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Teabagging!? THIS IS MADNESS!!


Lose without excuses
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in the first place you should be asking that the teabaggers themselves.
They aren't the ones expressing angry emotions though. You don't know their intent for teabagging first of all, and what about actually teabagging means they take it seriously? As far as I can tell, teabagging sure pisses a lot of people off. So I definitely will teabag every single time I win if it will throw my opponent of his focus, and increase that rage meter. Especially at a tournament. It would be quite entertaining to witness a fit of rage from my opponent in person, just from me moving my d-pad up and down a few times.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
i dont understand why people take it to heart, learn to play better then beat his ass and guess what?

Teabag the shit out of him xD


Twitch - 12DollarStreamMonster
I dont do much tea-bagging.. but if its a good game.. ill jump over them like 4-5 times then fatality them.

Sometimes, you just gotta troll.


They aren't the ones expressing angry emotions though. You don't know their intent for teabagging first of all, and what about actually teabagging means they take it seriously? As far as I can tell, teabagging sure pisses a lot of people off. So I definitely will teabag every single time I win if it will throw my opponent of his focus, and increase that rage meter. Especially at a tournament. It would be quite entertaining to witness a fit of rage from my opponent in person, just from me moving my d-pad up and down a few times.
yeah im sure most people have absolutely different intentions from what my common sense tells me when teabaggin. also, when someone punches my face, i go like "maybe he just wanted to point to that direction and didnt see me, and he made his hand a fist because where he comes from thats how they point at something".

and if you think about it as a a tool: taunting your opponent is considered bad sportsmanship in almost EVERY offline sport and actually can have consequences.
I try to Babality people that piss me off. You have to block sometimes though.

There are times, however, when I believe tea bagging is necessary. KotH, for instance. When I have a 20 wins straight, am completely on my game, and have garnered fewer than 10 respect. Irritating, so I return it in kind. Nothing is better than tea bagging them in front of 5 or 6 others.

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
It's not even real teabaggin' in MK. You don't even put your e-balls into their salt mouths. It's more of like Tea..uhhh...dancing or something like that.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
i think pulling off a fail fatality is worse, you do the input wrong and end up doing a down 3 LMAO what a waste of time


Lose without excuses
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yeah im sure most people have absolutely different intentions from what my common sense tells me when teabaggin. also, when someone punches my face, i go like "maybe he just wanted to point to that direction and didnt see me, and he made his hand a fist because where he comes from thats how they point at something".

and if you think about it as a a tool: taunting your opponent is considered bad sportsmanship in almost EVERY offline sport and actually can have consequences.
So everyone who teabags has the exact same intent? More importantly, they all do it and their aim is to attack you personally? Regardless if that is what you think, that's just not the truth. For example, maybe he's just is doing some squats. Squats are a really good workout for your legs. Maybe he's listening to a song and just wants to dance till his hearts content. Maybe his Cat is jumping up and down on his controller, making him go up and down. Maybe there's a bug on his controller, and he's trying to kill it. Maybe he dropped his controller, maybe he threw his controller, maybe some fat chick sat on his controller while he was playing, maybe he just ate some popcorn and his hands were greasy... causing his fingers to slip.

You see, there's an infinite number of possibilities.


So everyone who teabags has the exact same intent? More importantly, they all do it and their aim is to attack you personally? Regardless if that is what you think, that's just not the truth. For example, maybe he's just is doing some squats. Squats are a really good workout for your legs. Maybe he's listening to a song and just wants to dance till his hearts content. Maybe his Cat is jumping up and down on his controller, making him go up and down. Maybe there's a bug on his controller, and he's trying to kill it. Maybe he dropped his controller, maybe he threw his controller, maybe some fat chick sat on his controller while he was playing, maybe he just ate some popcorn and his hands were greasy... causing his fingers to slip.

You see, there's an infinite number of possibilities.
theres also the possibility that you actually totally agree with me. but youre from another planet with a very similar language and you think its he same so you just talk your language while not knowing that youre actually saying the opposite of what you meant to say.

yes, i think thats it. nice we share the same opinion.

Kuai Liang

I've been teabagging in games for a while now, usually because it's fun. It kind of ups the ante so to speak. Like Juggernaut said, someone teabags you and you respond "Oh really? It's on now!" That's kind of how I looked at it, makes me want to get even but it's never upsetting, I laugh, then when I get them back I do the same thing. I pretty much teabag now in MK9 if it's a really close match and the person will try to chip me out or use cheap means as a last ditch effort to get the win, so I teabag as a way of saying nice try but I won hahaha!


