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The Grindstone, Training Network. Find training partners/lvl up/git gud.


Mr. Righteous
Had to post one of my new trophies because its the GRINDSTONE that got me here!
I'm not techno savvy so instead of a picture the message reads,

"Get good lag trash loser BITCH

Recorded and reporting. Thx dumb lag switch scrub loser HAHAHAHA."

Best birthday present ever!!
HAHAHH those are the best! I had one the other day playing MVCi after i whooped dat ass! And its you're birthday !?!? Happy Birthday brotha! Righteous ;)


It's all so very confusing.
I'll be on in about 45m -1hr but can't get on this minute. I'm also extremely bad, so keep that in mind if you want sets lol. I'll play anyone but I'm not trying to waste someone's time if they're looking for a legit opponent.


Mr. Righteous
Is there any Sub Zero mains ?Question mark?

Been so un-interested in this game lately cuz im on my MVCi shit. And the only way to pull me in is either to spar with another Sub to get better OR when Hellboy comes out.