Here are the problems that i found. I've also quoted some of the posts in this thread instead of writing out the same thing again, so if you see something that you wrote, i'm am only repeating it, not claiming it as mine.
- The netcode of this game is really bad online. it plays at half the speed that it plays offline.
- It doesn't say the name of the other persons gamertag when i fight them online. For example, if i was playing as Scorpion on MK3 and someone called "FishMan2011" was playing as Sub-Zero, it would just say "Sub-Zero" in their healthbar, not "FishMan2011")
- There isn't a specator mode or a replay system or YouTuobe uploading support. If i had a really good match i wont be able to relive it since it will be gone.
- Lobbies can only hold 2 people. Me and my three friends bought this game together and i wasn't able to play with all three of them, plus because there isn't a specator mode they got bored and started playing something else because they didn't want to wait.
- You can't adjust the screen ratio. In the stand alone version of UMK3 on XBLA, you could stretch your screen to however you wanted. You can't in the MKAK, which for me makes it full screen and cuts some stuff off on the edges.
- The menu font online is very hard to read. It's really small and white which blends in with the background. I'm surprised people can navigate through it on anything but a big HD tv.
-If you pull up the moves list to look up a fatality, etc...when you unpause your character is unable to move for 2-3 seconds.
- Some of screams are cut short on UMK3
- Scorpion's "Get Over Here!" gets cut to just "Get..."
- There isn't enough time to enter a fatality, compared to the original versions i played, the time to input a fatality has been greatly reduced. The time is almost non-existent.
- The move list text is too small. It is really difficult to read.
With a bad netcode it really kills the replay value of the game. I really love the Mortal Kombat series but i am so disappointed because i have been waiting for this game for weeks and since i have now bought it i do feel ripped off. Its like this (rushed) collection was made it to cash in on our nostalgia.
I really hope this gets patched or show to the MK/NRS staff asap.
P.S: could someone ask STORMS to deliver the message to NRS. CHECK4900 told me to do so.