Agent of Chaosrealm
Kotal Khan and Shao Kahn were weaker than Cassie way back in MKX - MK11 is nothing new on that front.MK11 Story is a mess.
yes beautiful visually, but one big mess full of plot holes, characters that were turned into jobbers, Kotal Khan and Shao Khan are weaker than Cassie Cage. Yeah... makes total sense.
Time controlling boss who keeps bringing back those that are going to defeat her even tho she has the power to NOT BRING THEM BACK??
Erron black, a mysterious badass cowboy who was introduced to us back in MKX and turned into a generic jobber, disappearance of main characters and revenants from MKX left unexplained...even tho it's a direct continue to MKX.
Probably due to writers crunching it and just wanting to go the hell home already.
NRS treated their employees bad on this one, and it shows. it's a huge mess, and they really hoped the outstanding graphics will distract us from the fact.
too many retcons. too many OP Kombat kids game after game
Erron Black was a jobber in MKX as well. He just had five lines of dialogue more in the previous game.
Kronika probably brought back Liu Kang so that he and Raiden would play her 'pit one against each other' game once more, like in all previous timelines.
Employees were doing crunch ever since MK9, so I fail to see the correlation - not that you make any sense here, you are beginning to rant at this point.
Retcons are good if the results are good. You hated the Sindel retcon and the kombat kids. If it was a retcon that would make Erron Black ten times more important to the story and give him a bigger role, I'm sure you'd have no problems with retconning at all. Seems a little hypocritical, don't you think?