Just in case I am not the only story nut out there, I wanted to keep a running tally of all the DCU characters who are dead (or otherwise out of the picture) by the time of Injustice 2. This includes characters who are killed prior to the first game, during the game, and have been killed in the comic canon since.
(Note: as we've seen with MKX, nothing about being dead / crippled / being sent to an alternate dimension means you can't be in the game, so do not consider this a disconfirmed list)
So without further ado;
Alfred Pennyworth - Killed by Zsasz
Artemis - Killed by Hera
Beast Boy - Killed by The Joker
Bizarro - Killed by Lex Luthor
Black Canary - Teleported to another dimension by Dr. Fate
Black Racer - Being tortured by Darkseid
Captain Atom - Killed by Wonder Woman
Ch'p - Killed by Sinestro
Clayface - "Killed" by Harley Quinn
Constantine - Magical Relocation Program
Despero - Killed by Sinestro
Detective Chimp - Killed by Mr. Mxyzptlk
Dick Grayson - Killed by Damian Wayne
Dr. Fate - Banished into The Void
Dr. Occult - Killed by Raven
Deadman (Boston Brand) - Killed by Mr. Mxyzptlk, Dick Grayson is the current Deadman
Galaxor - Crippled by Superman / Wonder Woman, committed Suicide
Ganthet - Killed by Superman
Green Arrow - Killed by Superman
Guy Gardner - Killed by Hal Jordan
Harvey Bullock - Killed by Mr. Mxyzpltk
Hawkman - Killed by Superman
Heat Wave - Killed by Bizarro
Hercules - Killed by Superman
Huntress - Killed by Wonder Woman
Jason Bard - Killed by Superman
Jason Blood - Killed by Mr. Mxyzptlk
Jim Gordon - Died from cancer
Jimmy Olson - Killed by The Joker
The Joker - Killed by Superman
John Stewart - Killed by Sinestro
Kalibak - Killed by Superman
Kid Flash - Killed by The Joker
Kilowog - Killed by Sinestro
King Shark - Killed by Flash
Klarion - Killed by Sinestro
Kyle Raynor - Killed by Sinestro Corps
Lex Luthor - Killed by Superman
Lobo - Killed (or at least being tortured) by Darkseid
Lois Lane - Killed by Superman
Martian Manhunter - Killed by Superman
Mogo - Killed by Superman
Mr. Mxyzptlk - Banished into The Void
Parasite - Killed by Superman
Phantom Stranger - Killed by Mr. Mxyzptlk
Ragman - Killed by Mr. Mxyzptlk
Red Robin - Sent to Phantom Zone by Superman
Rene Montoya - Suicide via overdose
Shazam - Killed by Superman
Starfire - Sent to Phantom Zone by Superman
The Spectre (Jim Corrigan) - Killed by Mr. Mxyzptlk, Mr. Mxyzptl masqueraded as The Spectre for a while.
Superboy (Connor Kent) - Fatally injured and sent to Phantom Zone by Superman.
Supergirl (Lara Kent) - Killed by Superman
Swamp Thing - Sent to Hell
Trickster - Killed by Bizarro
Trigon - Banished into The Void
Weather Wizard - Killed by Bizarro
Wonder Girl (Cass) - Sent to Phantom Zone by Superman
Other Significant Death Events:
Green Lantern Corps - Killed by Superman. Tomar-Re, Arisia, Boodikka and others survived.
Scarecrow - Killed by The Joker in year 1 yet reappears in year 5.
Sinestro Corps - Killed by Mogo & Ganthet, Romat-Ru and others survived.
Unknown Female Speedster - Killed in Metropolis blast
Old Gods & New Gods - Abandoned our reality
I will try to keep this up to date as the comic is ongoing. Feel free to let me know any that I missed or talk about who had the best / worth deaths in this surprisingly gorey look at the DC Universe!