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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Patch notes as of now, more details when it arrives for XBOX1 as well

This patch has been released for PS4 as of 05/07/2017. The following are the PS4 patch notes.

A further announcement will be made when the patch is released for Xbox One and Steam.
  • Improved match makings in Online modes.
Now it takes less time to find an opponent in Online modes.
  • Improved usability in Player Match.
Now the game offers more opportunities for players to navigate through the menu in Player Match sessions.

This change should allow players to leave sessions more easily.
  • Adjusted the restriction of the revenge match in Ranked Match.
Now players can have unlimited revenge matches with the same opponent in Ranked Match.
  • Fixed a revenge match related issue.
Fixed an issue where an opponent’s character and name are sometimes changed upon having revenge matches.
  • Made some sound volume adjustments in Jukebox
Adjusted the BGM volume in Jukebox for TEKKEN 1, TEKKEN 2, TEKKEN3 and TEKKEN4.
  • Made some color adjustments to certain Customization items.
This is to fix an issue where players can set certain color values (Black) to certain items in a way that was not originally intended by the dev.
  • Adjusted Leo’s Character Customization.
Fixed an issue where Leo’s upper body disappears when equipping certain items.
  • Game design adjustments.
Adjusted some behaviors in the game regarding certain character’s moves.

Fixed an issue where some characters’ throw moves don’t properly reflect Rage state.

Note that this is just fixes, and there is nothing about the Input Lag just yet.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Patch notes as of now, more details when it arrives for XBOX1 as well

This patch has been released for PS4 as of 05/07/2017. The following are the PS4 patch notes.

Note that this is just fixes, and there is nothing about the Input Lag just yet.
Doesn't sound like any netcode buffs too me just matchmaking stuff. And the unlimited rematch is not that cool as it will probably be abused to hell for easy ranks.


Blind justice....
There suppose to be another patch this week thou.

Also when in the fuck they will add INSTANT REMATCH in player match, it's so fucking annoying now to play vs anybody, coz you wait almost as much as you fight.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Fuck Xiaoyu, fuck Xiaoyu with a stick, seriously, anything who thinks this character is fine should take a look back at their life, i'm fucking discusted just now.

In case of doubt, AoP or California Roll
easiest i14 launcher of the game, -7 on block homing, high and a natural hit combo pick up, 1000x better than Asuka who is slower and needs to be CH and its not by any mile safe despite being a mid.
Fucking magic 4 that works in sync with her i14

WTF is this character?

Weakness? Where are they?
Fuck this, i'm picking her up too.


Blind justice....
Fuck Xiaoyu, fuck Xiaoyu with a stick, seriously, anything who thinks this character is fine should take a look back at their life, i'm fucking discusted just now.

In case of doubt, AoP or California Roll
easiest i14 launcher of the game, -7 on block homing, high and a natural hit combo pick up, 1000x better than Asuka who is slower and needs to be CH and its not by any mile safe despite being a mid.
Fucking magic 4 that works in sync with her i14

WTF is this character?

Weakness? Where are they?
Fuck this, i'm picking her up too.
Been labing her intensively. Coz i was getting destroyed. You need to figure out the best way to deal with AoP for you character also you need to lab all your most used strings and moves to see which whiffs on her do to small hitbox and for Dragunov i cant use like half of them (even mids lol) coz they all whiff and i get rekt.

The only real weakness she has is short range on her jabs which means she cant punish certain moves that other characters can but thats not really an issue since most of them will whiff on her anyway lol.

She's manageable but annoying as fuck; definitely needs some adjustments.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Been labing her intensively. Coz i was getting destroyed. You need to figure out the best way to deal with AoP for you character also you need to lab all your most used strings and moves to see which whiffs on her do to small hitbox and for Dragunov i cant use like half of them (even mids lol) coz they all whiff and i get rekt.

The only real weakness she has is short range on her jabs which means she cant punish certain moves that other characters can but thats not really an issue since most of them will whiff on her anyway lol.

She's manageable but annoying as fuck; definitely needs some adjustments.
And i'm sure i forgot a bunch of things, like her Rage drive and her safe Hop Kick from AoP at -4 if done into AoP afterwards.

Lol, from today i will put Jin, Kazumi and Raven on a bench and extensively lab Xiao, must be fun ignoring how to play against the others.


