Thanks for watching, glad you find the videos helpful.
The only real use for Radar Pulse that I've found is assaulting hardpoints/CTF points. If you're playing an enemy team that you know likes to camp it, ARP will give you an edge. However at a high level most enemies don't sit in corners, they are constantly moving around within their defense points and not sitting directly on top of it - they are defending from afar. Soundwhoring with headphones is almost as effective without mucking your aim, plus allows you to stim up and in a lot of situations take an extra bullet or two from enemies. Basically I think the other two tactical abilities need serious buffs because they just don't compete with stim. Why bother with radar pulse when you can just throw a satchel into a hardpoint, blow up literally everything for free (eliminating ARP's one niche), and then use stim to speed out of there at mach speed? That's just my take though