag while piloting the titan at all, especially not just roll over the flag while you're in the titan and pick it up that way. At least make people get out to get it or something...
I personally don't mind it, but then again I tote around a slammer and satchel charges so my opinion is kinda void. The only change I'd make is maybe prevent cores from being used on account of dash core being obscenely good haha.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I personally don't mind it, but then again I tote around a slammer and satchel charges so my opinion is kinda void. The only change I'd make is maybe prevent cores from being used on account of dash core being obscenely good haha.
Yeah. Again, if teams actually had to coordinate to pull something like that off, I'd be fine with it. But you can have one dude in a stryder roll in, pop his core, and there's almost nothing you can do about it unless you're team is already turtled and able to box him in. I'd like to see it be a bit more difficult to get at the flag.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Yeah. Again, if teams actually had to coordinate to pull something like that off, I'd be fine with it. But you can have one dude in a stryder roll in, pop his core, and there's almost nothing you can do about it unless you're team is already turtled and able to box him in. I'd like to see it be a bit more difficult to get at the flag.
You see, as far as I go, I sit around the flag literally WAITING for that shit to happen. I made my meal off of jumping on the back of cored stryders and burning half a mag before they can make it home. Snag the flag, and walk it back.

Or, if I feel really dirty, stick about 3 satchels to it after damaging it a bit and parkour my way to his base first. Then nuke his shit 5 ft from their base and reclaim. I actually managed to get hatemail because of that lil number.
My "underrated, viable-tier loadout":

EVA shotgun, extended magazine.
Wingman sidearm

Stim Tactical Ability

Enhanced Parkour Tier 1 kit
Icepick Tier 2 kit
enhanced parkour kit is so worthless I can't even begin--

you know you go faster by just kissing walls and bunny hopping right?
Always nice to see a fellow ice picker.
Also whats your ordinance?

I usually use Arc grenades and the Archer as my AT weapon

I like the Archer because it isn't sustained-fire that gives away your position too much. Whereas most other AT weapons allow yourself to be seen on the mini-map while you empty an entire magazine of ordinance- Archer is just fire-and-forget. Arc grenades go well with the Archer. They disorient Titans so they don't know they're being locked onto.

enhanced parkour kit is so worthless I can't even begin--

you know you go faster by just kissing walls and bunny hopping right?
It's not worthless, people just haven't figured out how Enhanced Parkour benefits those mechanics you just mentioned.

Basically, your momentum gained is proportional to the upward acceleration of your wall-run as part of a Sine Wave. Upward acceleration is greatest at the beginning of most Sine Waves, but since the Enhanced Parkour wall run arc is longer, you can get a high momentum bonus relatively later in the wall run.

Really useful if you only have 1 wall, and you need BOTH height and momentum off a jump. You want to wall-run long enough to gain height, but still have enough speed to cover horizantal distance when you jump off. Enhanced parkour makes it possible to get those routes that require both.

Also, Enhanced Parkour gives you MUCH longer wall-clings.
@LtLuthor I don't believe that there are any viable routes that you can only hit with the advanced parkour kit. Do you have a source for how momentum works when jumping off walls? I don't think that it follows a Sine pattern at all, just because you rise a bit and then drop doesn't instantly make it follow that pattern. It's similar but if you were to literally trace your wallrun from a 90 degree angle, it's not going to look like even a fragment of a sine wave. Also, do you have examples of these routes that are supposedly only possible with the Enhanced Parkour Kit? Finally, lol at wallhanging. Holding still for 20+ seconds in a gunfight with no ADS is definitely a solid strat -_-


for what it's worth Enhanced Parkour Kit drastically increases your wall hang time something like 20 seconds, so for people who want camp a flag room or domination point it can be useful.
@LtLuthor I don't believe that there are any viable routes that you can only hit with the advanced parkour kit. Do you have a source for how momentum works when jumping off walls? I don't think that it follows a Sine pattern at all, just because you rise a bit and then drop doesn't instantly make it follow that pattern. It's similar but if you were to literally trace your wallrun from a 90 degree angle, it's not going to look like even a fragment of a sine wave. Also, do you have examples of these routes that are supposedly only possible with the Enhanced Parkour Kit? Finally, lol at wallhanging. Holding still for 20+ seconds in a gunfight with no ADS is definitely a solid strat -_-
You misread my post. I am not saying the Sine wave calculates the wall-runners path.

