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Thoughts on MK9 and MK9 at MLG from Dieminion and Chris G


Dear Chris G and whoever that other guy is.....

«It will be gone by June.»
Variety, passing judgement on rock 'n roll in 1955.

«Democracy will be dead by 1950
John Langdon-Davies, A Short History of The Future, 1936.

«A short-lived satirical pulp.»
TIME, writing off Mad magazine in 1956.

«Remote shopping, while entirely feasible, will flop - because women like to get out of the house, like to handle merchandise, like to be able to change their minds.»
TIME, 1966, in one sentence writing off e-commerce long before anyone had ever heard of it.

There are more, but I assume you are intelligent enough to understand my point. Thank you for your opinion, I will be sure to add it to this list.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Patches ruined the game?

With what we know today and how our skill has increased from day 1....
I couldn't imagine playing day 1 raiden where is teleport was even BETTER. His strings got FRAMES.
Cyrax with a grab to a bomb setup......
Kabal infinite.

If this game DIDN'T get patched, it would be dead right now.
So be grateful.
Over patched. Yea of course if it was totally left alone, it would have been worse, but over doing it is negative too.

Besides, pre-October patch, KL wasnt even tops imo.

Also, hotfixing and patches = 2 different things.


Over patched. Yea of course if it was totally left alone, it would have been worse, but over doing it is negative too.

Besides, pre-October patch, KL wasnt even tops imo.

Also, hotfixing and patches = 2 different things.
The over patching or too much patching/hotfix or w/e you want to call it, did more good than harm.
People love to focus on the negative.


Patches ruined the game?

With what we know today and how our skill has increased from day 1....
I couldn't imagine playing day 1 raiden where is teleport was even BETTER. His strings got FRAMES.
Cyrax with a grab to a bomb setup......
Kabal infinite.

If this game DIDN'T get patched, it would be dead right now.
So be grateful.
Back in the good ol' days. (Not that long ago)

In all honesty, I wouldn't have learned squat about fighting games if Kung Lao wasn't patched. I would just keep low hatting and random spinning without any regard to actually thinking about my moves, my opponents moves, their reactions, etc...

I feel that I could go back to TTT1, and finally beat my brother's stupid Eddy/Law team with what I have picked up from here.


Patches ruined the game?

With what we know today and how our skill has increased from day 1....
I couldn't imagine playing day 1 raiden where is teleport was even BETTER. His strings got FRAMES.
Cyrax with a grab to a bomb setup......
Kabal infinite.

If this game DIDN'T get patched, it would be dead right now.
So be grateful.
why people always mention the same characters on vanilla mk? everyone had some sort of dirty tech not only these characters, its just these were the first ones that were found first, at least you didn't have rounds ending in 15 seconds like street fighter,tekken,sc, and other games, these dirty things made people play more careful and more defensive, if they hadn't started patching so early and have the the very first patch after 6 month at least would have done more fixes than the first one, people complaint about kabal block infinite, but even sonya had block infinites and other characters, also sindel had combo infinites, baraka, al characters had some sort of dirty shit, thats what people like, thats why people love marvel people don't wanna get hit by any of these crazy shit and they are hype as fuck, i personally still like more vanilla mk9 i haven't quit because of the brothers, MLG will be my last tournament and i'll take some time off from it, maybe when i come back they have fixed the dash the way it was, this is the only stupid change that is could make me quit this game, but i can deal with it, i hate how zoning is dominitating and walking back is faster than dashing forward, wtf NRS did?


why people always mention the same characters on vanilla mk? everyone had some sort of dirty tech not only these characters, its just these were the first ones that were found first, at least you didn't have rounds ending in 15 seconds like street fighter,tekken,sc, and other games, these dirty things made people play more careful and more defensive, if they hadn't started patching so early and have the the very first patch after 6 month at least would have done more fixes than the first one, people complaint about kabal block infinite, but even sonya had block infinites and other characters, also sindel had combo infinites, baraka, al characters had some sort of dirty shit, thats what people like, thats why people love marvel people don't wanna get hit by any of these crazy shit and they are hype as fuck, i personally still like more vanilla mk9 i haven't quit because of the brothers, MLG will be my last tournament and i'll take some time off from it, maybe when i come back they have fixed the dash the way it was, this is the only stupid change that is could make me quit this game, but i can deal with it, i hate how zoning is dominitating and walking back is faster than dashing forward, wtf NRS did?

I don't even know how to respond to this....


Zoning Master
Not patching the game does more harm than patching it

I agree w kizzle
I guess I agree too, even though you can definitely make the argument that some characters (i.e., Kano, Kung Lao, Sub Zero, perhaps even Jade) have been hurt by unnecessary and/or wrong changes.


