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The Fall Classic 2015 MKX Viewing Guide & Updates


A Hitbox Pirate - YARRR -
The REO Jason situation has me so torn. I respect character loyalists greatly, but at the same time, I really wish REO would pick someone worthy of his talents. I mean, say what you want about how great the balance of MKX is, but there is just too wide a gulf between Jason and the top tiers in top level match ups.

Props to REO for taking Jason as far as he did, though.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Why is it everything people say about Kenshi never seems to happen during tournament?

I'm told the overhead should be blockable on reaction, and that a ducked telefury should be super easily whiff punished?

Anyways, props to Pokchop
How did he do and who beat him