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General/Other - Tanya Tanya buffs/nerfs for kp2


I'll be happy if they make it to where you can't cancel her b1 into her low special before the overhead comes out. No regular person is ever going to block that and that shit practically gives her a free combo.


Hay gurl hay
Hoelpefully rhey buff Dragoj nagisngaiahsha . I believe every Tanya player wants this variation back. I know I would it's the most fun to play and watch


best proclaimed hellfire scorpion
A lot of people need to just calm down when posting about buffs/nerfs. When they actually say something technical about the game, you can tell how much they know. jesus
alt of the buffs and nerfs thread are not reasonable at all . I believe my list is pretty good

Dragons Rule!!!

"I enjoy these encounters."
I don't understand. Why does everyone want them to ACTUALLY nerf kobu jutsu again? She doesn't need buffs in that variation for sure, but I don't see why a nerf either. Or is just the b1 string?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends

-Replace f2 with low option from b1
-Rework delayed rekkas to be -1 or worse on block instead of +
-EX tonfa is +5

Idk about the other two. I like the delayed rekka concept, but it needs to be tweaked.


Instead of rekkas, replace it with her throwing a handful of salt back at her opponent which heals the opponent for 5% normal salt throw and 10% delayed salt throw.Then remove all wins from every player who used Kobu in the history of MKX. Keep this patch up for about 3 weeks then nerf her accordingly.

Dragons Rule!!!

"I enjoy these encounters."
Why does everyone still hate her? First, the 2in1 special cancel, then the teleport, then the fireballs, then the pressure. Now everyone's complaining about the rekkas and b1....Can we keep something? Lol


Hay gurl hay
Lol these nerfs have me dying. I have heard through the grapevine that's she's gonna get the injustice scorpion Nerf. Butchered. Likr low mid tier now. Idk though, we will have to wait and see.


Quoting my own post from 2-3 weeks ago on how I reckon Kobu Jutsu Tanya needs adjusting since it's something I still stand by:

IMO Kobu Jutsu only needs slight nerfs. Specifically, make b1 hit double mid (because it really doesn't need to have an overhead hit), have fixed block disadvantage on delayed rekkas like others have said and... actually, those two changes alone would probably be enough.

On a personal level I also reckon that only the first rekka attack should build meter upon being used, but I can't imagine that particular opinion being too popular on here...
Pyromancer Tanya would be fine as long as she gets a few frames of recovery taken off of her fireball attacks, especially those done after a teleport. Shroud restanding opponents would be amazing... but isn't really all that necessary.

Dragon Naginata could do with b2 being -12 on block, coupled with a small start-up reduction on b1 and db2. IDK, it's hard to imagine how to make that variation anything other than a gimmick without rebuilding it from the ground up.