Believe in the hop kick
I find that with Kazuya it's very nice that you can pace whether you want to go in or not at about range 2. You can space yourself properly with mist step and sidesteps at that range when full dashes or crouchdashes put you into a sort of range where commitments are somewhat unreactable (as in you can't sidestep on reaction to your opponents forward movement to generate a whiff) especially if the opponent is also looking to catch you coming in. When the gap between you and your opponent grows too large you can do a single crouchdash, cancel it into a forward dash and then cancel that into a sidestep quickly and assess the situation by gauging your opponents movement choices. This puts you in perfect range for f3 and the sidestep re-aligns you towards your opponent. If they backdash, you simply do a mist step and depending on the range you cancel that into sidestep or a crouchdash, if you see the opponent move forward you just f3 and there is a very good chance of the opponent moving right into it or looking to commit and you might even catch a CH with the f3. At max range that move is safe against the whole cast (-13). Chucking electrics is something you pretty much have to do with Kazuya but having f3 helps out a ton. With those 2 you can set up going in by wavedashing into ws4 and having it make contact and establish some pressure without having to commit to anything unsafe right away.

I've never been good with Devil Jin. I just finds that he is lacking in tools to execute some specific type of gameplan, yes you can play him however you want but I just find that he isn't devastatingly effective at certain things like Heihachi, Kazuya and Bryan. With Heihachi and Kazuya the gameplan and the tools to execute it with are very clear. Without fF3 and f4 or a safe mid homing move, randomly chucking iWS2 from wavedash is absolutely mandatory with Devil Jin if you actually ever want to do any real damage against those pesky duckers or keep those step-duckers in check, uf3 and cd3 are just... well I find setting them up safely to be difficult unless you are using cd3 in certain oki scenarios. Uf3 is just way too slow and anybody who is any good at sidestepping will step it. B4 is not really suited for getting in and controlling space with at neutral, it's more of a long range counterpoke and a follow-up to df1 and ws4 on hit to keep the opponent in check. You can hit someone a million times with fF2 and it doesn't fkn do anything and on top of that you can have it stepped if you are not careful how you use it. Despite his good throws he has no mids to set them up with as frame traps on a standing opponent as df1 and ws4 have pushback on hit and you can backdash to make a buffered laser throw whiff, maybe bf2 series would serve as a better set up but still, only way to have the laser throw buffered instead of you staggering at neutral in front of your opponent like you are having an epileptic seizure is to block something that leaves the opponent close enough and at enough of a disadvantage, or you can use jabs but then again, what's the point of hitting with 1 or 1,2 when you could be hit confirming 1,1 into a knockdown.

Nothing says that you have to play all of the Mishimas and while I do acknowledge that Devil Jin is probably the best of the 3 when properly played, I just fail to see what it is that you have to do when the match starts and what to look out for, how do you set up your offence without taking risks right away. I am not comfortable with his mids, because you can't safely make sure that someone isn't ducking and receive a proper reward for catching them doing that. If I want to get a higher volume of mids blocked my only choice with him seems to be to set up running 3's at close range, but I'd still prefer to have access to that f4 and fF3 as well as a safe mid homing move. DVJ also lacks a good long range option where Heihachi has fF2 and Kazuya has f3. All in all it just feels that he doesn't have good answers to the opponent just stepping, ducking and chucking out standing 4's at neutral. With Kazuya and Heihachi, when properly spacing and choosing the moves to use I can be 100% sure that I won't get magic 4'd or hit with something else out of my chosen move. I feel like iWS2 from wavedash is the move that ties Devil Jin's kit together and I just don't like the fact that you absolutely have to use it frequently because it's unsafe.

BTW I just hopped on after installing the patch and the game feels a lot more responsive.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Input lag reduced to 114.1 ms
before it was 120.5 ms on PS4Pro
120.1 on Regular PS4
on 720p used to be 119.9

Man to 114.1 seems alot but still seems too far away from X1 and PC.


Input lag reduced to 114.1 ms
before it was 120.5 ms on PS4Pro
120.1 on Regular PS4
on 720p used to be 119.9

Man to 114.1 seems alot but still seems too far away from X1 and PC.
I was kind of salty they announced a patch to reduce input lag on ps4. After I had already bought a new videocard and the game on pc. But know I see I made the right choice. They will probably never get the input lag or netcode as good as pc.
Doesn't sound like any netcode buffs too me just matchmaking stuff. And the unlimited rematch is not that cool as it will probably be abused to hell for easy ranks.
Infinite rematch is amazing I think, you also have to remember if somebody boosts then they will get bodied when they get too high. I just like the idea of not waiting more than I am playing, it's seriously the only reason I play I2 more than Tekken now. I have limited time to play and matches per hour is a thing.

