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The Problem With Deadshot


It's Official
Yeah I'm 100% on board with, well, everything you said really... It's unfair to have other zoners in the game that, take Cyborg for example, have no 50/50 other than his F3 (and his 112 which is interuptable) or, again as you stated have characters like Bane that have no zoning and aren't anywhere as safe... Deadshot is a pest at the moment no questions asked, just watch Sonic at NLBC and you'll see how much damage he's capable of, and I know Sonic is a very skilful player, but Deadshot doesn't even have a high skill gap to do well...

It'll be a shame to see a few more future competitive events just consisting of Deadshot because, well, a win is a win right? Even if you have to cheese it out.


Cold Azz Mulatto
It's sad really. What you pointed is is true. Even though his up close game is good it's not great. It all depends on people's skills. Knowledge and experience dealing with match ups. Most people havent played or played aganst a hybrid zoner like him. Not only in this game but all fighters before it. I play dead shot too. I also lose to dead shot but I'm not going to go online here and vomit out my brine of salty rage and cry about it. I'll ask for help.
I'll go to the lab and practice who can get in or out better then he can.
I'll play different characters and zone him out before he starts his shit.

Basically I'll WORK to beat him and learn from my losses how not to get beat by him. But nobody says that. Or does it. Or posts it. No. We just bitch.

But I don't care. I'll keep using a character like him even more now because I'm an ass like that. I just wish people would stop bitching about him and lab or use him too.

Darkseid is next and Harley too. Those are the next targets after dead shot.
LOL, like how you agree but than backpedal. At least admit your situation, since you play the character too, is completely different since it's a mirror match. I honestly haven't fought a spammy DS online yet so I'm not salty at all. The OP makes a good point that a safe 50/50 for a zoner is atypical for the game. Do you honestly think it's a good idea to give a zoner such an ability, and the myriad of other options better than characters who have no/weak zoning? I definitely question the thought that went into that.
Telling people to play him doesn't remove the issue. I'm against changes this early for sure but to act like this character isn't a symptom of an ongoing issue seems ingenuous.
It's also week one and I think ppl haven't figured out the anti DS tech to post so they are salty as hell.
I do, however, applaud your willingness to stay with your char as I have been on that side of the "YOUR CHARACTER IS OP" crying before. Only time will tell what the NRS response will be, but i'd bet good money on incoming nerfs of some sort, since DS isn't very fun to watch(for many ppl) and NRS likely wants that ESPORTS exposure.


In Zoning We Trust
Watching @REO right now getting mirked by Deadshot in casuals. It's not cool. Person he's playing doesn't even main Deadshot.

Person's Day 2 Deadshot is beating an Evo finalist.
So Cossner playing Grr offline on REO's stream (who just beat Deadshot Grr's as I type this) is "getting murked by Deadshot in casuals" by someone who "doesn't even main Deadshot" when that's who Grr has been playing and played him at the tournament (losing to Destroyer)? lol. At this point yall gonna say Will Smith picked up INJ2 and started bodying people.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
So Cossner playing Grr offline on REO's stream (who just beat Deadshot Grr's as I type this) is "getting murked by Deadshot in casuals" by someone who "doesn't even main Deadshot" when that's who Grr has been playing and played him at the tournament (losing to Destroyer)? lol. At this point yall gonna say Will Smith picked up INJ2 and started bodying people.
You're fighting a losing battle bro , we all admire how hard you're trying we get it, You like/main Deadshot. But its inevitable.


So Cossner playing Grr offline on REO's stream (who just beat Deadshot Grr's as I type this) is "getting murked by Deadshot in casuals" by someone who "doesn't even main Deadshot" when that's who Grr has been playing and played him at the tournament (losing to Destroyer)? lol. At this point yall gonna say Will Smith picked up INJ2 and started bodying people.

Oh it's Cossner on Arrow? Regardless man, character has issues. Grr is a good player, no discredit to him however.

You know, why can't Deadshot mains just be like "Yeah character is a little bit fucked up, but I still want to play him." That'd be refreshing as hell. I mean it's not like they can't all not know where people are coming from, even if they disagree.


In Zoning We Trust
You're fighting a losing battle bro , we all admire how hard you're trying we get it, You like/main Deadshot. But its inevitable.
That's great. But lets keep the debating to actual truths no?

Oh it's Cossner on Arrow? Regardless man, character has issues. Grr is a good player, no discredit to him however.

You know, why can't Deadshot mains just be like "Yeah character is a little bit fucked up, but I still want to play him." That'd be refreshing as hell.
Yea they are playing offline, a few people. REO's just streaming it.

As soon as yall refresh me by talking about 7-8 uber strong characters just as often I'm down 100% for that.


That's great. But lets keep the debating to actual truths no?

Yea they are playing offline, a few people. REO's just streaming it.

As soon as yall refresh me by talking about 7-8 uber strong characters just as often I'm down 100% for that.

I'm not going to argue that there's not other characters that are strong. I mean I don't think Deadshot is number 1 even. I just think he has a glaring problem. He could be the worst character in the game and still be broken. Broken doesn't always mean overpowered, it just means the character is functioning like crap.

The other characters problems will reveal themselves with time, I'm sure there's some more but this is just the most glaring one right now.


In Zoning We Trust
I'm not going to argue that there's not other characters that are strong. I mean I don't think Deadshot is number 1 even. I just think he has a glaring problem. He could be the worst character in the game and still be broken. Broken doesn't always mean overpowered, it just means the character is functioning like crap.
By that definition, it makes sense. Not agreeing, just understanding what you mean.


By that definition, it makes sense. Not agreeing, just understanding what you mean.
And on the flip-side I totally get why it's irritating when people try to tear down your main because it's kind of like they're discrediting your own performance or skill. I just want to clarify, I don't think that all DS players are scrubs and I definitely can tell the difference between a good and bad one.
Just make Deadshot a copy paste of Erron Black and it should be fine. :DOGE
If that happens I will fly to Athens and slap you with my MKX and I2 copies:DOGE.

Even better, NRS should delete his slot and replace it with MMH or Batgirl to restore balance. We do not want you to break your controller after all...

I dont know what is worse, people in this forum complaining about his zoning and his 50/50(just nerf him already) or every other third comment on social media. The only thing I did not read was "If deadshot was not in the game I would make sonicfox money".

Btw if somebody thinks that a scrub with deadshot can beat a decent player lets play ft10 to find out.

Deleted member 5032

was busy labbing like the people who already are starting to get used to Deadshot matchup instead of writing essays first week to get him nerfed.
If that's what you think the post was about then you didn't read the post. I also have had no problems against him. This is not a crybaby post. But just because you or I or other experienced players can technically learn ways to deal with, that doesn't mean it's balanced.


Stay focused or get Caged
If that's what you think the post was about then you didn't read the post. I also have had no problems against him. This is not a crybaby post. But just because you or I or other experienced players can technically learn ways to deal with, that doesn't mean it's balanced.
You know game came out last week right? Balance conversations make no sense now, since absolutely nobody can see the whole picture yet because it's virtually impossible to have enough knowledge of the game to say "this is balanced" or "this is unabalanced". Early nerfs destroy characters and potentially leave them in a bad position for a long time, same as early buffs can immensely boost characters that now could be perceived as bad ones, but have hidden potential that can't be seen in one week.

Anyway, I'm dead sure Deadshot will be overnerfed and left to rot, same as I'm sure this community will never learn to wait and let the game play out before trying to change it.