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Thoughts on MK9 and MK9 at MLG from Dieminion and Chris G


kung lao swag walker
well the argument i hear the most about the games goes down this line
too much damage - Marvel Player (now that one upset me)
Gets patched too many times
combos are too easy
the game is nothing but juggles
no footsies only special moves and dial combos
doesnt have hit confirms like SF

the list goes on now when you tell them different they go down that line of excuses. An associate literally stopped playing cause the money wasn't free anymore. im sorry but i agree with prinzmetal i don't want anyone who judges a game without playing it or has no passion for it playing it. I'm so tired of this dumb ass bullshit where instead of people actually playing a game then judging it they have this oh i play this so my game has to be better than yours mentality I dont even like reading srk post about us cause that's literally what it turns into. I say if they aint with us F*** em if they are willing to come with a open mind then they're ok


Maxter, I feel you man. I'm going back to school myself next fall and the savings mode starts now. Unfortunately I've had such a blast at Winter Brawl that it's kind of hard to say "no" if I get more opportunities to play this and meet up with everyone again. Even so, I might have to sacrifice some tournaments myself because of upcoming school issues, and the fact that no matter what I'm going to Evo... :p.