IMO Bryan overall has the best neutral in the franchise. EWGF has the best priority out of all the moves you can throw out at range, but Bryan has the most safe-on-block options for covering different ranges that are all really solid. If you do a range check on Bryan's moves you will find different tiers of range and usage as follows (not gonna list unsafe moves apart from qcf1+2, then might as well go through his entire kit lol):
1. bB4 and fF3. Fastest moves in the game to have this type of range. Other moves with similar range are considerably slower and really easy to sidestep (Kings' and animals' uf1+2), making them a suicide to use.
2. fF2, b1. fF2 is a poor mans EWGF, shouldn't really be used against good opponents for other purposes than punishment but can be used as a "get off me "move. Another notable "get off me" move to have a similar purpose is qcf1+2, great for escaping wall pressure, can't tell you how many matches I've won with my back against the wall, sure it's -12 on block and could get you wall splatted but use it at the right time and you'll land it as a counter hit almost every time. B1 is one of the best tools in the game for chasing down perpetual backdashers and an extremely strong incentive for people to react to your forward movement with sidestep-block, which opens them up for the next move in the list.
3. fF4. Extremely fast and high damaging with a lot of range as well, this move is one of the absolute best homing moves in the game, stupidly good, borderline broken good now with CH launch, especially if it's still -10 and forced crouch on block. Instant version will never get blocked or ducked on reaction. Using it out of an extended dash does come with a risk though.
4. 3,2,1 and 3+4. Dashing forward into 3,2,1 when you see that the situation to use it presents itself, is a great tool and very underutilised. Commit to it fast enough after a dash and it won't get stepped despite being linear. 3 can be thrown out at tip range and at the threat of whiffing short of the opponent because the follow-up hits come out quickly and advance Bryan forward. Anyone who tries to punish the first hit when whiffed eats the 2nd and 3rd one, they really have to anticipate you doing it and need an EWGF to blow you up. String is natural on counterhit and the threat of the 4th hit 50/50 usually resets the situation back to neutral despite the -9 on block. 3+4 combined with d4 are used more as long range counterpoke and after having your running 3 blocked. 3+4 is somewhat... well I feel like it really isn't best used for space control but it can be used, great long range counterpoke though, as stated.
5. Qcb2. Replace any dash in jabs, dash in df2 or dash in df1 with this move pls, your risk/reward will be a lot better. People twitch duck the 2nd hit every time so the move on block effectively returns the situation to neutral. If you are really on point you can hit confirm this move and the follow-up is natural on hit even on max delay. 54 dmg into guaranteed soccer kick is hop kick combo level of dmg.
6. Iws3, done out of dash into qcf or just qcf. Use against people looking to maintain pressure with constant jab/df1/low poke into sidewalk and who try to stay inside range 1 all the time. Can be abused quite liberally against people who don't punish it and wait for the 2nd hit. To deter first hit punishers you must commit to the 2nd hit immediately, delaying it makes you eat the i10 punish. 2nd hit also wallsplats on counter hit so habitual first hit punishers can be blown up severely with their backs to the wall if they always opt to autopilot the first hit punish when they block it.
Ok I am gonna stop here I once made a post like this in Kor's Tekken academy about almost the entirety of Bryan's kit and it took me like 2 hours to come up with it and check for errors