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The Ed Boon Twitter Watch Thread


Stay focused or get Caged
Boon doesn't like Pigs theory it seems.

This can be interpreted in two ways:

-Patch is coming before october 4th.

-Or patch is coming after 4th. I think it's this one, the smh means that the patch not coming out Oct 4th does not imply that it will never come out.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
This can be interpreted in two ways:

-Patch is coming before october 4th.

-Or patch is coming after 4th. I think it's this one, the smh means that the patch not coming out Oct 4th does not imply that it will never come out.
that is basically how everyone decyphers shit on here.

honestly pig has been wrong quite a bit on his Patch foresight abilities. With that said I believe that the patch will probably come out before Oct 4th. but who knows boon did say(in a poll/tweet) what was he gonna do first? Patch/MKXLPC/BLah and the community had more votes on: MKXL PC first. But then again NRS can take there own course. They could release patch first, and then release MKXL PC since they know that will take quite a long time.

This is why its frustrating that we do not have a developer that is open with its community. They could simply tell us what is going on, let us know when the patch day is, when or if not KP3 is coming. What to expect and all updates about MKXLPC. But instead we have almost near silence. We know MKXL PC is comming but along with that info we have a handful of what ifs and questions unanswered.



I wish they were more open about stuff like patches and updates. They can be all secretive about DLC, and give ambigious hints but I don't like it when they don't talk about patches. The KI developers got it right for sure.
what do you mean? They do officially announce stuff when the time is right. They just finished the pc beta and told you that the game is coming Oct 4. NRS is more open with their community than most developers. At least they hint at what they are working on.


bye felicia
This is why its frustrating that we do not have a developer that is open with its community. They could simply tell us what is going on, let us know when the patch day is, when or if not KP3 is coming. What to expect and all updates about MKXLPC. But instead we have almost near silence. We know MKXL PC is comming but along with that info we have a handful of what ifs and questions unanswered.
Do you really think they have this information and are just withholding it for fun?


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Do you really think they have this information and are just withholding it for fun?
WAIT hold on back up now: are you really suggesting they do not have information about there own game and there own Patch notes/upcoming events and plans about there own game?

My answer is yes 100% they know what is gonna happen with there game in the upcoming months. and Yes they know if they are releaseing a patch that they confirmed is coming in a Tweet on Edboons page. and Yes im frustrated about them not being as clear as they should be about events.

And yes not only am i frustrated about that i am frustrated about them Lying in the patch notes and in game data.

They make Certain Massive NERFS look like they did the world a favor a fixed a bug when in all reality they just castrated said Move/Special/Normal.

And then almost all of there ingame Data being incomplete or inaccruate to a astounding degree. it shows bad practice and un professional work when you release something and have more than a year to fix things wrong and then fuck it up even more.

With that said i Love MKXL and love MK games or i would not play them and be here.


Reverse Salt
Ed Boon tweet something about LOVE , Johnn lennon and Johny cage (Linden ashby johnny cage from Mk 1 movie)

any hint or thing im mind about that shit ?


bye felicia
WAIT hold on back up now: are you really suggesting they do not have information about there own game and there own Patch notes/upcoming events and plans about there own game?
The guys who decide when and what is officially revealed are not the people that tweet and troll our forums. Why you guys think Ed Boon is just the unquestioned lord and master of the mortal kombat franchise is beyond me.


FGC Cannon Fodder
Good Point.

I always wondered myself if there is a 'Whole Team' of WB Executives behind Every MKX Related Tweet from Boon and Co.
I'd be real surprised if there weren't some very well paid people who's jobs are to decide what information goes public, and when, and how. I'd imagine there is someone that could answer all of the "why couldn't you" questions but decided that answering them is a bad idea even if the internet thinks it's a great one.

The public always wants information ASAP. Even if it's not real information, or something that may not end up happening, even if it makes things complicated. Answers often create more questions, and more demands for answers. Responses open lines of dialog that may not be a good idea to engage in. Early answers can sound like promises people will try and hold you to. And that doesn't even get into all of the legal negotiating of who knows what all it takes before you can say "hey guys. There is a thing and here it is."

Ed probably gets to say whatever he wants, but he probably has someone tell him what is OK to be teasing.


Reverse Salt
Ed Boon tweet 3 USA FLAGS , Freddy (Krugguer) Mercury 70 years old (if was alive) , and shit about the exorcist .....

TELL ALLREADY u Obinoxius Demon