The momentum stored up in the wall-run at which point you jump follows the pattern of upwards acceleration in a Sine wave.

Where X represents how long you've been wallrunning- it doesn't matter which horizantal direction.

1 wall run represents the Sine curve going to it's highest point.

So enhanced parkour's momentum model will resemble something similar to 2* sin(x/2) whereas regular parkour's momentum model for wall runs will resemble something similar to sin(x). The difference isn't that drastic, because enhanced parkour doesn't double both the maximum possible verticle gain and horizantal gain of the wall-run, but it's easier to illustrate with an exhaggherated model.

In each model, the momentum you get from jumping is proportional to dy/dx or "change in y over change in x"

So the reason you get the most momentum out of a jump early in the curve, is because that's when the momentum is the highest.

For a regular parkour wall-run momentum model, you'll have something resembling this.

x = .26, dy/dx = .96

x = .39, dy/dx = .92

x = .5, dy/dx = .86

The longer you wall run, the less momentum you get off a jump...

Now, take an enhanced parkour wall run, which naturally needs to last longer, and you'll see why it makes sense the momentum degrades slower as its over a longer period of time:

x = .26, dy/dx = .99

x = .39, dy/dc = .98

x = .5, dy/dx = .96

The maximum momentum and minimum momentum do not differ, but it is spread out more- naturally when you have a bigger wall run to go from maximum to minimum momentum transfer.

It is this way because it actually HAS to be. Unless the enhanced parkour kit actually gives you more momentum straight up at the beginning (if it did, that would be AWESOME though), if it starts with the same amount of momentum, it can't land cleanly at zero unless the rate of decrease is slower- that or there's an artificial "momentum freeze" at certain points in the wall-run, but that wouldn't make sense.
@LtLuthor there is a momentum freeze during the wallrun. Your running velocity does not decrease over time, it remains constant until you reach the end of the wallrun which has a very sharp deceleration. Since we don't have actual data, I'm going off what I can feel from over 200 hours of gameplay. Wallruns occur in 3 segments, the initial cling + acceleration to wallrun velocity, terminal wallrun velocity, and a sudden sharp dropoff + de-cling at the end. Try reaching terminal velocity on Rise, it's easy there. While flying through the air at terminal velocity, start doing an extended wallrun. Your speed actually drops off fairly rapidly during the wallrun, as the game is trying to return you to the terminal wallrun velocity which is lower than the terminal air velocity. In practical terms there aren't many jumps that require an 8second+ wallrun to reach, when you can very easily hop on the wall, accelerate, hop off, bounce, remount the wall, and then jump off it at the highest height on the wall.

I get where you're coming from and can appreciate the explanation, but I still don't see any practical application of the enhanced parkour kit that's not "lel i found a dark corner to wallcling in at B point, im gonna sit here until it says contested huehuehue" :/


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I get where you're coming from and can appreciate the explanation, but I still don't see any practical application of the enhanced parkour kit that's not "lel i found a dark corner to wallcling in at B point, im gonna sit here until it says contested huehuehue" :/
Getting around rise undetected. Avoiding smokes from titans by clinging above them.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I usually use Arc grenades and the Archer as my AT weapon

I like the Archer because it isn't sustained-fire that gives away your position too much. Whereas most other AT weapons allow yourself to be seen on the mini-map while you empty an entire magazine of ordinance- Archer is just fire-and-forget. Arc grenades go well with the Archer. They disorient Titans so they don't know they're being locked onto.
I feel ya on that one, though the time it takes to lock is a bit long for my tastes.
Hmmm, I ruled out a freeze entirely, but I'll look into it when private servers come out.

I'm trying to break down the momentum system to its true formula- but I'm limited till I can jump in a private lobby. And do exact distance and jump off measurements.

And yeah, Archer lock on time is a pain. It is eased somewhat by the fact 90 percent of people use Ogres that can't really move around much.
I like the Archer only because bunny hopping is so good in this game. Aiming down sights to get a lock doesn't seem to hamper your velocity while bunny hopping, which is pretty awesome