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The Official MKXL Complain/Rant Thread


Is this site so bad that half of the people always write "...because I'm drunk..." when they write a comment? LOL.

Actual complaint: Why is there no recent Salty report? My body is calling....
Stamina needs to come back at a faster rate. I don't like the fact that this game is all about rush down and 50/50. MK9 had a perfect mix of everything, and because there wasn't a stamina bar to hinder movement, the games were so fast paced and intense. MKX is so clunky compared to MK9. Every match it's waiting for the delayed wake up to take a 50/50. You guess wrong, it's over. That's why I'm starting to not like this anymore. It's starting to become about guessing. Jeez I hope mk11 is more like 9 because 9 is more skill based than x. I do like the variation idea. I think it's interesting to see that nrs is trying to bridge over their multi fighting style concept they had back in deadly alliance. Fresh spin on the mechanic. But there is no defensive play. Turtling is near impossible with this stamina bar taking an age to come back. But I'm just ranting. Thought it would be good to just post directly into the complaint thread. I know this has been said. Just thought I'd get my 2 cents in.


You can't really "fix" a netcode. Basically its like a game engine. If it sux, it'll sux for good on every game you create with it. The best thing NRS can do is to "buy" one and/or hire ppl to re-write a good netcode from scratch...

And sadly there is no magic, p2p relay on both connection. Rollback netcode may be the easier solution for NRS if they can't write a good netcode themselves.

I would like to see players ping instead of a green bar...
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I tried to throw a yo-yo away. It was impossible.
Why can't you change you buttons when you're online? I'm not liking have the input shortcuts off right now. I like the Takeda setups I can do with them off, but now I just have a hard doing moves, but that could be the old pdp klassic stick that's giving me those problems. I dunno.

I don't wanna disconnect from online or leave the koth room, just seems unnecessary.

Edit: I don't really have the problem playing on the ds4. Guess I'm gonna go back to it. I was really liking using a stick (and the mk one to boot)

Edit Edit: I'm gonna just keep practicing with it. I was getting frustrated and losing when I shouldn't have been losing.
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The casual scene is waning... online matches are becoming harder to find and the general buzz for the game is reaching all time lows. Now the offline scene is still strong as is the competitive, but this is a symbiotic relationship. If NRS is going to release the new pack they need to announce it soon, or when it dose come out it will be to all time low sales. There is already a strong fear among MK fans I know that when injustice 2 comes MKx will basically die and I think it is getting to the point that people are sick of waiting for word from NRS and MKx is starting to get uninstalled forever.

Time to let us know what is going on.


klone enthusiast
As the title said before, for the last two weeks I haven't got any faction rewards.
I'm playing the PC port of the game, and I'm wondering am I the only one to get this bug?
And is there any way for me to get my weekly faction rewards? I know it's not important, but it's just irks me.

thanks before:D


Can you check that you still have any reward at all after you relaunch game? Since I have save data problem after 8\11 patch on PC, where my progress don't save and revesed to what it was prepatch anytime I restart the game.


klone enthusiast
Can you check that you still have any reward at all after you relaunch game? Since I have save data problem after 8\11 patch on PC, where my progress don't save and revesed to what it was prepatch anytime I restart the game.
I've checked it, and still got no rewards, even for this week.
I've tried to re-sign in to wb games, couple of times, and still not working.
and my progress is saved correctly.


By "any reward" I mean Koins, profile card unlock, costumes, faction and EX points. If any of that is intact when you restart game - then its not same case as my.
If nothing helps - i suggest to try WB support: link.


klone enthusiast
By "any reward" I mean Koins, profile card unlock, costumes, faction and EX points. If any of that is intact when you restart game - then its not same case as my.
If nothing helps - i suggest to try WB support: link.
yeah I have it all intact, but I don't get any weekly reward, for faction champion or any money for my participation.


klone enthusiast
Try log out from WBID in MKX and quit game, then relogin, try change Factions, try unlink account on wbplay and link again. If nothing helps - try WB support, link in my second post.
I've got their reply habibi

Thank you for contacting Warner Brothers technical support. We are sorry to hear that you didn't receive your reward.

Please note that it may take up to 48 hours after a multiplayer season ends before rewards will be granted to players who participated. This process allows the developers to calculate rewards and make sure everyone receives the reward that they should have.

If you still have not received your season rewards 48 hours after a season ends, please log off and back in to your WBID account in the game.

If the issue persists, please submit a bug report at support.wbgames.com by clicking Ask for Help and selecting Bug Report as your Question Type. The developers will then be able to investigate your report.

Please note that we at Technical Support do not have the ability to grant season rewards retroactively.

Thank you,

WB Games Support

I should wait it out I guess

btw, thanks habibi for the link:D


Jacqui The Feint God
Buff jacqui
UnT-Rex her arms
Give her Cassie's poke range
Give her better clothing boot camp just ugly af mane
Make me better at fighting games :DOGE