Facts? I read no facts in your post. And yes, I feel like your logic is failing you...saying that tournament results equates to how good a characters is. That's theory fighting and stupid. You Flash players...ugh
It's not the
only evidence why a char is good, but it's one of them. Pro players playing for cashprice/sponsors drop bad characters (reo with csz, nerfed scorp or lobo, cdjr with rain postpatch, PL with nerfed scorp, etc...) for better one. It's a fact.
Taking statistics in top 32 of many big events is a good representation to have an idea how tournament viable a character can be.
Playing a character such Kabal (being so much dominant in top 16 for ages) with no bad or even matchups will give you more chances to rise a tournament than playing a character like Kano (no one has seen him in any tournament btw) with no good matchups at all. This is a fact too and it's 100% logic.
Another good representation you can get is from the casuals. Most of them are trying to play strong characters because obviously people don't like to lose. And here we are, you go online and you'll meet legion of superman, kabal, kunglao, cyrax, GL, BA players while those who play Lex, Lobo, Joker are just a few.
You also see some top tier char winning tournaments like DD or DS that you don't see that much anymore once they get nerfed. Another fact.
My logic is : In a war, the guys fighting with choppers + gatlings will probably get more chances than the guys fighting with horses + bows. lol
Now let's talk about YOUR logic : saying everyone playing Lex, Lobo, HG, Joker, Shazam aren't skilled enough to get top 8 in major is as stupid as saying that the only good players are those who play superman, BA, KF, GL or Batman. That is to me, the real stupid theory fighting.

Think about it.