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Teabagging!? THIS IS MADNESS!!


Lose without excuses
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Teabagging actually predates the origin of man. It was first practiced by the neaderthals during a ritualistic combat when two members of the same clan fought either for dominance or in contest over the same mate. The victor would sit upon his defeated foes face thus proclaiming his superiority in front of the whole clan. This also usually really impressed the ladies. So the victor invariably scored with his cavenog.

So teabagging comes from around 35,000 B.C.
So there you have it, the teabaggers get the ladies!

circle masher

Emo whining? shit, son.
For real. There are plenty of good players online who won't teabag you, just fight them instead if it hurts your ego that much.

I'm glad you put yourself above everyone here who doesn't like the concept of tea bagging. People usually don't give you a chance to "beat them in the next game". They run.
Don't be emotional about the fact they teabagged you, be emotional about the fact they left and you couldn't exact revenge. Someone tapping down a few times shouldn't get to you any more than somebody doing a fatality or jumping over you endlessly (unless those forms of timewasting annoy you just as much of course). Timewasting is timewasting, teabagging isn't somehow more nefarious than the other kinds of timewasting.

People that don't like teabagging have several options:

- find teabaggers and add them to a block list;

- if they quit after 1 win, troll them back by spamming PMs or fight requests or whatever;

- invent childish lies about that player in the chat lobby for all to see;

- don't lose to them in the first place*;


*achieved by either being good enough to rarely lose, or just not playing online.

I agree with the above post about droppers being penalised though. Was it MvC3 which is supposed to lump all droppers in together so that they only play each other?


Damn we never did this stuff in the avp community. The most we ever did was stay something in l337 on the chat.


Jack Daniel's Supporter
I've been teabagging in every game that allowed me to since Halo 2. I have all sorts of amazing teabagging stories with some of my favorites being in Modern Warfare 2. Like jumping from the roof of a building with commando pro and landing on a guy laying prone going straight into teabagging and then stabbing him for the final kill. Everyone had a good laugh, even the guy himself. Like my favorite comedian carlin once said, it's not the act of teabagging, it's the context in which its used.
T-bagging in a fighting game? Sounds like the 360 found its exclusive.

If I saw someone t-bagging in a fighting game all I'm thinking is they're trying to do a stage fatality and then failing at doing it. It's not Call of Duty so I don't even see why they bother.

Then again, I guess it's because parents are buying their kids this game so they don't need a babysitter.


its irritating for me because it just doesnt make sense in mk. its kinda the opposite message that you would want to send, at least for me. i honestly would rather get babalitied. and on top of that its just immature and not funny at all. plus i hate halo, but not for that reason.
Ya its kinda weird for people to tbag, since MK always has ways to do that, a babilty. If you couldn't do a bablity, you probably shouldn't be tbagging.

Don't really have a problem with fatalities. It takes too long is a really weak argument. Unless you're turing off the system to leave or something.


So everyone who teabags has the exact same intent? More importantly, they all do it and their aim is to attack you personally? Regardless if that is what you think, that's just not the truth. For example, maybe he's just is doing some squats. Squats are a really good workout for your legs. Maybe he's listening to a song and just wants to dance till his hearts content. Maybe his Cat is jumping up and down on his controller, making him go up and down. Maybe there's a bug on his controller, and he's trying to kill it. Maybe he dropped his controller, maybe he threw his controller, maybe some fat chick sat on his controller while he was playing, maybe he just ate some popcorn and his hands were greasy... causing his fingers to slip.

You see, there's an infinite number of possibilities.
Lol, nice to see a moderator trolling.


Weather Man
I was playing Black Ops one day on firing range ran into the trailer to find a guy prone scoping down a open door. I walked casual to him sit on him starting teabagging and killed two of his team mates from on top of his back lol. That guy didn't know I was there for some reason. So I told a guy in my party to come in the trailer to see what I was doing. The guy I was sitting on gets up and starts to shoot my friends so I knive him lol.

My best teabag moment. Though I don't normally do it I couldn't miss the opportunity. As far as MK goes I never tea bag inless they do it to me first. Even then seems kinda pointless lol.
Teabagging actually predates the origin of man. It was first practiced by the neaderthals during a ritualistic combat when two members of the same clan fought either for dominance or in contest over the same mate. The victor would sit upon his defeated foes face thus proclaiming his superiority in front of the whole clan. This also usually really impressed the ladies. So the victor invariably scored with his cavenog.

So teabagging comes from around 35,000 B.C.
Awesome and hilarious sarcasm aside, we really have no epistemological frame of reference to ascertain the validity of such a claim.

Thanks for the laugh, though.


Dojo Trainee
I teabag to piss people off obviously, I feel honored that this thread exists.

And lol @ "the rage will flow like a saltine cracker floating down the Mortons River." I like that hahaha


Come On Die Young
People say fatalities, the blood, Kung Lao, and the glitches are the reason MK shouldn't be competitive.

Others say it's tea bagging.
He said competitive gaming, not MK. It's the immaturity of many players in general (which creates teabagging) that puts a damper on gaming.
In the old-school days of poker, you could be shot for slow-rolling (showing your hand late). Nowadays, in a professional setting, it can be a tool to put your opponent(s) on tilt.

If I know that my opponent is easily peeved, I will hop back and forth over his dead character until the timer runs out simply to have him angry during the next match. His anger will be his undoing.


Otherwise, I will simply uppercut them to serve as my fatality. Unless, of course, I am Reptile, in which case I will back up, do a slow EX Ball, go invisible, then double dash to elbow them into the ball.

Another fine example of teabagging would be to---as Smoke---gain a convincing lead (say, your 95% health to their 10% health), and Smoke-Away in the corner all day, countering any fireballs and running teleport punches on any jump/punishable whiff.
Stance switching is the new teabagging. :)

Someone did that to me a few days ago and I found it pretty funny. :D
I laugh when it happens... looks more like a dance than anything. This song from KC and the Sunshine Band comes to mind :)

BTW go to 2:50 for the stance switching.