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The Top 10 Characters.


Best Doomsday in the world
Ill talk to you on live because i dont think you understand supermans zoning when youre still talking about blocking high lasers.
Arguing about semantics is pointless. You can play against Superman's with Doomsday and call it 5-5 because KDZ said so. I will continue to laugh at anyone who says that match up is even, because once they fight a Superman that has any idea what they're doing it'll make sense to them.


My blades will find your heart
I didn't reply to that, back walking is a fine option.

What you described are reactable things.

I told you that they were reactable, i analysed the moves and the scenarios and you went on with other things, am i supposed to drop the convo too?
Again, they are reactable and they are not foolproof. I play Raven on an opponent by opponent basis. I test them with b23 lift, if they block it a couple of times I know they will be expecting it. That is when I will walk in and grab, jump in, or whatever else. Sure those are reactable but they arent ready to react to them, they are ready to react to the lift.

If they dont fall for any of that then I walk back and set up a footsie game, maybe canceling the string into lift to keep them honest.

It all depends on your opponent. But the fact is that b23 is a great string regardless because of its pushback which helps set up a lot of her footsie game.


Joker waiting room
Arguing about semantics is pointless. You can play against Superman's with Doomsday and call it 5-5 because KDZ said so. I will continue to laugh at anyone who says that match up is even, because once they fight a Superman that has any idea what they're doing it'll make sense to them.
KDZ saying superman dd is even is like the time he said flash beats him 7 3

my point is this matchup is not 7 3 or worse and if it was it would not be because of his zoning, when youre blocking high lasers or not cancelling the "stun" from mb lasers then youre not playing properly vs supermans zoning


The Ignore Button Is Free
KF is so weird to place in a list.

IMO, she only has one bad MU, which is black Adam. So that alone should make her a candidate for top 5.

Her tools alone should make her a candidate for top 5.


Her air game is garbage. While KF has a superior ground game, there are characters who have just as good as a ground game, or better, and on top of that, they also have a very good air game to go along with it. Characters like BA, Supes, WW, and GL all have a superior ground game, just like frost, but they also have a superior air game as well, where frost suffers in.

But her comeback factor CANNOT be ignored. This alone definitely makes her top 10 hands down.


Joker waiting room
Again, they are reactable and they are not foolproof. I play Raven on an opponent by opponent basis. I test them with b23 lift, if they block it a couple of times I know they will be expecting it. That is when I will walk in and grab, jump in, or whatever else. Sure those are reactable but they arent ready to react to them, they are ready to react to the lift.

If they dont fall for any of that then I walk back and set up a footsie game, maybe canceling the string into lift to keep them honest.

It all depends on your opponent. But the fact is that b23 is a great string regardless because of its pushback which helps set up a lot of her footsie game.
In the neutral game there are different uses for F22 and B23, i did not even say b23 was bad or useless.


xbl-OBS trustinme
KF is so weird to place in a list.

IMO, she only has one bad MU, which is black Adam. So that alone should make her a candidate for top 5.

Her tools alone should make her a candidate for top 5.


Her air game is garbage. While KF has a superior ground game, there are characters who have just as good as a ground game, or better, and on top of that, they also have a very good air game to go along with it. Characters like BA, Supes, WW, and GL all have a superior ground game, just like frost, but they also have a superior air game as well, where frost suffers in.

But her comeback factor CANNOT be ignored. This alone definitely makes her top 10 hands down.
completely agree.is there a link with ur match against kdz anywhere?


All these prices and I'm still free
Don't wanna sound like a downplayer here buyt in that top 5 I'd definitely replace WonderWoman with Batman.


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Can you explain why?
I've played Zyphox, you will not zone out flash, I said almost everyone in top 10 has zoning tools, not that he will be zoned out forever. Flashes offense will not last forever and just about everyone in top 10 has a way of starting their own offense. That 50 50 safe mixup can be done every 20 seconds or so and clash or transitions reset it. MB charge can be backdashed and you'll force him to spend yet another bar to punish you for 30%. Not all his strings are advantage and you get almost nothing guaranteed after most of them.

You confuse my post as saying that flash is not a good character, he's great but when you reach an entry point in which the rules are "you must be better than x character" then flash is top 11-12

5050 every 20 seconds? Lol. You can backdash and just eat a combo if he reads it. His d2 is the best in the game. In the corner he can completely destroy almost everyone.
So you play zyphox online....thats cool. But offline he can do much more and laggy zoning is not a factor.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2


My blades will find your heart
9 - Raven - Second best counterzoner in the game, her whole gameplan relies on soul crush and counterzoning, she punishes projectiles and when it comes to enemies getting in she's an alternate version of Ermac. Ermac did the exact safe thing except you could dash block in MK therefore his TKP threw you fullscreen while in Injustice you have to commit to dashing or the retarded speed of walking, therefore soul crush doesn't push back but allow some movement backwards for Raven. Good damage and ways to access that damage, relies heavily on the life lead which is why her trait allows her to switch from counterzoning to straight up zoning that, with meter, does enough damage to get the lead back. Has no 7 3s and I'm surprised noone has mentioned her in this thread or in general except very few. Faults are no mixup game, mediocre and gimmicky crossup setups, no decent strings outside F22 and 223 results in a mixup game in which Raven puts herself in danger constantly.
You said she has no decent strings outside of f22 and 223. I said b23 is a decent string. I dont see how you can interpret that as anything but calling 223 a decent string.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
1. Superman
2. Black Adam
3. Aquaman
4. Batman

Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Doomsday, Deathstroke, Flash, Batgirl.
I dunno how you can go from being so certain KF is number one in the game during UFGT to not having her in your top 10.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
ZOD is top 5

Go back to 2011 when I said same thing about Kenshi before u guys knew

My track record on this is uncanny

or keep leaving him out of the top 10, thats cool too
I believe you, Brant of Nazareth, I've been playing Dave's Zod and he is a frightening character. Kenshi with a mix of reptile, imo. And that trait...I want it gone, lol.