Wow, I'm really impressed! He looks way better than he did in any of the artwork they had previously shown. The gun issue is a little annoying, but at least it seems like it always fires more than once, it's just more of a slow blam-blam-blam than the blamblamblam it should be. I love how they incorporate the data spike, ED-209, the nut shot, and the giant Clarence Boddicker gun that I can't remember the name of. Can't wait to see his friendship! The only other Fatality idea I would have been thrilled with is if he shot the person out a window and their arms were too long as they fell:
Gameplaywise, he's looking solid, though I try not too put too much stock into NRS gameplay trailers. There's a decent chance a lot of those moves aren't usable together, or are slapped onto otherwise useless variations. Can't wait to try him out, though!
[edit] And holy shit, that cyber ninja skin is pretty fucking awesome.