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Thoughts on MK9 and MK9 at MLG from Dieminion and Chris G


Play Monster Hunter!
I can't support a universal run button, would change the game far to much an alienate too many people.

I am all for certain characters having a command run though, like KoF or an anime game. Characters who are balanced around it and need help getting it, JC being a good candidate, as long as he lost the armor on his "shadow" kick.


Lose without excuses
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No offense Juggs, but kara jabs are the last thing that needs to be brought back, unless you trust in NRS's ability to really balance them right (No offense to them either, but it was a fiasco making sure there weren't any block infinites...we STILL have one after all the patches).

Though I'm right there with you on the run.
Kara Jabs were great, honestly it adds a high level aspect that wouldn't be there otherwise. The problem in UMK3 is the fact that you can abuse them where they turn into glitch jabs (which you can do in MK1 and MK2 btw). Being able to do multiple jabs while blocking is not good, canceling one hp or lp with block (aka kara jabs) adds so much to a game with a run.


Lose without excuses
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What were the rules, if any, just out of curiosity?
Can't remember exactly, but it was like the MLG version of pools was to have people play randomly and the people with the highest win streaks would move on. And you could keep playing the same people or something like that. REO could explain it better since he was actually there... and won lol.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Kara Jabs were great, honestly it adds a high level aspect that wouldn't be there otherwise. The problem in UMK3 is the fact that you can abuse them where they turn into glitch jabs (which you can do in MK1 and MK2 btw). Being able to do multiple jabs while blocking is not good, canceling one hp or lp with block (aka kara jabs) adds so much to a game with a run.
The problem with kara jabs is that you're attacking while being able to block, regardless. To us, it doesn't look like something that would seem bad. To people who are spectating and come from other games, it looks godawful. Shit like that turns people away from games, and that's not something we need.

In all honesty, it's one of those things that shouldn't come back.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Can't remember exactly, but it was like the MLG version of pools was to have people play randomly and the people with the highest win streaks would move on. And you could keep playing the same people or something like that. REO could explain it better since he was actually there... and won lol.
Didn't they have some idiotic online qualifier also if I remember correctly?


Come On Die Young
People thought MK was going to die after Evo, obviously that didn't happen. Honestly, I thought after NEC, Final Round would be the only big major for MK until this year's Evo. I honestly predicted about 50 would show at WB, and we got around 80, which is around NEC's numbers. Even VSM casuals have been recently pulling some good numbers. Not only is it turnout numbers, but the game is getting fresh blood in true high-level play with players like Death, Sonic Fox, Pboardplayer, Insuperable, Jer, Kevo, KT Smith, iKizzle (from what i hear), etc. Final Round will surely introduce a few more in that list.

As for the "constant changing", I don't understand how this is still a talking point. We've had one patch within what? About 7 months now? We're apparently getting another one soon but it looks like it's only going to fix resets and possibly some general gameplay issues which I don't anticipate anyone complaining about.

If the community's really going to shrivel it won't be until after this year's Evo, which is fine. MK can take a break for about a year or so and soon enough we'll have another, even better game coming.


Kara Jabs were great, honestly it adds a high level aspect that wouldn't be there otherwise. The problem in UMK3 is the fact that you can abuse them where they turn into glitch jabs (which you can do in MK1 and MK2 btw). Being able to do multiple jabs while blocking is not good, canceling one hp or lp with block (aka kara jabs) adds so much to a game with a run.

Kara jabs are totally useless and they make the game broken. Without them you might have an interesting UMK3 matches where run jabs are still used for pressure but are not that dominant. I don't wanna go and look, but somewhere I read your post about Noob that "he doesn't really need special moves, all he needs is kara and glitch jabs." Unfortunately, thats true for 80% of the cast. If UMk3 had the jab cancel like it does without going into block animation, the game would be 10 times more interesting to play.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
why does their seem to be an increase of players online if its dying?
That doesn't mean anything. The majority of online players aren't going to contribute anything or try to even attend locals offline; sorry but it's true. Those 111 Scorpion mashers online (which you never run out of) are just casual players. A lot of those shitty random players have terrible attitudes and don't want to get better either. There are exceptions; but they're scarce.


I appreciate the work that NRS put in to making MK 9 a tournament viable game. It was their first run at a modern tournament game and it was great. It is of course, without its faults (insert common arguements about patches, fixes, etc). Nonetheless, it's been picked up by the community and we continue to support it. I believe it was said earlier, but yes, it is a stepping stone. NRS got their foot in the door. I've been very puzzled (and will continue to be) if NRS doesn't stay on this like white on rice. My thoughts are like - why go through all this hassle, all these motions, etc and just stop now. Please listen to the MK community for suggestions while developing the new game. They've got sufficient publicity with this release to put MK back on the map, now, just keep that momentum going...

Also shout outs to Kevin 'dieminion' Landon for getting picked up by BT. Playing that lame shit every Tues at Big Two still entertains me LOL. Good shit.


kung lao swag walker
i feel that no we wont die as a community but we do have a bad rep in the tourny scene beacause of the patches and well because we're not made by capcom. i know that aounds stupid, but they hate on Blazblu and tekken just as much as they hate on us. I for one dont defend this game any more i feel like its a waste of time cause the ignorant will stay so. This community is honestly the best i have ever been apart of you guys actually talk to one another we aren't eleitist assholes who sit down and troll scrubs b/c they dont know what they're doing, we dont insult people for being wrong, and ect. I have really enjoyed being a part of this community and will not stop being apart of it. Like dieminion said they play b/c capcom just released another game and are like "well ok" we play out of passion and love for our game


Filthy Casual
Stopped watching after the retarded buffoon doing the interview said MK only had 15 people watching top 8. Let's show him some pics of over 50 people in the MK room during pools. The reason why there was less during top 8... 80 people can't crowd around one god damn monitor. Get a projector you Capcom scrubs.
Would have been two more if someones girl didn't throw away their wrist band the night before!


