STB Chongo
And any other nightwing mains.....
So with launch a few weeks out I'm thinking that the first few days will be flooded with info. From combos, traps, set ups, oki options, etc. it's going to be crazy hard to stay up and keep track of what's going on.
So, I propose we make a few threads to dump all our tech into until the flood settles and we can make a more comprehensive thread.
We already have the combo thread, so check.
I think we need the following...
Setups: this would contain oki setups, any sort of bait set ups, or even character specific set ups
Frame data/frame traps: anything we can derive from from data like safe strings, frame traps,
Move/ string properties: any info regarding strings and normals like what whiffs standing etc., things pertaining to specials and their properties like whiffing, pushback, launching, relaunching, what the mb(meter burn) properties are etc.
What do you guys think? Again these threads aren't stickies but just something to help us stay on track with each other for the first week or two...