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They Don't Call Me The Main Man For Nothing! - The Lobo General Discussion Thread.

Been using this gimmicky little 50/50 from b12 1+3, not sure if it's super useful or not.

Whenever I have only 1 bar and I land a b12, I usually just end the full string and go for either: low hook or MB hook charge. I'm pretty sure low hook is safe at the range and mb hook charge is +3. Both leave the opponent close to Lobo, allowing you to oki them n stuffs.


I think loading nuke shells after b12 may be better, you still get the 50/50. You can safely backdash too if you think their going to wakeup and still be in range of low hook, the overhead on hook charge whiffs but if you mb you get your pressure and whatnot.
I think loading nuke shells after b12 may be better, you still get the 50/50. You can safely backdash too if you think their going to wakeup and still be in range of low hook, the overhead on hook charge whiffs but if you mb you get your pressure and whatnot.
On hit, I would think its a decent option. What if they block B12? Aren't you wide open for attack?


You can hit confirm trait on b12, try it out, you can trait up pretty late in the string. A little after the 2 hits is the latest you can cancel into trait.
You can hit confirm trait on b12, try it out, you can trait up pretty late in the string. A little after the 2 hits is the latest you can cancel into trait.
but you can't really hit confirm the string itself.

the problem with it isn't hit confirming into trait load, it's hit confirming a 9f low into the followup attack.


but you can't really hit confirm the string itself.

the problem with it isn't hit confirming into trait load, it's hit confirming a 9f low into the followup attack.
Ok yeah your right, b12 1+3 is alot safer and set ups a nice 50/50 option. I'll start using that alot more instead.
Anyone else use the interactable bounce? Any input on this?
It's kinda good with Lobo imo. A lot of his strings have "fixed launches" like B2U1 or 12, so it's pretty easy to use them mid-combo, and as you said in your post, B1 xx bounce is something you can do as well. I normally only go for it when opened them up and I'm near the bounce area. I tend to use it very fast and just do the usual Lobo combo from there.


The Free Meter Police
Cage Redfield Chaosphere Lord Hollow GGA Fill Pops Captain Oxygen

Anyone else use the interactable bounce? It seems very good with Lobo. You can start with B1 and leads to at least 34% meter less, and is pretty easy. Very good for whiff punishing. Also, when you have meter, the damage racks up pretty fast. Any input on this?
Yes. Check my combo thread now. I have background bounce combos for the first few starters. Working on the rest over the next week.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Cage Redfield Chaosphere Lord Hollow GGA Fill Pops Captain Oxygen

Anyone else use the interactable bounce? It seems very good with Lobo. You can start with B1 and leads to at least 34% meter less, and is pretty easy. Very good for whiff punishing. Also, when you have meter, the damage racks up pretty fast. Any input on this?
I agree. I usually don't use it because I rarely realize I'm near one in the heat of the battle, but they really do benefit him greatly, especially after the second b+2,u+1 in a combo.Really ups his damage output.
I agree. I usually don't use it because I rarely realize I'm near one in the heat of the battle, but they really do benefit him greatly, especially after the second b+2,u+1 in a combo.Really ups his damage output.
Being aware where we are in the map would benefit us greatly IMO. I'm going to try to implement it to my game, since Lobo can put a hurting on and still get the Oki/Trait reload.

Any use for 112? I've only used it in a swag combo in the corner. (Two nukes. F21~DF1D, 112~DBF2 MB and you guys probably know the rest, lol.)

Captain Oxygen

The end of one combo is the beginning of another
112,hook charge is pretty easy for air conversions, a lot of the time the third hit of 113 won't connect.
And it can be used for a Weeeird antiair, it's negative on block but you can cancel it for a mixup anyways.

I love the background bounces to death.
From B1,D1, and 2,1 respectively you can get 40%+ no meter from a low, poke, overhead. I use them in all my combos whenever I'm near them.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Being aware where we are in the map would benefit us greatly IMO. I'm going to try to implement it to my game, since Lobo can put a hurting on and still get the Oki/Trait reload.

Any use for 112? I've only used it in a swag combo in the corner. (Two nukes. F21~DF1D, 112~DBF2 MB and you guys probably know the rest, lol.)
I find it ideal if I am trying to maximize my damage and end with a Low Space Hook (for whatever reason, I want them on the other side). It's a great replacement string when they may be pushed out to far for the last hit of 1,1,3 to hit. You can cancel the last hit into a trait reload, also.

GGA Fill Pops

The Ultimate Bastich
My favorite stage is wayne manor cuz of background bounces I use b1 into interactable all the time. If you watch GBS I do it a lot. In my matche vs southside jim I did it on stream for hella damey


The Free Meter Police
My favorite stage is wayne manor cuz of background bounces I use b1 into interactable all the time. If you watch GBS I do it a lot. In my matche vs southside jim I did it on stream for hella damey
I dont like wayne manor vs tech characters. Some of them get crazy setups on that stage. I prefer fortress of solitude or Gotham rooftop. Any thoughts?


The Free Meter Police
Being aware where we are in the map would benefit us greatly IMO. I'm going to try to implement it to my game, since Lobo can put a hurting on and still get the Oki/Trait reload.

Any use for 112? I've only used it in a swag combo in the corner. (Two nukes. F21~DF1D, 112~DBF2 MB and you guys probably know the rest, lol.)
112 is good to use when people start backdashing between 1 and 3 in 113. It's a read though.

GGA Fill Pops

The Ultimate Bastich
[quiote="Chaosphere, post: 1219237, member: 5607"]Hit trait if b1 hits, 1+3 if b1 is blocked. Option select![/quote]
Or If its blocked you get a free d1 check into 50/50


The Free Meter Police
[quiote="Chaosphere, post: 1219237, member: 5607"]Hit trait if b1 hits, 1+3 if b1 is blocked. Option select!
Or If its blocked you get a free d1 check into 50/50[/quote][/quote]

Yeah I didn't mean after b12 is blocked. Meant anytime b1 is blocked you can input all of b121+3 just in case they get hit by the 2, you still get your damage, and if the 2 is blocked, 1+3 doesn't come out and you still get your frame advantage to do whatever you want afterwards.

But yea d1 is a good check. I also like d1~low shot in that situation.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Or If its blocked you get a free d1 check into 50/50

Yeah I didn't mean after b12 is blocked. Meant anytime b1 is blocked you can input all of b121+3 just in case they get hit by the 2, you still get your damage, and if the 2 is blocked, 1+3 doesn't come out and you still get your frame advantage to do whatever you want afterwards.
That is exactly what I do: I dial out the sequence every time. If it hits, free 19%. If not, I'm +4. Plenty of time to contemplate life and its many, amazing wonders... Then oki..