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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info


Normalize grab immunity.
I just found it Katarina can cancel a string so she doesn't do a unsafe low!

@SaltShaker add "undocumented moves/actions" to gripes about Tekken 7. LC has a few moves that the game doesn't say can go to BT.

@JJvercetti got to get that execution up if you're going to play online. Think of it as training in harsh conditions. When you play in 5 Bars you'll hit every just frame just right.


It's all so very confusing.
But isn't Bob some super amazing martial artist that just couldn't compete out of his weight class, so he discovered a secret means of training where-by he gained weight and power but didn't lose any of his dexterity?

I mean, I don't like Bob either, but his lore sets him up a little better than like "fat guy punches good so he wandered into a Tekken tourney"


Steve is about the best representation of boxing from a stylist perspective I have ever seen in a fighting game. Hell in any game. I've played the actual boxing games and they don't capture what is and isn't boxing as well as Steve imo.

Obviously, unless you all know something I don't, in real boxing no one steps in and launches his opponent 12 feet into the air and yhe proceeds to juggle them back into the air while he works then from on side of the ring to the next.. only to have them get up after what would have been six or seven life threateningly hard hits.. but I'm not talking about the actual realism, but the spirit of the thing.

Boxing is about motion and angles and this brutal brutal thing rendered into something palatable and artistic. In boxing you can't block everything. Hell in many ways you don't block much at all. Forearms can be shredded after just a couple rounds in higher weight classes and vs the true hard hitters out there.. it's about being somewhere unexpected at an unexpected time and about playing to expectations in unexpected ways.

Sorry to get vomitously prosaic (badly as well I might add) and if you're really paying attention, do so without actually saying anything to begin with.. but Steve's kit and style are kinda amazing in the way they take so many of the core concepts of boxing, mix them sith some of boxing mythology and utter bullshit, wrap it in a misconception or two, and then hand the public the most spiritually authentic boxing character I've ever seen in a FG.


I just found it Katarina can cancel a string so she doesn't do a unsafe low!

@SaltShaker add "undocumented moves/actions" to gripes about Tekken 7. LC has a few moves that the game doesn't say can go to BT.

@JJvercetti got to get that execution up if you're going to play online. Think of it as training in harsh conditions. When you play in 5 Bars you'll hit every just frame just right.
I know what you mean, I usually join the tournaments that has the hosts kicking people out who have under 4 bars but this person was clearly manipulating the connection. The result was totally fine because as he lost the first match, The second match went absolutely smooth with me going back to Paul and still winning.


Saikyo Student
Sorry to get vomitously prosaic (badly as well I might add) and if you're really paying attention, do so without actually saying anything to begin with.. but Steve's kit and style are kinda amazing in the way they take so many of the core concepts of boxing, mix them sith some of boxing mythology and utter bullshit, wrap it in a misconception or two, and then hand the public the most spiritually authentic boxing character I've ever seen in a FG.
Yeah, I love the way most of the cast was designed. All the little touches they added to Marshall to make him feel like an authentic representation of Bruce Lee are awesome (some of which were left behind in previous Tekken games).


It's all so very confusing.
Question for you guys.. Looking at various guides and compiling information..

u/f+2, d/f+1,2~1~b FLK 1,d+1 Screw! d/f+1+2

Thats a Steve combo.. I dont understand this sequence "d/f+1,2~1~b". Specifically the "~1~b" part, D/f+1,2 is a string, is the ~1~b part meant to be like a super fast 1 after the d/f+1,2? I know the eventual B input is to drop me into FLK stance.



In Zoning We Trust
Question for you guys.. Looking at various guides and compiling information..

u/f+2, d/f+1,2~1~b FLK 1,d+1 Screw! d/f+1+2

Thats a Steve combo.. I dont understand this sequence "d/f+1,2~1~b". Specifically the "~1~b" part, D/f+1,2 is a string, is the ~1~b part meant to be like a super fast 1 after the d/f+1,2? I know the eventual B input is to drop me into FLK stance.

Seems like you kinda get it already.

D/f1,2 is a string, 2 punches. When you do the 3rd inputted punch, the second 1, before the 2 comes out, it will cancel that 2 and do two left punches. Holding back after the second punch will place you into FLK stance, and then you can do 1,D1 which is two punches that knock them into screw.

Hope this makes sense.