A prop on the stage of life.
Its already been said. The "get better" argument is invalid. I'm not going to blame everything solely on online. I'm competent enough but that doesn't save me from the occasional simple strategy that beats me(didn't know johnny's f3,3,3 were no true highs and died because of it). I was playing a dude who could do normal 3-4 hit strings and beat his ass repeatedly. He got me one time and then tea bagged me and immediately declined the rematched. I wait to make my selection when I lose since all anyone ever does against me is win once and run. Like they said, in a shooting game you have time to get back at the person and I would say its less personal because you're playing against groups of people, not just one person. In Mk9 if you lost once you most likely won't get another shot at the person. I think its the fact that you won't be getting back at the person that pisses people off rather than the act itself. Someone tea bags me I'll gladly do it right back.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I mean, I get that line of reasoning to an extent. Considering when teabagged in an FPS you have a chance to get back at them. The problem I have is, why do you take teabagging so seriously in the first place? Instead of viewing it as an insult or some kind of disrespect or gloat, why not just laugh or shrug it off? Even if they are purposely doing it to brag or piss you off, why do you let it? It's only giving them what they want. And honestly, getting angry over someone teabagging you in a video game is a lot worse than the actual act itself.
How is it giving them what they want if they can't see my anger? It makes no difference to me or them if I get angry at it or not, considering they aren't going to know if I am raging. And the reason it annoys me is the same reason anything annoys anyone, it just offends me by my nature of playing games. I find it rude and disrespectful, and so I'm going to look down upon it.

circle masher

Massive emo whining in this here thread. If you get teabagged, laugh and beat them in the next game instead.


A prop on the stage of life.
Massive emo whining in this here thread. If you get teabagged, laugh and beat them in the next game instead.
I'm glad you put yourself above everyone here who doesn't like the concept of tea bagging. People usually don't give you a chance to "beat them in the next game". They run.


Sinestro's might!
I think you are looking at things through rose tinted glasses juggernaut. People are people. They will be assholes that taunt you and you will be a ragey little cry baby and get annoyed. Its present in all forms of multiplayer.
Forgive my ignorance, but how exactly do you teabag in MK9? I've never found an opportunity when the opp is down and I can still freely move, except during a fight. But even then, it's so rare that you'd get to the head end before they get up.


I am the salt
Because I don't like being insulted. I've had enough insults to last a lifetime.

If somebody teabagged me in a face to face game, I would probably stand up and punch them in the nose.

Thats just how I roll.

If a first baseman tags a runner out, you don't see him walk over to the dugout and start teabagging the guy, do you? Fuck no.

If a guy gets tackled, you dont see him getting teabagged on the field, do you? Fuck no.

So why should this be ok in video games?

It shouldn't. Stats show that the average age of video gamers is only increasing, so why do we continue with childish behavior like this? What are you proving that getting the win didn't already prove? Is your ego so fragile that you need to inflate it with blatantly rude and infantile actions?

Show some respect for yourself and your opponent, both in victory and in defeat.


I dont get upset by teabagging, I thinks its just trash talk basically. The only difference in gaming, more online than anywhere else, is the fact that someone can trash talk and run away in MK and not fight you again. If I were playing a diff sport, like football, Id cheap shpot you later in the game by spearing you in the knee for taunting me or my team. You learn in real world sports that if you taunt the wrong person it can have terrible cosquenses no matter how you meant it to be taken. I try not to read anything into people online or try and be a mind reader. I have learned just to look at and be responsible for my performance, and understand that different rules apply for things like taunting, trash talking, ect. in online gaming. I think when it comes to things like teabagging we all have a diff learning curve for when we just say F it, and dont care about it anymore. But there is something if a player is getting mad and focusing on the teabagging instead of the mistakes and reason why a player lost, thats not good. Good stuff OJuggernautO, another good read.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
You can ask Juggs or anyone else who knows me: their isnt many who despise and hate online like i do.

Matter of fact, i still havent played MK9 online (didnt with MKvsDCU but i only played it for about 10 days until SSF2T HDR came out) and i may never. I will play 3sOE and MKAK somewhat online im sure.

But when it says

then your free game. Fatality, Babality, Friendship, Animality, teabagged, etc etc....its not up to the loser anymore. YOU LOST. Its been like that since MK1 came out. You lose, you might get your head ripped off. Fat. dropping is a by product of netplay and it is one that just more than disgusts me. Like netplay or not, be a man, take your loss and however the winner decides to finish you and move on to the next match. If you win, and just want to quickly end it to get on to the next match, thats fine. But when you lose, deal with it. And be a good sport.


Lose without excuses
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If a first baseman tags a runner out, you don't see him walk over to the dugout and start teabagging the guy, do you? Fuck no.
No but it definitely would make Baseball more interesting... and hilarious.


I'm pretty sure the original Teabag was in Street Fighter Alpha 2 arcade.

Whenever you won a round or a match, you could jump back and forth over the downed opponent for an infinite amount of time. 1996.
Teabagging actually predates the origin of man. It was first practiced by the neaderthals during a ritualistic combat when two members of the same clan fought either for dominance or in contest over the same mate. The victor would sit upon his defeated foes face thus proclaiming his superiority in front of the whole clan. This also usually really impressed the ladies. So the victor invariably scored with his cavenog.

So teabagging comes from around 35,000 B.C.