They'll never understand.

Pyromancer is practically dead because of her recovery. That's why you rarely ever see it. Dragon naginata (my favorite!!!) Don't even get me started on Kobu Jutsu. People only complain about b1 and the rekkas! I see no complaints about Sonya's Overhead-low, or Tremor's overhead rock into a low. And Quan we all know that story. But Tanya can't have a mid to overhead? It's not her fault you all duck and block against her. And the rekkas...duh, just armor through block them. She's been nerfed nearly every patch since her release, and you people still aren't happy!?!?!? What about us Tanya players?!?! What are we to do when they need her into oblivion? Yeah sure we could pick another character but it's not that easy. You people suck.
