So I have Jin to blame for this hypocrisy?!?!
I will murder all online Jin players in T7 just you watch, including
@Eddy Wang
Doubt it, the only Jins you'll be murdering are the ones starting in the meta as yourself, otherwise, veteran Jin players who are drooling over the current changes like me will be way above many people's league, unless you're an experienced Korean or Japan player with movement down, if you don't pick a direct bad MU for the Karateka against a meta Jin i can assure you, you will have the battle of your life. Let me break it to you:
The Tekken 7 FR jin is unlike any jin people have faced before , definitely the best version of him since T4, Jin has been steadily buffed since t5 DR until now, his major issue was lack of a safe launcher and consistent filler extensions since he was a movement character.
They gave jin a launching EWHF without being counter hit, this means Jin no longer needs to guess when ppl will attack and challenge them with EWHF it was a huge risk with very low reward and ppl could just duck and wait for the EWHF anyway and if it hits, as long as i wasn't CH you'd be fine, instead now he gets to focus on moment like his daddy Kazuya, and when you get greedy and let a long recovery normal out, he can completely avoid it and let it rip, something many Jin's players felt he was lacking.
point #2: Jin filler extensions are super consistent: Since he was a character with very horrible bounds, the change to Kirimomi system (Screw system) gave jin load share of Screws for every possible situation and height, just so you can have an idea:
EWHF: i14F !S launcher, +5 on block, hits high, hitbox expanded on the sparks, it just needs to graze you.
Standing 4, also named "Magic 4" 11f screw on airbone characters on any position, its his most consistent screw attack frame traps to +15 on hit, crumple stun on counter hit which gives him a combo, its a homing move (cannot be side stepped) hits hight, -9 on block (means its safe even from 12 jabs)
124, last hit screws on air block characters, knocks down midscreen, wallspat on the wall, works in any direction
Zen 3: frame traps on hit, screws on CH or crumple or airbone, its a homing attack, its a mid, comes out from zen -9 on block with a pushback
Ws3: a spinning kick with the same proprities of zen 3 and can be used even from wavedash mixups
DB3: screws on CH, low profile highs, safe on block, hits high, tons of damage
Those are basically his screw moves, don't really want write you an essay, but i need to tell you, before you or anyone start to murder meta jins, you guys have a lot of bullshit to deal with
point #3: can get a combo from anywhere, on the wall, on wakeup, on random hits, on ch, on throws, he still has EVERYTHING.
So, i'm just leaving out right now, the EWHF, s4, F4, Zen that low profiles highs, or f4~zen~1+2 frame traps, ws3, and all his moveset out of the equation and will just add the juice to the cup.
On top of all the bullshit including damage my main can do now, which is over the top, every character in the tekken is now binded into a general rule gameplay, every character dashes as fast and as furthest as the best movement character in the game, every character sidestep as fast and as furthest as the best sidestepper character in the game, this includes Jin who was one of the slowest dashers, slowest sidesteppers.
So when dealing with meta jins, now there is a new layer which is movement, my kazuya used to be godlike at spacing, and my jin was too even though he didn't had many ways to compensate as much, but now, its all lined up.
Cool right, now add this:
Supers, Ragedrives ( i can exploit these things) armor on 3+4 and running tackle.
50-50 launchers, a throw that switches sides if you break it, its 9f like king's throw, if you don't break he gets damage, on a floorbreak stage he gets a floorbreak
safe uf2 that wallsplats
i don't care if you're Bryan, Paul, or whatever, my boy is ready:
Zen 1+2 Frametrap (Just look at the fucking damage)
F4 on CH no wall 70%, with wall it goes way beyond
So, Bring the fuck on, i'll be ready for any of you tho (in a good way of course, don't take us lightly).
(Tom Brady's voice): Yeah well GG Bro
Good Luck