Seriously. I wanna know what all changed. lolI just need the patch notes lol. Hahaha.
Seriously. I wanna know what all changed. lolI just need the patch notes lol. Hahaha.
Yeah it's hard to really tell what's really good & whatnot now especially whenever they don't show it on stream. Makes me even more anxious to get ahold to them. lol. I'm pacing too & I'm not even home yet bro!Seriously. I wanna know what all changed. lol
According to leading scientists everything in the game has already been figured out, though.Yeah it's hard to really tell what's really good & whatnot now especially whenever they don't show it on stream. Makes me even more anxious to get ahold to them. lol. I'm pacing too & I'm not even home yet bro!
Nrs games have insane depthAccording to leading scientists everything in the game has already been figured out, though.
This is it, everyone. This is going to be the strangest variation in the entire fucking game. It's like a Frankenstein's Monster of a variation.Dvorah's 3rd
They did but I think Evil Canadian said he rewatched the stream and it said today and later with the patch?They did say tonight, right?
Nope. I think he originally said that but probably messed up his wording as he later stated "not today" but with the patch.They did say tonight, right?
they said bothThey did but I think Evil Canadian said he rewatched the stream and it said today and later with the patch?
Not sure if he is joking but I remember it saying patch will drop today watch Twitter for updates
Depression Blade + MKX style njp be praised :^)
Waiting on the full patch notes is hard right now ngl
Yeah, I watched the streams. Just wondering about more frame data changes that haven‘t been mentioned. If any were made.You should look at K&M's V3 speculation videos for each character. They got most of them right and here is
Scorpion with:
Sin Blade + Misery Blade (3rd Variation)
He gets Snakebite and Optic blast. Probably his best move in the game is Snakebite so it's a win for him.I bet kano still sucks
Kollector gets Chakram.
- Noob Saibot - Sickle Snag, Sickle Toss, Klone Dive Kick
- Cassie - Straight Shadow Kick, Drone Escape, Bouncing Green Bullet
- Kabal - Gas, Low spinner, hook grab
- Kollector - Chakram and Relic Pull
- Kano - Cyclops Beam and Snake Bite
- Geras - Rewind Time and the sand clone teleport
- Skarlet - Boiling Point, Red Mist, Krimson Shield
- D'vorah - Beetle, Flipping Out, Fly
- Baraka - Blade Charge, Baraka-serker, leg kabob
- Scorpion - Misery blade and MK9 neutral jump punch
Apparently Kollector has Chakram/Relic pull according to 16 bit on twitter. (i now read the post, i repllied before reading, the quote has the twitter, derp derp derp)
Do you think the Kollector downplay will continue?Apparently Kollector has Chakram/Relic lure according to 16 bit on twitter.
So Chakram got buffed to a 2 point move, which is fair I guess cause its re-goddamn-diculous
Relic lure kinda sucks a lot though! Hope its changed.