May I ask again, why are people that don't contribute to the MK community (Chris G and Dieminion) saying that the MK community is dying? Or is there something I don't know about?
May I ask again, why are people that don't contribute to the MK community (Chris G and Dieminion) saying that the MK community is dying? Or is there something I don't know about?
Chris G enters MK at every major tournament. I'd say he's contributing his fair share.


why people always mention the same characters on vanilla mk? everyone had some sort of dirty tech not only these characters, its just these were the first ones that were found first, at least you didn't have rounds ending in 15 seconds like street fighter,tekken,sc, and other games, these dirty things made people play more careful and more defensive, if they hadn't started patching so early and have the the very first patch after 6 month at least would have done more fixes than the first one, people complaint about kabal block infinite, but even sonya had block infinites and other characters, also sindel had combo infinites, baraka, al characters had some sort of dirty shit, thats what people like, thats why people love marvel people don't wanna get hit by any of these crazy shit and they are hype as fuck, i personally still like more vanilla mk9 i haven't quit because of the brothers, MLG will be my last tournament and i'll take some time off from it, maybe when i come back they have fixed the dash the way it was, this is the only stupid change that is could make me quit this game, but i can deal with it, i hate how zoning is dominitating and walking back is faster than dashing forward, wtf NRS did?
This is funny because when they nerfed the dash that was the only change for me that I went and said "you know what, this was fucking unnecessary and it actually makes me mad they did this..." Apparently I wasn't the one. I agree though, they needed to take their time with the patches. Yeah, it would suck to lose to an infinite, but it still sucks to lose to a 100% reset or a 52% guaranteed damage on BLOCK mind you. If they took their time with the patch and let the game come into it's own maybe they'd find some of these things before and we wouldn't have them.

On the other hand, patching is still a good thing, as long as it's handled well and not just a panic mode solution to people crying about the game being unfair. Why? Because those people will still consistently do that no matter what. There is always going to be someone who doesn't like something, someone who thinks their character should be better etc. etc. etc. What they need to do for the next one (game, not patch) is take their time with it. Invite people from the community to help them test it and balance it and when it comes to patching don't just hit panic mode but actually take your time and compile a comprehensive list of stuff that needs to be changed.


P.S. Maxter, nothing after MLG? For how long? Dude, just when I decide to try and make it to as many events as possible top players decide to quit for a change? No fair!!!!


Im not saying the game shouldnt have been patched, im just saying from April to October, they was too many patches.

doesnt matter. you either play it or you dont.
Well, yeah, but the community is based on playing for fun mostly. I mean, why say MK is dying when you really aren't a part of it and just playing because you're payed to do so?


Let's go green!!!!
Frequent Patches
*Big Issues
I personally thing the patches were necessary, but I get a feeling when ppl refer to them they mostly focused on the negative part. Although every single patches did more good than harm, they each came with a somewhat bad taste i.e. kano's upball, dash nerf, (my personal favorite is noob shadow being an overhead) and Im sure im leaving something out. It's funny how something like that makes the overall patch looks bad. The thing is, these issues made me raise and eyebrow as to whether or not NRS really know what they are doing. Stuff like Kano's upball incident, Noob's shadow being an overhead or QC skydrop having armor instead of trance (these are my opinion tho) makes me wonder if NRS really think things through before releasing them to the public. Yes I know I can learn to deal with them but it's small things like that worries me and made me skeptical about the patches. Anyway, in the end im glad they were release and they were all for the better. If I remember correctly we had 1 patch for damage reduction, a second one for block infinites/resets, and the last one for char buffs/nerfs and armors. I honestly think the next patch should only fix the bugs and remove the resets and THAT'S IT. And maybe, maybe tweak a few chars but that's where we as a community comes in (not that I want to see another thread about buff subzero ground ice :p) .

I think the other negative thing that MK had was the whole costumes fiasco. It is all fixed now but I remember when the costumes were not affected by the patches :(

It is sad that ppl would rather play a broken character which is selfish in my opinion because all you care about is winning regardless of how fair it is or not.I say good riddance :)

Also what Diminion said is true. A lot of ppl are like sheep, they hate on other FGC just because someone else hates it. The sad part is it catches like wild fire. Next thing you know, we are a dying community, they probably still think we get patches every week and whatnot.