Filthy Casual
...more talk about the death of MK and its community?

Exactly. What's wrong with having 80 people attend? Shit I'm fine with a 25 person turn out as long as it's consistent. Every tournament has some kind of good competition and it's always a great experience.


Filthy Casual
I swear, trying to host MK casuals in Florida and people do not come kinda prove that the game is dying. I mean more than 10 people in my city plays this game competitively... not enough people to support the game
Maybe they don't like you? I kidd I kidd...

The scene here in NOVA has been dead until recently. I use to go to a comic shop that two people were struggling to keep an mk scene alive in a store that had about 12 SF players in it. Now we are 9 people and meeting up at 1 of the guys house once a week and we are going to take things much more serious and practice match ups and punishing. I hate going to a meet up and it's just straight competition like you have to prove yourself, you won't get better like that.

I don't care about having a "scene," but have a core group of serious players is what's best imo.

Hopefully in the future we see some people from NOVA start placing, most likely creepy or nordic.


Patches ruined the game? How? I still don't get it... And why are people who don't support the MK community talking about its death? (correct me if I'm wrong here)


Play Monster Hunter!
Patches ruined the game? How? I still don't get it... And why are people who don't support the MK community talking about its death? (correct me if I'm wrong here)
The FGC as a whole is very new to patches, its weird and strange to them, especially the capcom crowd. They don't like the idea of having to learn new matchups after a patch.
That said the outcry against the patches is very overblown, vanilla MK9 was kinda fucked, all two of the patches have really helped the game for the better.

I think most of the hatred comes from two changes, the kano upball debacle, and removing smokes OTG smoke bomb, also maybe cyrax's bomb trap, but that was silly and had to go. If neither of those happened, I think the patches would have been much better received.

That said, for the next game, they need to get it as perfect as possible on release. They need to either have a PC version so they can do a closed beta for tourney players, or do locations tests at actual tournaments not just pax/E3, and possibly come out to VSM a few times.
Patches ruined the game? How? I still don't get it... And why are people who don't support the MK community talking about its death? (correct me if I'm wrong here)
The last local tournament for Mortal Kombat 9 in my area got 3 entries. There were about 10-15 people at the venue there for Street Fighter 4/King of Fighters XIII/whatever who had played MK9 in tournaments in the past but had since dropped the game. I asked those people what it was that made them drop the game and most of them told me the same thing: "I liked the game, but then they patched it and I didn't like it anymore." Like I've had multiple people tell me they played Cyrax "back when he used to be broken". I tell them "he's still really good!" and they kind of roll their eyes at me and say "suuuuure", then I'm like "he's got inescapable resets that do 70%" and they're like "wait what?" And then they're kinda interested for a little while but then are like, well, I don't wanna put the time into learning that reset if it might just get patched out.


In a sense, I agree that maybe the patches weren't the right ones, but damn, it didn't take much to get used to the tings that changed, I didn't even feel the dash-cancel nerf, which might have been the biggest game changer. And how would character changes affect the game? If you stick to your character - you stick to him no matter what, if you want to win - you make a tier list and put your character in the bottom of it and main the best tier (no obvious reference here LoL), problem solved. If the game remained vanilla, I can't even imagine what bullshit would it be right now with infinites and shit, and me trying to play as Jade... Damn... I do agree that a game, especially fighter, needs to be played to for it to be perfected, but the patches MK9 got so far were definitely needed and the ones that didn't understand it dropped.


The last local tournament for Mortal Kombat 9 in my area got 3 entries. There were about 10-15 people at the venue there for Street Fighter 4/King of Fighters XIII/whatever who had played MK9 in tournaments in the past but had since dropped the game. I asked those people what it was that made them drop the game and most of them told me the same thing: "I liked the game, but then they patched it and I didn't like it anymore." Like I've had multiple people tell me they played Cyrax "back when he used to be broken". I tell them "he's still really good!" and they kind of roll their eyes at me and say "suuuuure", then I'm like "he's got inescapable resets that do 70%" and they're like "wait what?" And then they're kinda interested for a little while but then are like, well, I don't wanna put the time into learning that reset if it might just get patched out.
So you're saying that you want to play people that want to play broken chars? Are this the kind of people who interest you? I went to a tournament this weekend and talked to some dudes and they were saying that Tekken is 10 time better, blah-blah, and I, not trying to get into what I don't know about, said "Well, maybe MK is not that tactical but it's fun and original", and you know what they said? Here: "No way, MK is too nerdy, it's got big and hard to dial combos, while Tekken is more simple" and some more random shit. These are not the people I want to hang out with, to be honest.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
The thing with the patches is, too many too soon. Who's to say something else in the game would have negated other stuff in the game first thought to be over powered? You get the idea, but letting a game breath is important too. Thats the way its gone down in the past.

But patches were once called Revisions and MK had TONS of those, shoutouts to history lessons. :coffee:


Patches ruined the game?

With what we know today and how our skill has increased from day 1....
I couldn't imagine playing day 1 raiden where is teleport was even BETTER. His strings got FRAMES.
Cyrax with a grab to a bomb setup......
Kabal infinite.

If this game DIDN'T get patched, it would be dead right now.
So be grateful.