Question for you guys.. Looking at various guides and compiling information..

u/f+2, d/f+1,2~1~b FLK 1,d+1 Screw! d/f+1+2

Thats a Steve combo.. I dont understand this sequence "d/f+1,2~1~b". Specifically the "~1~b" part, D/f+1,2 is a string, is the ~1~b part meant to be like a super fast 1 after the d/f+1,2? I know the eventual B input is to drop me into FLK stance.

Yes. just d/f+1,2 is a totally different move. you do the 1 fast to basically cancel his right punch.
EDIT: Too slow, damn you @SaltShaker


It's all so very confusing.
Thanks folks. I thought that's what it was but wanted to be sure, couldnt get ingame to check at that moment, and with there being, oh, I dunno, 6502 moves per person, I wanted to be sure. I can NOT get the damn d/f+1+2 to link after the FLK 1, d+1 Screw though... Seeing Screw in the combo isnt something else I have to do right? Like, it's just there to tell me that the FLK 1, d1 will Screw the opponent? (there are jokes there that I am going to quietly leave alone, because I am an adult. I know this because I have bills to pay and spend my days in overwhelming sadness)


Blind justice....
@Immortal I'm very new to the game but have played all Tekkens since the first, and besides Yoshi, Nina is (one of) my favourite characters, and I been really liking her in T7.
I have been told a lot though, and seen it everywhere, how difficult she is, and obviously I'm probably not doing optimal stuff, but judging from her moves in training, she doesn't seem too hard?
I can consistently pull off all her "sample" combos (once again, I'm sure they're not optimal) and have had a bit of success using her against my training partner.

However after receiving solid advice I have dropped her, because I am super new she is not a good character to learn the meta of the game and movement with.

But I just need someone to explain to me why she is "so hard" and what exactly is difficult about what she does?
Somebody already answered you - butterfly loops is pretty much staple of Nina gameplay. However the execution needed to pull it out consistently is fucking ridiculous. I've good execution overall, with clean inputs on hitbox and i can at best get HALF of them in practice mode, the other half i just want to eat shit and email Harada with my best wishes.

Nina has a sick movement game with her amazing and unique backdash - no idea what are you talking about. The only aspect she sorta lacks is space control / keep away moves but thats to be expected from character which is full on pressure.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
Is it just me or are people still having long load times for matches. It's starting to get annoying just wanted to know.

Also Kazumi might've made me quit injustice till it's patched. She is super fun to use just a total blast with her f34 & b34 in between dashing.

She's by far my favorite new character. The milfy tiger lady who's a bad bitch.


Normalize grab immunity.
I should keep my rank down so I can snipe all these "beginner" tournaments.

Scratch that. Constant cannot join, laggy players, people leaving at any time causes the prize pool to go down regardless if they already got knocked out, and to top it off I haven't been able to finish one for some reason it just ends.
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Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I actually like fighting vs her, she's very popular in ranked among scrubs. I took several hours to lab her coz of that and now its all good, they just die in agony.
I have to admit, I haven't wasted even a moment looking over her moveset. I don't get the draw.


Normalize grab immunity.
I hate tournament mode.

I actually like fighting vs her, she's very popular in ranked among scrubs. I took several hours to lab her coz of that and now its all good, they just die in agony.
Wish you were on PS4. I need to play against someone that actually understands LC.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I should keep my rank down so I can snipe all these "beginner" tournaments.

Scratch that. Constant cannot join, laggy players, people leaving at any time causes the prize pool to go down regardless if they already got knocked out, and to top it off I haven't been able to finish one for some reason it just ends.
Learning to fight against her right now. 89 battles in a row and counting.

I knew years ago she would be trouble and it was bound to be a matter of time before the grumblings happened.

She a force to reckon with.


In Zoning We Trust
I hate tournament mode.
I just pulled off the epic comeback in Winners Finals of a tournament. Was almost dead vs a Leo player with like 70% health left. After a few seconds of Tekken Steps, I did Asuka's WS 1+2 cancel into a another one for the hit, it landed CH, I did a quick F2 during the stun to launch, followed up with my most damaging BnB, ended the tailspin with Rage Drive, hit the F2 grounded after, and took the entirety of the remaining health bar LOL!! The room chat blew up after the match.

I love tournament mode man. When you get a good room that is.



Anybody wanna get some lobbies/tournaments going? I'm pretty ass at Tekken, but I really wanna try to get decent at the game. I played a little Tag 2, but the last Tekken I played for real was T3 like 18 years ago. Add me:


I'm on PS4 right now, but I'm getting it on Xbone soon.