*Not So Big Issue (but still matters)
Although I really think we should have a UMK9 before MK10, NRS needs to know how to keep MK9 fresh. While we wait for MK10, give us something fun in return while making money at the same time. You will be surprised how small stuff such as PSN avatar or various costumes packs makes a huge difference. NRS dropped the ball hard in that department. Giving select characters 4-5 costumes when they could have created some for the other cast was a huge let down. Think im wrong, just think about this, how many ppl picked up reptile just because of the MK1 costume? lol :p. Anyway, I wish I could represent my cop with an PSN avatar, or had another costume for stryker. We know 16 new costumes are coming but it still for the Ninjas who already have 3-4 already. C'mon WTH.

Stepping Stone
I 100% agree with this. MK9 is a fresh start and a good one at that. We are half way there in finding what really needs to be revised for UMK9 or MK10, and what we desperately need i.e. better training mode or a way to change button config without having to quit to the main menu. Personally, I think NRS need to heavily revised the HITBOX/HURTBOX in this game. That's the only thing that really turns me off. I hate seeing cage nut-punch land when he is no where near the opp. I hate making a good read to force an opponent to whiff a jumping punch and to find out that I wasnt far enough due to certain chars jump punch having extended reach. I hate baiting a jump in and ready to greed the opp with an uppercut but the hurtbox is so non existent that I end up being the one getting hit and eat a full combo. Same goes for air to air punches. Some character's jump punch wins it consistently even if you have the advantage. Maybe if some of the hitboxes weren't so ridiculous, some of the crap that we be going through would even be possible(im just saying). Despite all that, MK9 is still a balance game (not 100%, after all no such game exists) were every character has a fighting chance.

More importantly, NRS NEEDS TO CONSIDER FRAME DATA. it feels like the frame data for some moves, normals, or advantage or hit/block where not taken into consideration during development.

Let's face it, we each have our vision of how the game should be or what our favorite chars should have. I'm still skeptical about my next statement, but I hope from all the tournaments, gameplays, videos that we have posted, NRS can decide what is fair and what needs to be tweaked for the next installment.


If Maxter quits MK, I have to as well. Tournaments without him will be useless.
SwiftTomHanks, im not quiting the game because it sux or anything like that, it is still a fun game to play, i'm just burned out, and i need to take some time off, i'm taking network administration next month and will have to put the game aside for a little, also i need to save as much money as i can since i'll need it for school, and wont be able to travel much, i'll be back for evo possibly, but hey andrew bro, can't say you will quit if i do, you know you love the game as well as me, and this game needs the support of all of you guys, so it does'nt die like this guys are saying, i also appreciate your company at tourneys and will miss you all, you can't quit the game because of me that would make me feel bad, i'm still trying to make it to final round also, if i make it to evo then i'll be done until i finish my major in networking, but i'll be back, i'm always back =)

Shady bro, thanks for agreeing with me, maybe people don't understand the concept of patching too early, a game hasn't evolve yet and not all the game breaking bugs glitches etc have been found yet, or maybe not oll the broken abilities on some characters that are not even glitches but they are just overpower, people cry for these too even tho they are not bug and are part of the game,
when a patch is done, it covers many issues on the game but also cost time and money, doing patches too early is unnecessary if the game is still playable, as i said before it wasn't only one character being crazy broken, it was almost the whole cast, so there was still balance, i can still play the vanilla version and i feel is even more balance than the regular one we have lol, is playable indeed, just need to have a better defense and if got into a block infinite, let them hit you like quanchi so you build meter to break, or cyrax command grab wasn't hit confirm-able after a jumping punch hits so they whiffed the grab, there were ways around things didn't it? lol after all this long we still have the same issues only with a couple of characters, maybe if they had waited at least 6,7 month for the first patch the game will be way better and balance and maybe a second patch would make it perfect. don't worry dude i wont leave the game utterly i'll be back stronger

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Just lost all respect I had for Chris g. I never tho he wasb a blind capcom fanboy, how can a game be dead if you are playing it? He's just salty that he can't win mk tournaments for shit.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
ChrisG a capcom fanboy? Yaok when the guy clearly plays EVERY fighting game from 2d to 3d.
lol I do know that, that is the reason i respected him bc he does well in almost every fighter but only capcom kids say shit like that, they hate the game so much they want it to die and when it doesnt they get pissed off.


Bone and Metal
The first few patches I feel were definitely needed, remember that thread Dave made detailing the really broken stuff in earlier revisions?

Either way, I still wish NRS would make a UMK9 with more characters, stages, a training mode worth a damn, input bug fix, negative edge removal, more challenge tower missions, etc rather than that Komplete Edition to help bolster the community.

Anyways I'll always like Chris G, he's a fighting game fanatic like me after all.