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The true reason stage interaction shouldn't be allowed in tournaments

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bad at things
My first post goes over this. I'm not typing it again, but I'll respect your opinion even though I disagree.
I think this 'advantage' is being super upplayed here and the ability to block/punish is being SEVERLY downplayed.

I'll continue reading, but I'm done here. This is a pure agree to disagree deal we've got going on here.
The game will be out soon, we shall see.

In South Florida though, interactables will be on.
I agree as well it is a matter of opinion. I think the idea of anything in-game not being 100% equal to player1 and player2 is unnecessary in terms of having a pure and even competitive platform. However I also agree that interactables will probably not have a significant effect on matches and I think it's probable it will add an extra slice to the meta cake that will end up being fun in the long run.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I agree as well it is a matter of opinion. I think the idea of anything in-game not being 100% equal to player1 and player2 is unnecessary in terms of having a pure and even competitive platform. However I also agree that interactables will probably not have a significant effect on matches and I think it's probable it will add an extra slice to the meta cake that will end up being fun in the long run.
Characters alone aren't 100% equal to player 1 and player 2.


you guys can sweet talk all you want about interactable been fun and blockble and taking less damage now but i have yet to see some one bring out a valid argument on why a stage giving a position advantage at the beginning of the fight to one player over the other is fair game.... any one please?


Kytinn King
you guys can sweet talk all you want about interactable been fun and blockble and taking less damage now but i have yet to see some one bring out a valid argument on why a stage giving a position advantage at the beginning of the fight to one player over the other is fair game.... any one please?
Fair doesn't exist in gaming


cr. HP Master
Completely fair doesn't exist, but making it more fair does. These arguments are persuading me, but I need to play the game first to fully say.


Monster Island Tournaments
No they won't. Someone will try to run a tournament with them turned off and everyone will cry that that's not how they've been learning the game.

But I haven't played this game yet, so I don't know how much of a problem they may or may not be.
You know me, I have absolutely NO problem turning off interactables. If they are dumb like they were in IGAU, I'll turn them off for my tourney on the 2nd.


Ok I gotta rant:

This isn't some debate as to what who said what and why this is my pleading with the community..

The truth is that, yes, people will lose a game because of an unlucky interactable here or there, but is that REEEALLY gunna make ANYONE feel ANY less accomplished when THEY win a game with an interactable? If we really cared about fairness @General M2Dave would be banned from using Zod in tournament against @Revolver... But that's not fair to Dave. Not to get off topic but the point is that life isn't fair..

Lets talk about options cuz in MKX you have plenty!!

It's true that based on how the match starts whoever gets to the interactable first gets to use it, but come on guys.. @Kitana Prime is right. You've got plenty of options:
Bait the use and punish it,
backdash it,
armor through it,
jump over it,
dash under it,
run under it,
slide under or teleport around it,

Yes, it's true: You started on the left, pressured your opponent to the right and got smacked with an interactable; however, you also failed to use the most appropriate of your 7 or 8 options to counter it.....Adjust.. you took 12% damage because you didn't block not 30% unblockable because Injustice..

This game and these interactables are nothing like injustice. Pretty much the only thing they have in common is that they can be thrown or jumped off of.. I'd like to remind people that in injustice a huge part of what made interactables unfair was the fact that power, gadget, and acrobatic characters all used interactables DIFFERENTLY. In THIS game everyone uses them the same. I've seen Ferra/Torr jump off a tent for christG's sake.. Sure you pressured your opponent into the corner and they jumped out. It looks as if they'll pressure you into the corner.. Oh no!! Guess what? You can jump out! We all can!

I feel like-- and this is sentimental but-- we joined TYM to learn and improve, compete and win, just to say we know how to play the game at a high level-- the highest for some.. I feel like at a high level, with this many options you should be able to find SOME way around these interactables. If nothing else you can BLOCK.. Both people are able to use them on equal footing and if all else fails you can BLOCK..

I understand my voice has little weight behind it but I'm asking the guys that DO to stop and think about their influence on the future of this game since they ARE heard. Think about all your options, pick a character that handles interactables well, DO SOMETHING, before insisting we cripple the meta by disabling interactables in tournament.. I understand interactables in injustice left a bad taste in peoples mouth (I played NW in know the struggle) but this games is different. Let's at least see how they play out.

A few months from now you might hear me screaming the opposite in a salty rage but at this point.. Prerelease.. Come on guys.. These developers have poured months of their time into, designing, developing, and balancing this game. In injustice they showed us they'd be able to hotfix things on the fly. They've showed that they listen and when they deem it necessary they patch things accordingly..

Can we seriously not give this game a chance before disabling interactables?

End rant.


A fat woman came into the shoe store today...
You know me, I have absolutely NO problem turning off interactables. If they are dumb like they were in IGAU, I'll turn them off for my tourney on the 2nd.
Well, it's potentially a different kind of dumb. People are still bringing up throwables like they're the main issue here. These will be nowhere near as impactful as Injustice.

The 3/4 screen jump-ins and corner escapes that are only available on one player's side will be the potential issue.


Monster Island Tournaments
Can we seriously not give this game a chance before disabling interactables?