The leaderboard will always be abused somehow, so abusing infinite rematch to boost dosent bother me.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Infinite rematch is amazing I think, you also have to remember if somebody boosts then they will get bodied when they get too high. I just like the idea of not waiting more than I am playing, it's seriously the only reason I play I2 more than Tekken now. I have limited time to play and matches per hour is a thing.

The leaderboard will always be abused somehow, so abusing infinite rematch to boost dosent bother me.
Yeah you are right, I don't even play ranked just salty that didn't add the option in lobbies :)

I will probably start playing ranked again though after I get more matchup xp with certain match ups.


Believe in the hop kick
Bryan's qcf2,1 wallsplats from really far away on grounded hits because the first hit pushes the opponent back and it has the new knockdown animation introduced in T7. Also leads to 76-77 points of damage as the b3f - ws3,4 follow-up is possible. This move is definitely now the go-to whiff punisher on linear whiffs when the opponent is close to the wall and they whiffed something right in front of you after you backdashed.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
When in doubt... mash df2 :D
Man people are punishing that shit now its not fair :( while not being launched it still sucks if they knock you down. I do think Kaz is by far the hardest person to play if you don't know the matchup well and there is a lot I don't know. Everyone at a decent level knows exactly what kaz can do and that makes it much harder.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
I played my first super good fucking Josie and the connection was kinda ass (3 bar) coast to coast but god damn I was so scared to press a button or side step. Whenever I thought her 9000 different strings were done, nope there was another fucking low. Or when I try to SS nope a sweeping low cock blocks me lol.

I am pretty good about blocking lows but I swear I didnt block but fucking 2 in 10 games I could not react to a singe one. I think I am gonna have to stop playing 3 bars even if I knew the match up I don't think I could react in time to block\poke out of characters like Josie's pressure.

I think I won 3 of 10 but they didn't even feel like wins just salt :mad:

My salty rant for the day lol


3, coz MK X fastest move was like 5-6 frames. Tekken delay is fine for Tekken moves frames.

Also GG@ PS4 players, you got what you wanted, lmao. :D
People keep repeating this.

Its driving me nuts.

Please explain to me why more input lag is ok just because the game's moves have more startup frames...

If they made every move in the game 5 frames slower than it is currently would it be ok to add a few more frames of input lag?


Blind justice....
People keep repeating this.

Its driving me nuts.

Please explain to me why more input lag is ok just because the game's moves have more startup frames...

If they made every move in the game 5 frames slower than it is currently would it be ok to add a few more frames of input lag?
From technical standpoit - yes.

For obvious reasons you cannot have more built in delay than the fastest move in the game. Otherwise desync would appear in the battle.

So to answer your question - yes it would be ok.

If it's ok from technical standpoint its ok to do. It's a trade off between more built in latency (no visible lag, stutter, moving like underwater in extreme cases) and lower build in latency (slower responses to inputs like MK9 and Injustice 1 had but better overall feeling if the latency between players is really low, thou complete turd if the latency is high).

There isn't any other way to do it beside GGPO but nobody sane is trying GGPO in 3D fighting games, its suicide from developer standpoint. Works great in 2.5D games thou (like MK X, INJ2. Skullgirls, Killer Instict etc).


Normalize grab immunity.
From technical standpoit - yes.

For obvious reasons you cannot have more built in delay than the fastest move in the game. Otherwise desync would appear in the battle.

So to answer your question - yes it would be ok.

If it's ok from technical standpoint its ok to do. It's a trade off between more built in latency (no visible lag, stutter, moving like underwater in extreme cases) and lower build in latency (slower responses to inputs like MK9 and Injustice 1 had but better overall feeling if the latency between players is really low, thou complete turd if the latency is high).

There isn't any other way to do it beside GGPO but nobody sane is trying GGPO in 3D fighting games, its suicide from developer standpoint. Works great in 2.5D games thou (like MK X, INJ2. Skullgirls, Killer Instict etc).
Why couldn't 3D games use a roll back netcode?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Finally got the damn input lag patch, went out test for 40 minutes on my character these are mine impressions.

The hardest combos (100$ combo) have been officially slight buffed, with the reduction from 120.5 ms to 114.1 ms, now Jin is able to be consistent with any of his combos down to the CH zen3 or ws3 if you already have build a muscle memory for it previously.

Another notable change is that -15 moves can now be easily punished with electrics on block, before it used to be extremely hard, but with input lag reduction now you can be consistent punishing tsunami kicks and -16 moves with electric so much easier than before.

Not sure if namco will ever lower the input beyond 114.1 ms but if a guy that plays on PS4 plays on PC he is going to be godlike.


since the new patch Im getting matches with good con every 20 seconds
that's pretty awesome, also wow we can rematch other players as many times as we want now? dope