End rant.
The community bitched and moaned about interactables when NRS was showing IGAU off to the point NRS put in the option to turn them off but we NEVER used that option and IMO that was a mistake. I don't blame @Evil_Riu48 and others, myself included for being highly skeptical and wanting to turn them off before people "get used to it" and theres no turning back.


LOL. I love how all of your examples are potential zoning characters taking advantage of interactable objects.

From what I have seen and heard, Mortal Kombat X has very good movement, but I guess a player like you will not be content until your character has Raiden's pre-patch teleport, Black Adam's pre-patch dive kick, and Zod's back dash. Then and only then will your character not have "shit movement".

I understand you play a game in which characters close the gap for free, but lots of players in this community would like zoning to be an option in the game, even if it is not the best.
I agree! I think the amount of shit people deal with in the corner is ridiculous. I personally dislike zoning but that's why I'll pick a character that isn't easy to zone. I'll probably enjoy the mid to full screen game more because of it. From what I've seen, every character looks like that have a variation with some kind of anti zoning option.

Personally, I'm not a fan of watching set play where someone touches someone once, drives them to the corner, finish their rehearsed combo, rinse and repeat. People have gotten too comfortable with 50/50s into 25/25/25/25's into unblockable setups, into salt..


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
The community bitched and moaned about interactables when NRS was showing IGAU off to the point NRS put in the option to turn them off but we NEVER used that option and IMO that was a mistake. I don't blame @Evil_Riu48 and others, myself included for being highly skeptical and wanting to turn them off before people "get used to it" and theres no turning back.
Nobody used it because many people found the game stale without them, as well.

So it was basically fair or fun. People chose fun.


The community bitched and moaned about interactables when NRS was showing IGAU off to the point NRS put in the option to turn them off but we NEVER used that option and IMO that was a mistake. I don't blame @Evil_Riu48 and others, myself included for being highly skeptical and wanting to turn them off before people "get used to it" and theres no turning back.
The option should ABSOLUTELY be there. And I'm sure it will be. Like I said I'm not so convinced that their good for competitive play either but it's disturbing to see some of the reasons people have for not turning them on.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Well, it's potentially a different kind of dumb. People are still bringing up throwables like they're the main issue here. These will be nowhere near as impactful as Injustice.

The 3/4 screen jump-ins and corner escapes that are only available on one player's side will be the potential issue.
In all honesty, we have running to chase down. An armored escape costs meter alongside stamina, as well. Even considering how far you jump, there seems to be way too much in the game to even worry about the mobility interactables being that bad. Someone looking to jump and get in on you...run under them. They just wasted half their stamina. Looking to escape? Maybe they can't act out of the interactable early enough, so an NJP nails them here (and now they can't break momentarily, either).

The more I actually think about the interactables, the more I'm realizing NRS put in a shit ton of safeguards against the mechanic.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
If background bounces stayed on when turning off interactables that wouldn't have been the case.
It wasn't just that, though. The game just lost its flair without them, because that was the big thing about the game. That, and every character was balanced heavily around them.


LIn Kuei Champion
The interactables do give a small advantage that is fine because I doubt every matchup in the game will be even. I'm down to turn them off because I honestly don't see myself using them a lot when the game comes out. When I see people say that it gives an unfair advantage, that seems more like a personal problem/excuse. I say keep them on for a year to see how "unfair" these interactables are then we can vote on it as a community to see if we keep them on or turn them off for the rest of the game's life. Lets see how many matches are actually won off these "unfair" advantage interactables.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I just don't believe that at all after playing with interactables off for a solid month
That's you, though. And whoever else was playing with you. Most others either liked them or didn't mind them.

Kitana Prime

Top-tier at everything but the characters I choose
how this affect a fight? lets say you have a stage that has an object that can be grab and throw in mid air only at the right side of the screen just behind player 2 and the match is a mirror match between two heavy zoners which use projectiles to zone. this automatically places player 2 at an position advantage at the beginning of round one because he doesn't have to worry about player 1 countering his projectile with the object but player 1 has to worry about the object behind player 2 since he can use it to check his projectile attacks ... why should player 1 start the match at a disadvantage just because he is placed in the right side of the screen?
you guys can sweet talk all you want about interactable been fun and blockble and taking less damage now but i have yet to see some one bring out a valid argument on why a stage giving a position advantage at the beginning of the fight to one player over the other is fair game.... any one please?
And I've yet to see some one bring out a valid argument on how there's an advantage at the beginning of the fight to one player over the other.

"Because they're there" isn't saying anything much.

In this description, where's the clear advantage? It may seem that way, but it seems no one is accepting (or even stating) the obvious fact that player 2 him/herself has to worry about player 1 countering (baiting/punishing) their interactable strategy. This isn't one sided in the slighest. Again, who's to say thrown or escape interactables will even be safe? We've seen them BOTH get stuffed in the Kombat Kasts without meter, and I dont think the invincibility for MB lasts the entire way. Especially when you can attack out of them, that would be free; and something to complain about (If you had fully armored escape + free pressure)

Btw, I understand you guys' concerns, no matter which way ANYONE cuts it, this is simply about not making MKX Injustice 2.0. I get that interactables left a sour taste (I played Gadget character Harley and got fucked by interactables), but this si not that, and the 'advantage' you speak of is closer to non-existent than it is anything else.
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